What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


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Way to do your jobs, American news media.



jumbled pile of person
I mean, Trump's quote speaks for itself, as do the other Republicans' inability to take it seriously. I'm not sure what good asking them more questions will do. I'm not sure what good asking them any questions ever again will do. We're at the point where if we want their opinion, we'll give it to them, because anything they have to say is going to be a lie.


Well-known member
maybe "Weird" was too ******* nice for them.

And I heard the scientists say the other day, that when a man votes for a woman, he actually transitions into a woman."



too old for this
Jesse Watters is trying very hard to be the mainstream Alex Jones. I don't think he quite has the instinct for it yet. Give it a few years.


Well-known member

Maybe just typical Trump, but it strikes me as incredibly thick that Trump believes the VP pick doesn't matter on a Presidential ticket. NOW he's got a solid base and the allegiance of the GOP House of Representatives, but that is after he became President and created a thing. Back when he actually won the Presidency, he almost didn't and I believe certainly wouldn't have if he didn't have a Vice President pick that was experienced and serious. Pence made it possible for a lot of conservatives who thought voting for Trump might be goofy to believe that a Trump White House could stay on the rails because Pence was going to be there to help him. Trump did not win without Pence.

It was a dumb move to choose Vance, but he DOES have a solid, solid base now and I'm not sure he will lose because of it, but Vance does NOT help him win the election and seems like he could hurt him. Trump saying this explains to me why he followed through with this blunder. Because he didn't have a sycophant at a key, key moment before and he wants to make sure he does, but he didn't stop short of it because he doesn't think it really matters.
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jumbled pile of person
It's worth asking whether anyone "normal" like Pence would ever agree to be Trump's running mate at this point even if he asked them to. And the answer may be a tautology—if someone did agree to be Trump's running mate, would you consider them to be "normal" or would that automatically disqualify them?


Well-known member
It's worth asking whether anyone "normal" like Pence would ever agree to be Trump's running mate at this point even if he asked them to. And the answer may be a tautology—if someone did agree to be Trump's running mate, would you consider them to be "normal" or would that automatically disqualify them?
I was very gracious with a couple of friends who voted for Trump in 2016 and voted against him in 2020 and explained to me that he'd shown his true colors in the meantime. He had shown his true colors before the mean time, but better late than never.

Pence knew who Trump was in 2016. He joined up because it might be nice to be Vice President and maybe he'd be President after. Because going on the road making speeches is attractive to him. Notoriety and relevance. He could've resigned during the first term. He stuck to the end. He helped Trump out with some stunts and always has his back until 11:59. Trump sent him across a bridge that was just BARELY too far. Pence is pretty normal. And to his credit he finally did the right thing when it was just too much. Pence got personally burned and learned his lesson, but Lindsey Graham or James Lankford would do it, I'm pretty sure. Where is the line for normal? I think Nikki Haley could be talked into it. But Trump doesn't need someone to make him look legit like he did the first time and he doesn't want someone that might cross him like the first time. So there were only Trumpy sycophants on his short list and you know what? At the end of the day what is Trumpier than suddenly liking Trump when you used to hate him because now he has something you want?


jumbled pile of person
Where is the line for normal? I think Nikki Haley could be talked into it.
I don't know where the line is. But anyone who'd be willing to get in bed with him now is living in a post-insurrection world. They already know what Trump demanded of his second in command last time, and has to consider the very likely possibility he would demand something similar again. Probably as early as day one, when he declares himself dictator and orders them to dissolve Congress.

That really leaves us with two possibilities: either they're a sycophant who would indeed agree to that... or they're deluded for thinking he won't ask it of them in the first place.

Hell, that'd be a great gotcha question for Vance: "If Trump declares himself dictator and orders you to dissolve Congress for him, what is your answer going to be?"


Well-known member
Hell, that'd be a great gotcha question for Vance: "If Trump declares himself dictator and orders you to dissolve Congress for him, what is your answer going to be?"
Did you just wake up? The answer to that is, "We don't have to worry about that. He loves America."


Well-known member
“I’ve known her a long time, indirectly, not directly very much, and she was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian, or is she Black? I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t. Because she was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden, she made a turn, and she went – she became a Black person. And I think somebody should look into that, too.” - Donald Trump

We can at least all be relieved that he respects either one.

But what the heck, man? Somebody should...look into it? Into what?

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
He's going to dispatch the same crack team of investigators who looked in Barack Obama's birth certificate all those years ago.


Well-known member
So like. Are they investigating whether or not her dad is really black or if he is really her dad?

It's just weird. I guess Trump believes he is really popular with black people and she might be trying to grab some of his constituency. I'm really not sure who the undecided voters are or the voters who may or may not show up on voting day. Among that crowd does being black help Kamala more or hurt her?

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Maybe he's got a team of people in white lab coats using beakers and Bunsen burners to determine her ratio of Black to Indian so he can decide if she's really entitled to be called either one. It's all very scientific.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
All that matters is that she's Different. His addled mind just hasn't figured out which Different to lean on yet, so he's hoping he can confuse enough other people that they'll decide for him.

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