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Allsparker Steevy Maximus shares that has the exclusive lowdown on the next Transformers toyline, just in time for Toy Fair 2025. Premiering this summer on YouTube as "an original YouTube series consisting of 36 five-minute shorts", Transformers: Cyberworld will see familiar Transformers characters like Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Elita-1, and Megatron thrust into literal unfamiliar territory -- the titular Cyberworld. (Collider says "Coming off of last summer's Transformers: One, but it's not clear if this is in reference to those four character names or a hint at a continuation.) These video-game-like, mecha-inspired adventures and battles "pit friends and foes against each other in a constant fight to survive that may require putting trust in mortal enemies." The toyline seems to reflect some of that intriguing, delightfully bonkers energy, with everything from a hefty, wildly neon-y Scorponok (the Scorponok Strike Battle Set, $59.99) to a bull-mode Megatron to a jet-mode Mirage to what seems to be the first dragon Galvatron since BW2 (er, not counting RID2001's redeco INTO Galvatron) to a Sky Byte on wheels to a... Junkion Dinobot? Here's what Collider has to report about the different offerings: Transformers Cyberworld hits shelves in July (Cyber Changers) and August (Scorponok Strike Battle Set). Sooo... how many Sky-Byte-Mobiles are YOU getting? Allspark Forums Discord Server X Facebook Page Bluesky Instagram
Toy Fair 2025 is under way and brand after brand, toymaker after toymaker has fans eager to see the rest of the year play out! You know, as is tradition. Hasbro has committed to "Play To Win" in 2025 and beyond, with updates for their existing IPs and licenses and some innovative new directions as well. Included in all this is an all-new IP called Nano-mals! Here are some announcements from the home of toys based on Transformers, Marvel, Furby, and more: What are you looking forward to most from Toy Fair 2025? Allspark Forums Discord Server X Facebook Page Bluesky Instagram
As the Liokaiser HasLab project continues on its march towards victory, one of Hasbro's designers, Evan, popped into the Hasbro Pulse YouTube channel to give us another peek at the newly-rechristened "Chest-force". In the video, we get to see the prototype sculpts in all three of their modes, with a little Chest manipulation going on as well. Plus, size comparisons with Hound, HasLab Saber, and of course, HasLab Deathsaurus. You've probably made you mind up about this set already, but if this has somehow swayed you one way or the other, we'd love to hear about it in the comments below! Thanks to Superomegaprime and Sabrblade for bringing it up in the HasLab Reveal thread! Join the Allspark today.
Takara-Tomy released a teaser image of an new upcoming release as part of their Dramatic Capture Series. This time, it is the 3 Autobot Origins figures, Jazz, Bumblebee, and Wheeljack! This will be the third release in TT's Dramatic Capture series, which features previously released figures with new paint apps. More information to come as on this as it becomes available. In the meantime, come join the discussion of this and all the Dramatic Capture line in our thread in our Forums.
Posted on Takara Tomy's official Twitter page, we get a silhouetted image of the Missing Link Arcee mold that we have seen before as well as one with a cartoon accurate head. Could this mean that we are getting two different versions of this toy right off the bat? Stay tuned for more details as we get them! Thanks to Allspark forum member Sabrblade for the heads up!
You know the drill. Mark Maher has shared another behind the scenes look at an upcoming release. This time it's Age of the Primes Air Raid. Source: Instagram Join the Allspark today.
The year 2019 was a long time ago... well, long enough, anyway. Some people weren't even in the hobby of collecting Transformers at the time, if you can believe it. Heck, there are people alive today who weren't even born yet! All of which is to say, there are reasons why someone might have missed the boat -- or plane, as the case may be -- on two of the Transformers - War for Cybertron: Siege 4-packs that were available at the time. But fear not! For apparently, in some way or another, the folks over at In Demand Toys have gotten their hands on re-runs of these, er, in-demand toys! The Transformers - War for Cybertron: Siege "Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce Pack" includes a redeco of Sideswipe in his Generation 2 colors, a retool of Siege Skytread with a new head to make Slamdance, and the Battle Master known as Trenchfoot. Have a gander: On the other side of the coin, the Transformers - War for Cybertron: Siege "Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron Pack" redecoes Starscream as Skywarp, and hooks him up with redecoes of Battle Masters Firebolt and Aimless as Fracas and Shrute, respectively, while Pteraxadon is redecoed into the delightfully-named Terror-Daxtyl. Look on, if you dare: Both are available for pre-order now from In Demand Toys for £39.16 each, with the Autobots here and the Decepticons here. Now, if none of Hasbro's current/upcoming offerings tickle your fancy, at least you now have another avenue for giving them your money! Thanks to Powered Convoy for the tip! Update: Now the packs are available from US retailer BigBadToyStore! Order the Decepticon pack here, and the Autobot pack here.
