Gotta Catch 'Em All! - Pokémon Thread


Stone and Sky

I feel like I'm not finding all that many shinies. I mean this is a fair amount, but even with me putting a lot more time in this game, actually having the Shiny Charm, the world spawing a bunch of 'Mons at a time, and the mass outbreaks boosting the chances... kinda feels like I'm on par with what I was getting with just Masuda Method/Wonder Trades. 🤷


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Got my Alcremies done and finished the main story in Shield. Now I gotta farm a bunch of blue Apricorns for another Lure Ball for Zamazenta since I already used the one I got on Eternatus. With the Blue/Red combo of Eternatus's normal form it seemed the best match, but it's just as good a match for Zamazenta with the yellow. Not really looking forward to all the resets it'll take to catch it either...

M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie
Found all the old verses. Only things left are shiny hunting and perfecting the Pokedex.

M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie
Roster change to Poison Squad as I had a shiny Sneasel literally run up on me while I was staring down a Gyarados during a Gyarados outbreak. Just *shiny sound* "Wait, that's none of the Gyarados?" *Slowly turn around, shiny Sneasel on the shoreline flexing and waving at me.* "Well, okay then."


Well-known member
I got another shiny Lillipup in Go yesterday, and in Legends Arceus a shiny Toxicroak yesterday and shiny Machamp today though I have a few in Home thanks to the events. I put a spare Shiny Gible up on Home GTS and got a Zamazenta but there's no Rusted Shield in Sword.

Also if you got Mew and Jirachi in BDSP check on them as a recent patch seems to be erasing them from boxes.
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Stone and Sky
I feel like I'm not finding all that many shinies.

The next day....

Now it's kinda crazy, hehe.

(I mean, had to reset quite a few times for Drifblim and Skorupi, and holy shit exploding balloon swarm and angry angry scorpions too short to get hit by pokeballs, but a Floatzel mass outbreak netted me two of the fellas and a second pink Murkrow just happened to pop up.)


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Only shiny I've seen in Shield was a Mr Mime that I didn't realize it was shiny until I engaged and got the shiny flash. It's almost impossible to easily tell apart from the regular unless you look real close.

I also have to say I like how they put your champion team on the start screen for the game after you beat the main story. It actually kind of makes me want to not do a rematch to keep it that way. Might have to see if I can get a screenshot of that easily.

I'm also annoyed I can't really fit Dragapult into my team cause I love the concept. A big momma stealth fighter dragon ghost shooting baby dragon ghosts at you.

M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie
I have a shiny Eevee, any suggestions? I already have an alpha Umbreon that's my go to there so I was looking to evolve that into something else.

I'm leaning toward Glaceon, because even if subtle I do actually like the shiny more than the non shiny.


Vaporeon and Sylveon both have pretty nice shiny colors. I have a good bit of a Shiny Eevee collection in Shield. But Shiny Umbreon is always going to be my favorite Shiny Pokémo, even if I did already have an alpha.


Little tip while hunting Unknown:

Don't aim for the eye. Aim for the black.

There were a couple Unknown I just couldn't seem to capture and decided to circle back to until I figured this one out.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Some of them just have weird hit detection, or are oddly embedded in the level geometry. Bring cheap regular pokeballs, maybe some feather balls for the ones that are harder to get close, any ball will work if it hits.


Last night I got a shiny Ryhorn (now Rhyperior). I also got a shiny Stunky. This is my third shiny Stunky. Is the game trying to tell me something. I mean, I do shower.

Separate note, I only have 7 wisps to find in the iceland before I get Spiritomb. Thank goodness for Google or else I'd probably have to quit before getting Arceus. This has been...irritating.

After that I just have to get Cranidos and Rampardos (ie. wait for a friggin time distortion and hope it appears).

Don't get me wrong. This game has been really addictive and I've had a lot of fun filling the dex and finding shinies along the way. But some of these last few mon have been tedious and guide dang it catches.


I got bored waiting for a distortion in the highlands, so I decided to do som sidequests. In the proces, I came across an outbreak and got two shiny Riolus. Always wanted a shiny Lucario. So one's safe and sound in the boxes and is going to stay a Riolu. The otheris going to be trained to become a Lucario.


Still wish the game would give me a damn Cranidos so I could finish the gam.
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