Agatha All Along! Mysticism in MCU

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw the first two eps and I liked them a lot! Kathryn Hahn is pretty fun to watch, incident in ep1 notwithstanding.

Ep1 had callbacks to WandaVision, which were great if you enjoyed watching it. The intro was amazing, haha. While the ep is basically filling space, it goes a long way in establishing the atmosphere and tone. The mystery she was solving was a little heartbreaking for me.

Ep2 has... references I don't know. I know the name of Kale from comics but the other two witches, I can't tell if are new or not. I love that it got creepy but also actually funny, especially with the Nameless.

I have a theory on the fourth name...

it was a heart written in black ink. The old lady gardener was name dropped as Hart but I think it's a false lead. If she is fake, I don't know how they opened the Witch's Road.

I got a hint of a past relationship between Agatha and Aubrey Plaza so Aubrey could be the heart, just estranged. It explains why Agatha didn't want to bring her into it, since they're ex's. Aubrey doesn't look like a Green Witch tho.

But the literal answer is a Blackheart. He might be involved. Genderswitched or whatever. Mephisto might be involved if his son is around.

Oh, the revelation that it's Wanda's body being crushed to death is sad :( if it's real, she really did die in the Multiverse of Madness movie. The explosion of scarlet energy when the rock fell wasn't a Portal but her getting snuffed out. Very sad :(

Btw, what's Agatha's specialty? Divination, Potions... I forgot the thief, and Green. What's missing?


Well-known member
The fortuneteller's name comes from a one-off antagonist from 1973 who summoned the Serpent Crown and ended up dead by the end of the story. Jennifer Kale they similarly took the name and not much else. Aubrey Plaza's character and the child of the rockstar seem to be entirely new (or at least the Marvel Wiki has nothing on them outside of this show).

Nicholas Scratch got namechecked in the first episode as Agnes's presumably dead child, but given Agatha's messed up state of mind there's no real way to tell if they meant Agatha's son (and leader of Salem's Seven) from the comics, or the folkloric nickname for the devil from whom Marvel took the name.

As to spoilery speculation, I figure there's a small chance "Mrs. Hart" really is a witch who is playing a VERY deep game, but the identity-obfuscated "Teen" might have been the actual fifth. They didn't notice the doorway to the Witch's Road until he entered the basement, and it might not even have appeared until he got close enough. Him being a reincarnation of Scratch is also a possibility.



Guess whos back
I was actually pleasantly surprised. I had kind of dismissed the show from the first trailer but I've rewatched the two episodes twice now at this point and the song is great.

I'm probably wrong but I think the Mrs. Hart/Black Heart thing is a Potter/Longbottom situation. Either was a valid choice thus the vagueness in the divination. Ultimately Agatha chose "Hart" over "Heart" In the end the road opened without Rio and "Hart" does have indications of having some connection to the earth. It's also one of the only ways Agatha would have identified her as she didn't know the name Sharon Davis until after talking to her. It could even be that ulimately Hart is the better choice somehow

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh yeah, the Witches Road song was amazing! I was just listening to it again, hehe.

Huh, I actually didn't think of the possibiloty both Dvandom and Monique's theories. The timing of the sudden appearance of the gate IS suspect. And there could have been secret chanting? Maybe? But I love the idea of Agatha twisting the fourth name to suit her choice.

I only know of the Salem Seven from... a Wizard freebie Deadpool 1/2 issue where Armij Zola resurrects a bunch of dead Marvel characters so Deadpool can kill them off in funny ways.


Guess whos back
A couple more things of note upon rewatch and reflection
While the witches are fighting due to the door not showing up "Hart" is the one to suddenly spot the door and put an end to the argument (Teen is still upstairs dealing with the 7 trying to get in, he doesn't come downstairs until the coven has opened the door fully up.

Also in the very first episode of Wandavision they have a dinner date with Mr and Mrs Hart on August 23. To denote this they put a heart on the calendar which, due to the episode being in black and white, is a 'black heart'


Well-known member
Okay, looks like Alice Gulliver is based on a relatively recent (2016) character, "The Wu." And Witches' Road was something from relatively recent comics as well (the explanation for how comics Agatha got returned to life and de-aged).


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Pleeeeeease say Sharon Hart whatever is a comic character too.

Saw the third ep.

Luuuuuvd it!

I regularly undergo that type of 'trial' on my birthday (for birthday discount) so I loved seeing this. It was also freaky as hex. Tense AF. Was it the music? Gosh dang. Either way, edge of my seat.

Reminded me of the trials from the American Horror Story Witchcraft season.

I think we know how the rest of the three eps will go but I hope this ep doesn't always follow the pattern.

Also the Divination Witch saying stuff needs to have more obvious cues when she's seeing the future. She cuz says it so casually at times.

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
Really liking this so far.

Seems to be avoiding a common streaming problem from shows like this, which is either spending too much time or dragging on dull or poorly executed things, or rushing through what should be impactfull, interesting or exciting. Sometimes both. This is nailing the pacing so far, both episode to episode and as a series.

It's also got me on my toes, I'm really not sure what to expect. Is she really dead? Is the next episode going to open with her sitting up taking a big gasp and quiping about that stuff tasting like it could wake the dead? Is she a disguise or an illusion?

"Teen" is also curious. Seemed pretty obvious that he was Wiccan, but then this episode has overly obvious foreshadowing that he is Agatha's kid. Seems like a fake out, but what if it's both? Agatha trades Nicholas for the Darkhold to Mephisto. Then Mephisto uses him as a fake child for Wanda to try to control her.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I actually didn't know that Agatha had a
kid in the comics. If they do combine Billy Wiccan with Nicolas Scratch, well, it won't be until Billy gets older before he turns evil. Which would be an awesome twist. Btw, if Billy is around, where is Speed going to pop up?

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Watched ep3. Not as good as the previous eps but still ok. The wardrobe is jaw dropping and can't believe Disney Marvel would do that kind of exposure again.

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