The Drones are coming! Amazon has found the Wild Manes land! You WILL subscribe to Prime!
"Space aliens"? Okay, fine. I mean, I guess that really isn't any weirder than horses using drones with their hooves, when you get right down to it.
"Bee Bop De Boop Bow!" Bailey speaks their language! That's not weird, all surfers take "Alien" as their second language, it's common knowledge! Unfortunately, she just insulted their aunts! She cut classes so she could go surf.
I guess this beach never closes. Then again, I don't think there are any cops in the Wild Manes town. Too small to even bother with cops, I guess.
If those are smoothies or hot chocolate, these horses are going to be up all night.
Does...does Dreamer just carry around a ink-blot test around with her at all times? I see a turtle.
Cocoa knows what she likes. And her brand.
EVERYONE craves marshmallows. It's what unites us as a people.
Okay, they probably SHOULD be worried about this drone. Because for some reason it's vibrating so much that it's causing it to look really blurry. That seems like a design flaw. That thing's about ready to explode! It's probably a good idea to run away from it.
A flamingo windmane. Neat.
"I don't NEED your condescension! But I WILL accept your cocoa!"
So, who's spying on their sleepover? Someone hoping to get a peek at them having a pillow fight?
A giant mosquito? How big are the bugs on this world?
You're a talking horse, don't go throwing shade at the possible existence of alien life.
The aliens might be...not nice?! Okay, these horses haven't seen enough movies.
The masters of hiding, ladies and gentlemen.
Great, now Bailey just insulted the alien's taste in footwear. It's not their fault that they can't pull off sandals!
What do they think this thing is actually going to do? It's too small to abduct them. And this is Wild Manes, it's not like this is going to go all Phantasm on us.
She's the scatman....
These horses have no weapons to defend themselves. They need to open a karate school or self defense class in this town. Or a firing range.
Hey, hey, no size shaming here! These aliens are perfect just the way they are!
Candi, why were you testing your new drone at night? What are you up to?
It would have been nice to get a few Wild Mane-world constellation names. Oh well.
Uh oh, Brainiac's arrived! Well, I guess the Wild Manes town being a literal bottle city would explain why there's so few horses in the town.
Okay. I know Cocoa, Candy, and Bailey at this point. Who are you?
She's Dreamer. She likes sleepovers, which is probably why she's here. And she seems to be more or less the "Fluttershy" of the group.
Dreamer is a character in Wild Manes. In the toyline, she was released as one of four core horses in Summer 2024. In the animated series, she is voiced by Chelly Li and first made a cameo in episode one and made her speaking debut in episode three. The host of the best slumber parties in the...
And, yes, there IS a Wild Manes wiki. Why are you surprised?