G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal


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Tiger Force Flint and Python Patrol Ninja


788 Fire Team and a Techno Viper tease

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Tiger Force Flint was looking REALLY good until that face paint. I don’t mind the addition of it, but the application here (the black band across his eyes) is a bit..bland and lack personality, relative to what Tunnel Rat and Dusty ended up getting. While I applaud new concepts and idea, the Python Ninja feels a little safe to me. I wish they had a gone a little heavier into the yellow and grey scheme, give it some pop.

Everybody else looking solid. I’ve had to cut back, but it’s been hard. Hasbro is really doing a solid job on these.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Also, Super7 is REALLY starting to flex themselves, with the reveal of ReAction Trouble Bubbles and a Cobra Mothership (the one from the opening of ARAH season 1. Yes, reportedly, Super7 IS planning on offering this for sale.

If Super7 starts offering 3.75” vehicles, that entire line could explode, IMO.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
That's why I finally got a clearenced Megatron HISS, so even though it's not amazing, with a sticker set it will go with what I already have. And even pre-stickering, my nephew wanted to borrow it so it's apparently a hit reguardless of reputation!


Well-known member
I hope you enjoy paying $200 for a HISS that has less moving parts than the original.
Yeah, this is the sticking point. Would they start doing less detailed versions of Joe toys to match the cartoon aesthetic of the ReAction line?

Then again - S7 is just crazy enough they might give us a new USS Flagg.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I think I'd rather see Lanard or Spin Master do new Joe vehicles, if only because of the price. Not saying I've never paid full price for a Super7 offering, but I watch for clearance prices pretty closely.

That said, S7 has some pretty far-out ideas, and they are likely to do some interesting stuff if they dip into vehicles more. I guess I should say I am cautiously interested in what they have in store...

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Super7 is going a LOT more into GI Joe than, arguably, Hasbro is. Like their fantastic looking pop up store at SDCC: The Cobra Global Operations location. This is also where the info about the Snake Mothership first came out.
ReAction or not…seeing that wall of carded GI Joe figures just triggers some dormant memories from my childhood. I’m resisting Ultimates, but Cobra La might break me. And I firmly believe Super7 to be crazy enough to DO Cobra La stuff.


Well-known member
Name only Reveals

Retro Duke
Retro Scarlett

Render reveals (I'll post pics when good ones are out):
General Hawk
Python Patrol Copperhead
Python Patrol Trooper
Crimson Strike Team (Baroness & Twins)
VAMP with Clutch
SMS with Techno-Viper

Preorders July 22:

788 Fire Team (Pulse Exclusive)
Tripwire (Pulse Exclusive)

Preorders July 24:
Steel Corp Trooper 2 Pack (Amazon/Fanchannel)
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Well-known member
Tripwire was one of my favorite early joes. I love that they have him his classic look not just a modern one.

-ZacWilliam, I'll probably buy Steel Brigade too but Tripwire is the win here for me.


Active member
HISS fire team and Tripwire now live on Pulse for non-premium people. I got a Fire team and decided to call it good.


Well-known member
Buzzer really makes me think of David Tennant

-ZacWilliam, Ripper was the only original Dreadnok I had as a kid but I never liked the toy's big weird head so I'm having trouble deciding if I have nostalgia for him or not.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Right now, the only issues with me buying GI Joe stuff is on me. There really isn’t much there to fault. The upcoming reveals look solid, I’m eagerly awaiting looks at Retro Duke.
I like how they expanded on Tripwire, much like they did with Snow Job. I knew waiting would net me the Python Patrol Copperhead I REALLY want, and the decisions made on Hawk I approve all around.

the biggest surprise to me is probably the reveal of Clutch and the Vamp. That is a fairly big step in bringing more expansive vehicles to the line, and I’m curious how it will turn out. The VAMP also opens up quite a number of redeco options to get more mileage from the mold.
Also love the marketing team’s efforts in “linking” the SDCC Chuckles set with the Pulsecon Crimson Strike Team.

That said, I’m not sure I’ll ever lose that part of me that craves a solid, affordable, kids line. Especially after seeing how Marvel Epic Heroes, and X-Men 97 in particular, turned out. Even so, I can’t see myself passing on Python Copperhead or Hawk with how some of the recent figures have turned out.

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