Gotta Catch 'Em All! - Pokémon Thread


Well-known member
Shiny Krikitune, Togepi and Misdeavous.
I heard they had 'fixed' this but I guess not.

Also note that Lucario was using an Aura Sphere in the open world, this may be a clue that the game will use Legends Arceus battle method.

Edit: Shiny Goomy.
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Stone and Sky
A gemstone.
A red gemstone paired with a blue gemstone (and later a green one) in obvious homage to the original games. It'd be one thing if Scarlet was paired with a shade of blue or something, but as it is we got Pokemon Slightly Different Color Version and Pokemon New Color Version.


Well-known member
I've seen it suggested that the color names are based on Infrared and Ultraviolet. But since there is already a pokemon red. They called it scarlet.

Suppose they could have just gone with the un-shortened color names.




It finally happened!!!


Inside a time distortion picking up items la la la! Shiny Alakazam appears right in front of my face and before I can even gasp in surprise...BAM! Distortion clears up.



Well-known member
Further random Scarlet/Violet thoughts:

-The security guard in the beginning has a sytlized N on his hat...probably for Nintendo, but it's possible it's the first letter for the name of the region, too.

-This may ruin or improve Quaxly for some people. What if that "W" on his "hat" isn't a symbol at all? What if that's another pair of eyes and the little tuft of "hair" is actually a second beak? What if Quaxly either basically has two faces or has some sort of water/slime being on his head that mimics his emotions?

-In the Japanese version of the logos, we see a six-pointed crystalline star. This is probably going to be out gimmick for this generation...whatever it is. Could it be some sort of team attack, with all 6 of your Pokemon contributing to it? Maybe it'll be some way to change a Pokemon's typing, since we do have that giant centerpiece in town with all the Pokemon types on it.

-The logos have a crystalline pattern for Scarlet and a starry-pattern for Violet. I'd bet that's going to be reflected in the legendaries, somehow.

-If you noticed that stonehenge-looking design next to the reveal of the starters, then you should know...Portugal actually has it's own stonehenge, the Almendres Cromlech.

-In the live-action archeologist's room, there's some sort of a cobweb design with something like a eye on it on a chair. Does this have something to do with our enemy Team this generation? Could it be some sort of a Illuminatti or Freemasons style organization? A...owl-spider perhaps?

-I'm gonna go full Lockstin on this one, folks, buckle up. So, we have two fruits, Grapes and what I'm going to call a orange for now. Now, it's possible that both of these represent "forbidden fruit", like in Adam and Eve, indicating a serpent legendary. But, if we look at the symbol on the live-action shields a little closer, that's not all. The Orange has another symbol inside of it. Sure, that could just be orange slices...but it could also be the Buddhist Wheel of Life, a symbol for reincarnation (a oversimplification, but *shrug*), It's worth pointing out that the Wheel of Life also includes 3 animals as it's Three Poisons: A Bird, a Snake, and a Pig...which is...close to our three starters (maybe if Sprigatito changes into a saber-toothed tiger, it could work as the Pig?). Those three also represent aversion (like how Quaxly likes things clean), attachment (like how Sprigatito is said to be attention-seeking) , and ignorance (which the laid-back Fuecoco may represent)...though I'll admit in Buddhism the Pig is ignorance, the bird is attachment, and the Snake is this doesn't work 100%. Now, the Grapes don't have any symbol on them that I can see, but they could represent either the Kaballahic Tree of Life. Or possibly some sort of family tree, with each grape representing multiplication and growth. Could one of the legendaries possibly have the power to constantly heal itself (The Wheel of Life) and the other legendary create infinite copies of itself kind of like with Totem Pokemon summoning hordes to help it out in Sun/Moon (A constantly-growing Tree of Life)?

-Right next to the live-action bowl of grapes and oranges is a sandwich. We WILL have sandwich themed DLC this time around, mark my words! A sandwich which just so happens to be cut in two...for two "seasons" of DLC like the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra? But...what is on the sandwich? Ham? Turkey? Hungry minds want to know!
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Well-known member
It's time for a Ghost Grass Sandwich Pokemon, we've had Ice Cream and Cake Pokemon so it's time for something else.

Shiny Abra, Drifloon and Wurmple while grinding.


So let me take you on a little journey through Legends Arceus...


Holy crap, guys! I just got a shiny (****). I can't believe I finally got a shiny (****). I've been shiny hunting for this one for years!


Hey, guys, I just got a shiny (****). I mean, it's not one I was trying particularly hard to get, but it looks pretty awesome. I'm so excited.


Well, I got another shiny, guys. I mean, not one I particularly care for, but hey...shiny's a shiny.


So, I got a (****), a (****) and a (****). Decent haul.


Did I mention the shiny (****)? I can't remember if I mentioned it. Well, here's a picture just in case.


Sooooooo, you know what guys? I think unless it's one I'm particularly excited about, I'm just going to stop taking a picture for every new shiny. It's just too time consuming.


That being said, I did find this one interesting. I actually had an Unown outbreak.



Stone and Sky
Sooooooo, you know what guys? I think unless it's one I'm particularly excited about, I'm just going to stop taking a picture for every new shiny. It's just too time consuming.

Yeah, I've gotten over 20(!) shinies so far, and while it's insanely fun to post team photos that are entirely alternate colors, I don't really need to do that all the time.

That being said:

As a huge fan of Iago from the Aladdin movies, I'm quite pleased. I actually tried perfecting Chatot's Pokedex to help increase the odds, but I got bored and went to do something else, and sure enough the next massive outbreak netted me a scarlet macaw anyways.

M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie
Sooooooo, you know what guys? I think unless it's one I'm particularly excited about, I'm just going to stop taking a picture for every new shiny. It's just too time consuming.

Glad it's not just me feeling like this. Like getting a fully shiny poison team got a picture cause that's been a dream of mine for years, but I have over 70 shinies, it has lost a bit of it's wow factor.


Koopaling Aficionado
What are yall doin to get so many shinies? Im still halfway thru the game but I haven't encountered a single one.


What are yall doin to get so many shinies? Im still halfway thru the game but I haven't encountered a single one.
It took me a while before I started seeing them. I was asking that very same question at first. But then they just started coming.

So...wait for it!


Stone and Sky
Completing the 'Dex entry, Perfecting the 'Dex Entry, getting the Shiny Charm, and the mass outbreaks all increase the odds.

Granted, I didn't really see any shinies until after I'd completed the story.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Nearly done with Shield... just gotta nab the last two legendary birds, get ahold of a Spectrier and Regidrago, and find a couple authentic sinisteas(and chipped pot) to finish updating my living dex. Oh, and get a friggin lure ball out of the cramomatic so I can finally capture Zamazenta and unlock G-max for my Urshifus!

(Don't really care about the legendaries in the Dynamax Adventures right now since it would just be more trade fodder. I've already got multiples of most of the old legendaries that I've transferred up, even without legendary chasing in the Ultra Wormholes in Ultra Moon.)

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