G1 Episodes Available on YouTube! Again! (And Again!)


Well-known member
They took the first four episodes off their youtube channel.
A real surprise would be having the first three episodes reanimated.

With the expense that would entail there's no way at all they would keep it a surprise.

If they were to drop that much cash they'd be announcing that new animation everywhere all the time as loud as they could.

ZacWilliam, they absolutely would not shut up about something like that.


Well-known member
So it's all really just a platform to sell Transformers One to the fans. oh well.
Maybe for the 50th.....


Continuity Nutcase
Wasn't sure if I'd be able to see this, but I just got myself a ticket. I didn't want to request the time off of work, so I waited to see which day(s) I had off on my schedule for that week. Sure enough, they gave me the 15th off, so I got a seat for a 7:15 showing that night.

Though, I gotta say, my local AMC sure did put all four screenings of this event (two on the 15th at 7pm and 7:15pm, and one per day on the 18th and 19th at Noon) in the absolute tiniest theater rooms they had.


Well-known member
Saw this last night when I took my kids to see The Phantom Menace.


Staff member
Council of Elders
It's crazy how this is easier than getting their shows a good timeslot on TV.


Continuity Nutcase
Just got back from tonight's presentation. It was... alright.

It began with a short welcome video from two Hasbro people, BMac and a lady whose name I can't remember. They greet the audience and briefly showed off a a display of some Legacy United Wave 1 figures and some Studio Series figures that we've all already seen and all in-package. Nothing new.

It then played a commercial for the EarthSpark Cyber Combiner toys, the same commercial that can currently be found on TV, YouTube, and streaming services that have ads.

Then we got a legit sneak peek at an upcoming episode of EarthSpark season 2, a full scene in which the Autobots, Terrans, Maltos, and Megatron were all fighting to keep an "Embershard" away from Starscream, Skywarp, Skullcruncher, and I think one other Decepticon. It was a new action scene with so many characters fighting at an outdoor storage yard and nearly everyone getting a brief moment to shine. Elita-1 and Skywarp had a reall up-close-and-personal fight between each other, with Jawbreaker providing backup for Elita.

They also played a commercial for Hasbro's fan streams using a lot of existing footage from many past streams.

There was also a commercial played for Skybound's Energon Universe comics, highlighting panels and artwork from Transformers, Void Rivals, and G.I. Joe.

There was even a commercial for Transformers: The Ride 3D at Universal Studios. It's still around and kickin', apparently.

The main presentation finally began with the table reading, and it was not at all what I was expecting. I thought it was just gonna be Peter Cullen and Frank Welker reading a few lines from MTMTE in their Optimus and Megatron voices, like maybe a script reading of the Sherman Dam fight or something. What we got instead was something really special: A complete redub of the entire first episode.

The reading began with a bunch of G1 voice actors (and two non-G1 VAs) all introducing themselves and saying which characters they would be reading for. Here's the full cast:
  • Peter Cullen: Optimus Prime, Ironhide
  • Frank Welker: Megatron, Soundwave, Mirage, Skywarp, Rumble
  • Dan Gilvezan: Bumblebee, Shockwave
  • Michael Bell: Prowl
  • Paul Eiding: Hound, Ratchet, Thundercracker, Teletraan I
  • Gregg Berger: Narrator, Decepticon leader*, Cliffjumper, Spike, truck driver Joe
  • Frank Todaro: Starscream, Wheeljack, Sparkplug, Reflector
  • Arif S. Kinchen: Jazz
* -- the Seeker who looked like Starscream but had a different voice; he yelled "Autobots! Stop them!" at the approaching Wheeljack and Bumblebee on Cybertron.

Anyway, they played the animation, music, and sound effects of the episode on the left side of the screen while the right side showed each voice actor when it was their turn to speak. A background border styled after Teletraan I surrounded the two screens. And during the commercial bumpers, there was no narration, from either Berger or recycled from Victor Caroli.

Once the first episode ended, we were treated to some pretty funny bloopers and outtakes of the actors fumbling their lines and trying to make each other laugh the whole time. Welker kept trying make Cullen laugh, while Bell kept trying to make their both laugh. Berger made a fart joke: In response to Hound's line to Cliffjumper of "You smell something, Cliffjumper?" Berger broke character and said "Excuse me." :LOL:

Then the next three episodes played normally, with nothing new done for them. The picture was shifted to the center of the screen with another Teletraan border to account for the fullscreen picture played on a widescreen theater screen. The theme songs for each were skipped (they played it for the first episode's redub, at least), while the end credits did play but with the video sped up in fast forward, cutting the audio of the ending theme song short midway through the song.

At the very end was something else unexpected, the "Don't run away from home" PSA short hosted by Bumblebee.

Overall, the atmosphere of the room was... formal. I had originally wanted to get there early so I could hang out and chat with other fans before it started, but IRL stuff kept me from getting there any sooner than about five-to-ten minutes before it started. When I got there, the room was real quiet as the typical pre-trailer ads were playing, with no one talking to each other and everyone keeping to themselves. The guy sitting to my right even moved over one seat during the first episode. The only people in the room who seemed to be having any fun enjoying themselves were a small group sitting toward the middle-right of the room (I was up in the back row), who could be heard chuckling at some of the zanier points in the episodes, and one of them made a "Ha! Superhuman Spike!" joke when Spike punched Rumble in the first ep. But other than them, the room was fill with dead silence from everyone else. And when it was over, we all got up from our seats to leave and nobody said a single word to anybody in the room. Only a few folks said they had fun to some of the ushers standing outside the theater room waiting to come in and clean up, but the total vibe of the room was really introverted and unfriendly, very much the opposite of how TF fans act when at conventions, in my experience. It felt less like a fan event and more like a formal opera experience where nearly everyone is on their best behavior and really stiff.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Went tonight. Had to get these.

View attachment 21150
Damn, that cup makes me want to go more than anything else.

But I don't know if any of the places showing it here will even have that.

Surprising to hear they only redid one episode. I thought it would be a bonus thing, like Sabrblade said, then I saw footage earlier, and thought they redid the whole thing, but... one episode?

I hope to get to see it, but I don't know that I'll be doing it during this theatrical run.


Well-known member
I have tickets for Saturday at noon. Which is my Birthday (gonna be 48, eek) and my wife and daughter are both gonna be out of town at a Girl Scouts camp out all weekend. Rather than sit around doing nothing at least this gives me something special to do on my day.

-ZacWilliam, we'll celebrate the next weekend probably.


Two arms and one smile
I had tickets but could not go and ended up getting them refunded at the zero hour. It sound like it was interesting but I am not too disappointed at having missed it.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I was hoping to make it, but work got koo-koo-krazy in the last few days, so doesn't look like it'll happen for me.


Continuity Nutcase
There's still the showing for this Saturday and Sunday. It's not a one-time-only event.

Surprising to hear they only redid one episode. I thought it would be a bonus thing, like Sabrblade said, then I saw footage earlier, and thought they redid the whole thing, but... one episode?
I'm told that other countries get brand new dubs in their native language made for episodes 2-4, while the episode 1 script-reading is subtitled for those countries since it's in English.

Agent X

Kreon Bastard
And no one is going to mention Greg Berger's portrayal of Spike?

Really whiny and annoying, to an almost comical degree. The kind of acting one does to mock a character.

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