31 Days of Halloween (2022)


This is how a unicorn comments
Caldwin is talking about Vampires, and ironically my Halloween Stream this year is going to end up being all Werewolves. I didn't plan it that way, but after looking at three of the movies and how two dealt mostly with wolves and the third still had a werewolf in it. I just went hug it and went all in.

So now the line up is:

Scooby Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf. (Unless we've seen that one, then I'll be doing the other Scooby Doo movie with werewolves.)
Monster Mash (2000 animated movie. About the classic monsters having to go up against more modern ones. Like a fusion between Freddy Kruger and Jason called 'Freddy D. Spaghetti.')
My sister is a werewolf
Saturday the 14th strikes back. (Never seen it, but saw a review that makes it look rather wild, and the mother does start to become a werewolf, so screw it, it counts)
The Company of Wolves. Movie with the late Angela Lansbury. Saw another review about this on youtube. Looked wild so I figured I'd grab it. Besides you can't really go wrong when Angela Lansbury is involved.
Wolfen. Another youtube video letting me know about it. The concept interested me. It seems it's kind of a murder mystery movie just with a werewolf (or more) It's supposed to be really good so I'm hoping.

If we have more time for another movie I've got a couple that aren't about werewolves I can do. I might need to see about just one (that has a werewolf) more just in case I need it and want to keep the theme going.


This is how a unicorn comments
My only sorta concern is it's not really 'Halloween' but I'm hoping my watchers won't mind.

Also found out I was typing the wrong title to one of my movies. It's not "My sister is a werewolf." (That's apparently the subtitle to a Howling movie?)

The actual title is: "The boy who cried werewolf"

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
I know that around this time of year, on this board, I get a bit of a fixed idea. Something that just won't release its (her?) grip on my mind.

But it does seem a bit topical to give us "Horror Book Recommendations from an AI".

There will be some jumpy editing near the end. Which is to be expected if you know the source material, but, for those who don't, You Have Been Warned.


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
(Just a side comment that I was really annoyed that there was no werewolf vs D fight in Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust. They only showed the werewolf dead. Boo! I wanted to see him fight with his tummy teeth.

Also, Kyle with middle evil brother had a fantastic voice)


Just plain batty!
So I re-read Carmilla last month. I'm trying to read Carrie this month, but it's been really slow going. I've read it once before. But it's been a while and I forget a lot.

I also have It on Kindle, but I saw how long it was and noped right out.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
I've come back to reading Anno Dracula, which can be considered alternate fictional history. Basically, Vlad III Tepes wins his first confrontation against Van Helsing's company in London, and from his new power base makes the United Kingdom a haven for vampirekind -- cementing this by marrying Queen Victoria.

As with League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, a lot of characters from different works get a look at the "current" storyline (involving a unique take on Jack the Ripper). The Titan Books edition has annotations in the back in case you missed a reference.

There are sequels, which take the fictive history into the 1970s, but I am pretty happy with the first book on its own.


Just plain batty!
I just finished Carrie. I highly suggest reading the book if you've only seen the movies. It really delves in to some of the thought processes of some of the characters better, particularly Carrie and Sue. It also really goes into detail of the kind of damage Carrie did to the town, not just the school.

It does make me wish they would do a mini-series that actually stayed more faithful to the book. I mean, I know a lot of things just can't translate between mediums. But some things like:

For one reason or another Sue heads to the school (not explained in the original but she gets a text from Chris in the remake). She witnesses the Black Prom and follows Carrie to her house to confront her.

Sue never made it to the school to see things go down. The town is already in flames and she tries to catch up with Carrie, tracking her throw the town, the White household and only finding her outside the Cavalier tavern where things happen I'll explain below.

Christine Hargenson and Billy Nolan
Christine drops the blood and they get out of there. Somehow they run into Carrie on the road. Original movie, Billy tries to run Carrie down with Christine egging him on. Remake, Billy tries to run Carrie down, dies. Christine tries to run Carrie down, dies.

Christine drops the blood and they get out of there. They go back to the Cavalier tavern where they have sex of ambiguous consent. The wake up to someone pounding on the door and telling them the town is on fire. They get in the car so they can go see things burn. Before they make it out of the parking lot, Carrie is standing in front of them. Billy tries to run Carrie down while Christine internally screams she didn't mean to kill Carrie. They both die.

Carrie White:
Burns school down. Walks home with various amounts of town damage depending on the version. Christene and Billy find her on the road and try to run her down as described above. She makes it home And confronts her mother. Her mother stabs her. She crucifies her mother. She brings the house down on herself. In the 2002 TV movie (it's been a while since I've seen it, so check me on this), Carries mother tries Drown her while sh's in the bath. Carrie stops her mothers heart. Carrie survives.

In all versions, she only intentionally kills: the prom goers, Christine/Billy and her mother. It's also ambiguous how much control she has over her powers depending on the version. Her powers also don't seem to harm her in any way.

There's a lot of back and forth flashback from different characters perspectives. Luckily they timestamp everything thing. So here I go....

10:07 - the buckets drop. Carrie's covered in blood. Tommy gets hot in the head by a bucket and dies instantly. Carrie runs out of the gym, completely embarrassed. After collecting herself, she goes back to just outside the gym, locks everyone in and sets it burning. She leaves, busting open all the fire hydrants as she leaves so they'll be empty when the fire department gets there.

11:00 - Teddy Duchamp's (a name you may recognize from Stand By Me) Amoco gas station explodes.

11:15 - Citgo gas station explodes.

12:06 - Gas Main opens up.

12:07-12:12 - Carrie goes into a church to pray and finds no solace. As she leaves, she sees a crowd and drops power lines on all of them. Very few survived.

12:17 Gas Main explodes

Around 1:15 - Carrie confonts her mother. Her mother stabs her in the shoulder with a butcher knife and Carrie causes her moth heart to stop.

AFTER confronting her mother, Carrie goes to the Cavalier tavern because she thinks that's where she was conceived and she wants to burn it down. This is where she kills Christine and Billy.

2:00 - Sue finds Carrie at the Cavelier. Between the blood loss from the knife and the toll her powers have taken on her body, Carrie is nearly dead. She dies not long after.

Shes definitely in control of her powers. She doesn't just burn down the school and thus her tormentors. She purposely burns the entire school down with a lot of innocent people. Her powers also take a toll on her heart which is partly what kills her.[/spoiler

Spoiler tagged to make tl:dr more skippable. But yeah, there's a lot there that I'd really like to see make it into a movie. It makes Carrie more unambiguously accountable for her actions.It also rearranges some scenes that the movies always get wrong.


This is how a unicorn comments
Alright! Halloween stream was today! We've seen the movies. Here are the verdicts:

Reluctant Werewolf is fun for an old school Scooby movie, but I kinda see why the franchise hit a snag around this time.
Monster Mash is about what you'd expect from this sorta kids movie thing. It's not bad.
The Boy who Cried Werewolf. For a family Halloween movie, not too bad! Though there is a running joke about wolves howling at a person's name they run into the GROUND.

Saturday the 14th Strikes Back. This movie is WEIRD, but it gives it a certain charm. It's worth watching with friends to make fun of it.

The Company of Wolves. Has some neat visuals, and Angela Lansbury is a gem, but all in all it's just kinda okay. I'm glad I have it, but it won't be something I return to often.

Wolfen. Honestly the weakest of the night. There IS an audience for this, but that audience isn't me. It's a bit too much of a slow burn for little pay off in my opinion.

Wolfwalkers. This was about as amazing as you'd think. I'm glad I ended on it, because it was the best of the night by FAR.

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