Mark Maher's not done. We also have a look at Age of the Primes Sky-Byte. This guy's gotten quite a few modern toys now, and this one looks like the best yet. It's thoroughly slavish to the original design, but with some exciting new features. Source: Instagram Join the Allspark today.
We had reveals this weekend and you know what that means. Mark Maher's behind the scenes showcases have already begun, starting with Age of the Primes Heatwave. Source: Instagram Join the Allspark today.
MSN has posted images of the next Haslab project: Liokaiser! This new version includes all 6 main members of the Breastforce team, all Breastforce animal partners, and even a Deathcobra figure! Accessories include a stand and spear. A gallery of the images is mirrored below: Stay tuned to the forum thread for more details as they emerge! Not yet a member? Join the Allspark today.
Allspark member TriBlurr brings us our first look at Age of the Primes Voyagers Skybyte and Heatwave! Skybyte is a new mold that transforms from roboshark to robopoet, while Heatwave is a remold of Legacy Bulkhead. Pictures of all modes are below: Want to discuss this news? Write a sonnet describing your love for the baddest shark in town? Join the discussion in our Age of the Primes thread on the Allspark Forums: Not yet a member? Join the Allspark today.
Takara Tomy's official Transformers Twitter/X page has announced a silver, white, and black redeco of the upcoming T-Spark/Synergenex Monster Hunter x Transformers "Rathalos Prime". Preorders for Silver Rathalos Prime are set to go live on February 13, 2025. Where does the Rathalos Prime rank on your list of anticipated upcoming releases? How does the Silver version fare? Allspark Forums Discord Server X Facebook Page Bluesky Instagram
Retailer In Demand Toys has new stock images up for upcoming EarthSpark figures, featuring Deluxe class incarnations of Soundwave and Terran Hashtag. Unlike the Takara "DX" release, this iteration of Hashtag appears to be its own mold rather than a slight retool of the Warrior class release. Did you already get the Takara DX Hashtag, or the Hasbro Warrior class release? Or are you after more EarthSpark Decepticons? Allspark Forums Discord Server X Facebook Page Bluesky Instagram
Mark Maher is at it again, this time with a behind the scenes look at Age of the Primes Fugitive Waspinator. Source: Instagram Join the Allspark today.
Because it's impossible to get enough of this toy, Mark Maher has continued his showcase of Age of the Primes Star Convoy, aka Star Optimus Prime. Source: Instagram Join the Allspark today.
Thanks to a user on X, we have our first sneak peak at what will be coming with the new Transformers line known as Cyberworld. The first four character reveals seem to be: -Optimus Prime -BumbleBee -Grimlock -MEGABULL Megabull appears to be the Megatron Bull that prototype that has been appearing online recently. We here at the AllSpark will get you more information on this line as it becomes available. In the meantime, feel free to join in the discussions in the Cyberworld Thread here at the AllSpark or feel free to reply right here at let us know what you think!
The moment has arrived. Mark Maher has shared a behind the scenes look at what may be the greatest Transformers toy in decades: Age of the Primes Star Convoy. I'm not saying Star Optimus Prime. Sorry. Source: Instagram Join the Allspark today.
While Takara did show off a bunch of new Transformers at T-Spark Zone 2025, including Synergenex Macross 7 x Transformers Basara Convoy, we want to focus on the first reveal of a colored prototype of the Missing Link Arcee toy! Thanks to Allspark member LordGigaIce for the heads up about these new in color images! Previously we had only seen this prototype in gray when it was shown to gauge interest. Now we have it in color among the next two toys of this line: Fan reaction to this Arcee toy has been overwhelmingly positive, so let's hope that Takara will make this cool retro toy! Want to interact with more Transformers fans? Register for an account on our forums today! Be sure to Follow us on Twitter @AllsparkNews and Give our Facebook page a like as well as our Instagram! Not a fan of Forums? Check out our Facebook Group and discuss with us your thoughts on the discord
From Tformers and brought to our attention by Steevy Maximus, we get our first look at the new Swapticons line! The pics show the Optimus / Ultra Magnus duo in and out of package, with the back of the package showing some additional characters: The line will be made up of stylized, simplified bots reminiscent of the old Bot Shots line that can form either the front or back of a combined vehicle or animal when combined with a second toy. Transformation and combination seem to consist of locking the two characters' heads together and twisting. Pop on into the forums to discuss this new reveal here in the Swapticon thread. Not yet registered? Join the Allspark today.
