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  1. Hyrule Town Square

    Not a surprise, although it's nice to see it mentioned in something official. Breath wasn't concerned with fitting in the established timelines, and Tears wasn't the slightest bit subtle about the two being their own thing that was only using elements from the rest of the series as desired.
  2. Hyrule Town Square

    Fighting an evil Link... is not a surprise. I'm guessing that the "mysterious sword" is somehow possessed of Link's will, though. Also, Zelda might get the sword by beating up Link.
  3. The Nintendo Thread of Jumping, Slashing, and Home Decorating

    Microsoft put up a trailer for the new Perfect Dark a week or two ago, so whatever happened, it isn't dead now.
  4. Sonic The Hedgehog

    Mind you, American-made series were written with knowledge of those limitations, so they knew how to work around them. This resulted in the somewhat odd situation where it looked like American series were allowed to have violence and dangerous situations, while anime had to be censored to hell...
  5. Sonic The Hedgehog

    Shadow pulled out wings made of bladed tentacles. Yep. His edgelord powers remain strong.
  6. Police behaving badly

    Isn't there some kind of rule about declaring someone dead without a body? To prevent insurance fraud, if nothing else. I know of at least one case where someone was tried and executed for the murder of someone that had just skipped town. You'd think that the police would also know about that.
  7. The Random YouTube Thread

    Hmn. What's your ad block doing? In Vivaldi, there's generally an ad every other row, so it sounds like your ad block settings are blocking the ads without putting anything in their place.
  8. Hyrule Town Square

    I think that it was bit too close of a tie. Tears was pretty unambiguous about being it's own thing, and the Zonai flying islands seemingly replaced it in the story. Even aside from being a bit big of a reference, it doesn't fit the architecture used by the Zonai.
  9. The US Supreme Court and its decisions

    Technically, it's already possible to impeach/remove Justices, it's just that Congress is already jacked up. There really needs to be a better system of accountability, but the people that are supposed to fix the problem are now part of the problem, so fixing things is gonna be pretty unpleasant.
  10. The Kaiju Thread of Building-Smashing, Flame-Breathing, and Slam-Dunking

    I haven't seen this here, and I thought that some people would be interested.
  11. The Kaiju Thread of Building-Smashing, Flame-Breathing, and Slam-Dunking

    Huhn. Why is Godzilla purple? I wasn't sure if it was him at first, but the title seems to make that pretty clear. On the one limb, this already looks like it's going to be a mess. On another, it's got Godzilla and Kong teaming up to punch the crap out of something, so I'm watching.
  12. Captain Laserhawk on Netflix (crossover with Rayman, Assassin's Creed, Splinter Cell, Beyond Good and Evil)

    The first episode ended with Laserhawk betrayed and nearly killed by his lover, then enslaved by the authorities, so I'd say that it continued as it started. It's just... Usually a series would lighten up a bit by the end, but this had a downer ending. And middle. Kind of a grim story, under...
  13. The Nintendo Thread of Jumping, Slashing, and Home Decorating

    Hmmn. They didn't mention a Mario & Luigi game... Adding to the magical girl references, Princess Peach's new gimmick makes me think that it's a G-rated Cutey Honey game.
  14. Mass Effect

    ME3 was a game that needed to end five or ten minutes sooner.
  15. Sonic The Hedgehog

    Watching the season...
  16. PS 3 - PS 5

    Don't SSDs have shorter lifespans? That makes them a bit situational, even if generally superior for gaming.
  17. The Random YouTube Thread

    If you pause the video, it's possibly to read some of the backstory off of the back of that package. Preeeeetty sure Ray Razor isn't attracted to the Necronite leader. Also, I'm not sure if the Necronites are supposed to be the bad guys even in the toyline.
  18. The Random YouTube Thread

    Thought that some people here might be interested in this.
  19. The Random Image Thread

    Okay, I think I got it... , but I have no idea of how the Mona Lisa and Fonzie are to supposed fit.
  20. Florida, Florida, Florida

    I'm.... Morbidly curious, but pretty sure I don't want a lot of detail

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