What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


Active member
Proving for about the millionth time in the last 40 years, the pearl-clutching "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" mantra is nothing but performative nonsense. The GOP as a body cares not a single jot about children. As far as they are concerned, children are property and a means of locking women down into servitude. Children are extensions of the white patriarchal ego, not fully-realized people, so hug em. They could say "the children long for the mines" without any hint of sarcasm.


Active member
Yes, and brides are also disposable.


too old for this
Okay, I'ma need them to make a choice. Either the 14th amendment is a thing or it isn't. You don't get to pick and choose.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Thankfully it will only take two Republicans defectors in the house to kill the bill.


jumbled pile of person
Thankfully it will only take two Republicans defectors in the house to kill the bill.
And where do you think we're going to find such a thing? Getting this through has only been the crux of their party's entire platform since 1973.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Going by last session there were about 20 sane Republicans that helped us fund and keep the government open. I'd imagine half of them are pro-choice and from swing states where their job isn't safe. I think this bill will die a quick death.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
As a former Tennessean this makes me sick. It's a blatant disregard of the very fundamentals of representative democracy...

Imprisoning LAWMAKERS because of the way they vote is despotic regime level trash. If the Tennessee governor signs this thing I'm officially disavowing any link I have to the state(I still have numerous relatives who live there, which sucks). If it does become law, hopefully the courts strike it down.


jumbled pile of person
Ironically this has not convinced me that locking lawmakers up for voting a certain way is wrong. For example, everyone who voted for this horrid bill should absolutely be behind bars for life at minimum.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Well, ideally they should just be voted out of office, but this is Tennessee, unfortunately. State has always had issues, but in the past they did occasionally try a progressive thing or two. They've become completely broken over the past 20 years.


too old for this
That this passed, with a super majority, should show everyone just how fucked we really are. How deeply this orange demagogue has his claws into a major political party.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon



Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
As a lawmaker he knows good and well that if a city enacts a law that violates a state statute the courts are to decide what happens. You don't jail the city/county council members for voting yes on it ...

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