What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


jumbled pile of person
Expect to see Gaetz change his stance immediately when Trump declares martial law on day one of his presidency like he's already promised to do.


too old for this
Good of Matt Gaetz to take time away from his ethics report issues to remind us about the dangers of Marshall Law.
And remember, this is the man Trump wanted as AG!

Good on Jefferies for reminding the bootlickers that they're all opportunist scum.
and watching the clip, ooh. You could see it hit that side and boy did it sting. Beautiful.

Covert Agent Rodimal

Active member
You can't declare martial law in the United States without a war, viable threat on US soil, a national emergency such has a environmental issue that effects multiple states, or outbreak. It's easier for a state governor to declare martial law than it is the President. And Martial law in the US does not suspend the Constitution or its protections. That having been said, I'm fairly sure no one has explained that to Trump and he's still probably going to try.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Even if someone did explain it to Trump, it's almost certain he wasn't listening. And even if he was, he still won't care, because he's never had to face consequences for anything else he's done, so why start now.


Well-known member


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
What would be hilarious is if they reject said ballots and it actually ends up increasing the lead of the Democrat candidate.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Every goddamned Republican is suddenly an expert on municipal water resource management. A month ago, his only opinion on municipal politics was that property taxes are too high.
No, you drooling moron Republicans. The water reservoirs in L.A. did not run dry because of environmental regulations. They ran dry because they were drained by unprecedented demand, ie- they just weren't big enough. Illegally taking more water from rivers would not have made those reservoirs any bigger.

And if the city gov had wanted to spend millions of dollars to expand those reservoirs a year ago, people like you would have been first in line to complain that it's a waste of precious taxpayer money.
Look at all the Republicans in social media comment sections right now blasting the L.A. city government for inadequate investment in water infrastructure, after spending the last four years raging against the idea of taxing people to build better infrastructure.

I am so sick of you goddamned Republicans and your fake principles that switch on and off depending on the time of day. Please go f**k yourselves with a rusty pole.

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