Harris-Walz / Dems


Active member
It'll be interesting to see, because I wonder if making a big deal about the ridiculously named Inflation Reduction Act could backfire on Democrats if inflation remains stubbornly high in the coming months. Estimates are suggesting any reduction in inflation from the bill itself won't be until 2024 and minor at that. Even Democratic Senators like Chris Coons are saying the American people may not see benefits of the bill for a year or two. Are the American populace going to be forward thinking and thank Democrats for gains they'll see in the future?

But it gets the base excited and the Republicans can't seem to stop punching themselves in the balls every five minutes, so hey.


Well-known member
Let’s remember the thing about financial publications (like Marketwatch) kids,


Active member
Hey so Student Loan forgiveness rolling out. Curious how this is going to affect my loans. I took out $14k originally. I’ve been on deferments or IDR plans the entire time (since 2003, when I graduated). My balance sits at $19k.

I don’t think I got a Pell loan, dad made too much money (but not enough for it to help, as my parents took out Plus loans to get me through). So I shouldn’t get the $20k full forgiveness.

But there’s also a rule coming to reduce the time for IDR forgiveness. So, with $10k forgiven, and 19 years on various forms of income plans, will they count retroactively or do I have 10 more years ahead of me to get that remaining $9k knocked off?

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

Calling it only "semi"-fascism is like saying that setting yourself on fire is only "semi"-hot, but it's a start.


Now with hi-res avatar!
Credit where credit's due, he didn't mince a lot of words aside from calling them semi-fascists.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Considering how a year ago: he was outright calling for cooperation, "reaching across the aisle" and bipartisanship with his collegues, this is his equivalent churchill's speech.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
How much longer will he keep up the Dark Brandon thing? His approval rating is only going up right now.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Hopefully long enough to reverse the Democrats house prospects(though between gerrymandering and midterms not being kind to the party controlling the white house, I don't know if anything he does will be enough to keep the house)


Slightly Off

Calling it only "semi"-fascism is like saying that setting yourself on fire is only "semi"-hot, but it's a start.

To be fair, declaring it "semi" fascist is a sop to his longtime Republicult colleagues in the Senate. The grifters and charlatans like Graham and McConnell who demonstrably aren't a part of the Cult because that would require holding a position on an issue beyond "How does it benefit me?"

The problem is, the Treasonous Lich and the Whipped Dog not being outright fascists is irrelevant, as they have hitched their wagons to the Cult and will ultimately end up drinking the Flavor-Aid when the time ultimately comes. Hell, Trump attempted to murder Pence outright (and he refused to go with his Secret Service detail day of, which in lieu of the deleted texts speaks **volumes**) and Mikey still refuses to condemn Il Douche.


Active member
Gotta say, Biden giving a primetime address devoted to a partisan attack against the other party while flanked by US Marines serving as props for his undisguised midterm campaign speech is creepy. Right down to the very dystopian stage dressing that looks like it came out of V for Vendetta.


M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie
"Partisan attack" he's calling out a cult that is frog marching our country to fascism.

MAGA is fascism, full stop. I'm glad he's not turning a blind eye to it for the sake of a false civility that pearl clutching centrists and winking totalitarians need to destroy our nation.

The Republicans have laid out an agenda that will quite literally result in an LGBT genocide, thank God we have a president who recognizes the danger 'the other party' represents. They're trying to legislate trans people into extinction right now in Red States. I'm not going quietly and politely into the void, so kindly **** your feelings.


Well-known member
He even hedged it by *explicitly* saying “MAGA Republicans” and not all (or even a majority) of Republicans qualify but sure, calling out a force that literally tried to violently overthrow the Government is now a “partisan attack”.


Guess whos back
I literally have no idea what was said at the speech but for some reason pedohitler is trending on twitter against Biden along with pictures of him standing against a black and red whitehouse so whatever he said it pissed off the idiots again.

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