Hasbro Pulse is ready to make fans' heads spin as they prepare a little -- or rather, a big Tryp down memory lane ahead of tomorrow's Transformers Tuesday showcase. For starters, the recently-announced Transformers: Age of the Primes version of Titan Class Trypticon will be available for pre-order beginning tomorrow, January 14th. This mold was first released back in 2017 as part of the Titans Return line, but will now be available in a more cartoon-accurate color scheme, versus the more toy-oriented deco of the original. More surprising is the reveal of a new 2-pack under the Age of the Primes banner, featuring new versions of Spinister and Topspin. Spinister is the War for Cybertron: Siege mold, and not only arrives in more comic-accurate colors, but also with his previously MIA Targetmaster partners, Hairsplitter and Singe in tow! Meanwhile, the Titans Return Topspin mold is decked out to match his Jumpstarter and Wrecker partner Twin Twist's Amazon-exclusive Legacy figure from the Wreck N' Rule Collection, utilizing a Diaclone color scheme. And for the lore nuts out there (or maybe this is just branding), he still comes with Freezeout, but now, rather than being referred to as a "Titan Master," he's been officially dubbed a Headmaster! Head On! According to Hasbro Pulse, with regards to the 2-pack: And finally, this whole batch of Studio Series figures will go up tomorrow as well: The whole lot of these (and more?) will be a part of the Transformers Product Showcase on the Hasbro Pulse YouTube Channel at 1pm EST. These will all open for pre-order at the same time the show starts, except the 2-pack, for which you'll have to be a Premium member in order to put your money down before 2pm EST. Eager to get your hands on these new toys and variants? Frustrated because your Premium membership just affords you a new opportunity to miss out as scalpers swoop in? Shout all about it in the comments below! Join the Allspark today.
We have a newsletter from TFSource. New Instock Items! - TOYSEASY Metal Souls YW2411 BB-64 USS Wisconsin Battleship WIS - Newage the Legendary Heroes H67V Varan G2 Limited Edition - VF-25S Armored Messiah Valkyrie Ozma Lee Machine Revival Version DX Chogokin | Macross Frontier | Bandai Spirits - GX-50SP COM-BATTLER V 50th Anniversary Version Soul of Chogokin | Super Electromagnetic Robo Combattler V | Bandai Spirits - Transformers Masterpiece MP-60 Ginrai - Fantastic Model - Fans Toys FM-02 Margh - G1 Galaxy Version Vol. 3 Box of 9 Blind Box Model Kits | Transformers | Blokees - IF-EX75 Oosarushogun | Iron Factory Iron Samurai - MTRC-10 Golden Hour Christmas Exclusive | MakeToys Colorverse | Recolor Series Limited Edition 200 - MB-21 Tsunami | Fans Hobby Master Builder New Preorders! - Fans Hobby Master Builder MB-20C X-Load Limited Edition Purple Version - DK-51R Upgrade Kit for Transformers Leader Class WFC-S40 Optimus Prime | DNA Design - Nemesis Prime Mechanic Bust | Transformers Bust Generation I Unix Square - Transformers Masterpiece G MPG-09 Super Ginrai - DB-01 Dinosaur Warrior - Nemesis Goddess 1/100 Scale Model Kit | Infinity Nova | IN ERA+ - MB-25 Aero Blade | Fans Hobby Master Builder - FT-59 Sovereign 2.0 | Fans Toys - DST02-002 Hook Warrior | Dream Star Toys Combiner - BT-07 Jezzy | BingoToys ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Have you signed up for Source Points yet? Earn points with every purchase towards Freebies! Accumulated points and want to redeem them? Click the following link to enroll or redeem your points today! Source Points - TF Source ________________________ ________________________ Become a fan of TFSource today! Why go to the store when you can go to the SOURCE! ________________________ You can also follow us on Twitter!

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