Yeah, some of this is pretty broad speculation. And, I've been following some of it. It's just...the return of the JSA has been delayed for YEARS and some of these plot lines have been around for 4 or 5 years, at this point. Plans have clearly been changing in the middle of these storylines.
The Stargirl Spring Break Special (which came out last year) works as a prequel to this storyline, since some of the sidekicks show up there. Secret showed up here with some of the other sidekicks trapped...somewhere (or maybe sometime?). Secret shows up in all of one panel in shadows, so don't get too excited about this appearance.
The end of Flashpoint Beyond (which is out in a few months) has been teased to ALSO lead into this.
I don't know anything specifically about Secret, otherwise. With all the reboots and crisises and hypertimelines going on in DC right now, chances are some things got reset. They probably won't explain how she got her powers back right away. Darkseid's...MANY changes these last few years probably has something to do with it, maybe.
A quick summary of Darkseid's many changes:
And I think the kids will survive this time around. Geoff Johns has been trying to rebuild a bit of hope back into the DC universe for some time now. Chances are these kids might even get into the JSA itself, or start a new Infinity Inc or something.
Oh, here's another candidate for the Witch-Girl. Beulah Bleak, Klarion's sister from Seven Soldiers. I forgot all about her because she's only been in 2 issues.
The Stargirl Spring Break Special (which came out last year) works as a prequel to this storyline, since some of the sidekicks show up there. Secret showed up here with some of the other sidekicks trapped...somewhere (or maybe sometime?). Secret shows up in all of one panel in shadows, so don't get too excited about this appearance.
The end of Flashpoint Beyond (which is out in a few months) has been teased to ALSO lead into this.
I don't know anything specifically about Secret, otherwise. With all the reboots and crisises and hypertimelines going on in DC right now, chances are some things got reset. They probably won't explain how she got her powers back right away. Darkseid's...MANY changes these last few years probably has something to do with it, maybe.
A quick summary of Darkseid's many changes:
In the New 52, Darkseid fought with the Anti-Monitor and died. He was resurrected by his daughter Grail in the body of the the evil Superwoman of Earth-3's baby. He gets re-aged...then de-aged again.
During Rebirth, toddler Darkseid kills the Greek Demi-Gods and absorbs their power to become a adult again. He manipulates and works with Justice League Odyssey in order to try to create a cosmic space Ark to escape all of reality which threatens to be destroyed by the creator of the DC multiverse, Perpetua.
After the events of Death Metal where the multiverse is re-created, Darkseid is fused with all of his multiversal variants and becomes the "Prime Darkseid". During Infinite Frontier, he tries to fight against The Great Darkness, the source of all evil, but is revealed to be it's metaphorical AND literal "left hand" in Justice League Incarnate and gets brainwashed into joining it's Dark Army. Now, he is being controlled by Pariah, the last survivor of the previous multiverse, in his bid to recreate the old pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths multiverse by manipulating the nostalgia of superheroes.
...So, yeah, Darkseid's been through some stuff. Poor ol' Doug.
During Rebirth, toddler Darkseid kills the Greek Demi-Gods and absorbs their power to become a adult again. He manipulates and works with Justice League Odyssey in order to try to create a cosmic space Ark to escape all of reality which threatens to be destroyed by the creator of the DC multiverse, Perpetua.
After the events of Death Metal where the multiverse is re-created, Darkseid is fused with all of his multiversal variants and becomes the "Prime Darkseid". During Infinite Frontier, he tries to fight against The Great Darkness, the source of all evil, but is revealed to be it's metaphorical AND literal "left hand" in Justice League Incarnate and gets brainwashed into joining it's Dark Army. Now, he is being controlled by Pariah, the last survivor of the previous multiverse, in his bid to recreate the old pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths multiverse by manipulating the nostalgia of superheroes.
...So, yeah, Darkseid's been through some stuff. Poor ol' Doug.
And I think the kids will survive this time around. Geoff Johns has been trying to rebuild a bit of hope back into the DC universe for some time now. Chances are these kids might even get into the JSA itself, or start a new Infinity Inc or something.
Oh, here's another candidate for the Witch-Girl. Beulah Bleak, Klarion's sister from Seven Soldiers. I forgot all about her because she's only been in 2 issues.
Beulah Bleak (New Earth)
Beulah is the older sister of Klarion the Witch-Boy. Beulah lived a quiet life assisting her mother Charity, until one day when the Sheeda began appearing in her native Limbo Town. The Submissionaries who ran the town, believing that the Sheeda had come to punish the town for wickedness...
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