What Were The Most Episodes Watched For A Single Year Of Toku And Anime?


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53 Episodes


Indigo League
82 Episodes

This includes the banned episodes I streamed.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Well typically I follow the year's Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman, so that's 130 minimum, not including other series. Dogengers adds another 13 as it's apparently going yearly... maybe another 10 for the yearly Ultra Galaxy Fight too as that's becoming a regular thing. Last year was probably my highest count beyond that, with finishing Baxinger finally and all of Sasuraiger being 50-ish alone taken together, plus newly airing series like Back Arrow.


Active member
Well I watch the Toei Ranger shows on any DVD format I can.

I can see up to Zen Kai Ranger right now and will get to Don Bros once I catch up.

Super Squadron
5 Man - Zen Kia Ranger

Pocket Monsters
1200 Episodes +
Indigo League - Ultimate Journeys
In Progress and watching each Generation as a Series

Power Rangers
1100 Episodes
MMPR - Dino Fury
(Main Episodes Completed)

With Power Rangers caught up watching Indigo League - Ultimate Journeys mainly.

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