Harris-Walz / Dems

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
this administration is taking a bigger stand against students protesting genocide than actual genocide.

This isn’t a clear cut apples to apples comparison, and you know that.

Curtailing hate and violent speech NOW will, hopefully, prevent those students from turning into the next round of political zealots. And more importantly, just because someone is Jewish, does NOT mean they support the violence Israel is perpetrating on the other side of the globe.
It’s just like after 9/11- there was TREMENDOUS backlash against Mid-Eastern, Islamic (or vaguely Islamic looking…) individuals after the terrorist attack. Even though most did NOT support the attack or the countries that discretely DID supported said attack.

It’s far more difficult and complex in dealing with a foreign power than dealing with students/protesters domestically. And I’d be saying the same thing if the positions were flipped in terms of the protests.


Active member
Biden's old but he's also right about this. Hamas' founding charter is a genocidal screed against Jews that among other things cites a hadith attributed to Mohammed about how the very trees and rocks will implore Muslims to kill the Jews who are using them to hide. Jew hatred is ancient and not just a Christian or Western notion and some people are very mad Biden pointed that out about a group who went house to house massacring Jews all across southern Israel.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
the alternative is a psychopathic manbaby with dementia who will do whatever his ChristoNazi base tells him to do, and will rig future elections for an even more fascist successors who actually will believe they were sent by God to kill all the trans people, Muslims, Jews and Latinos. i think you're gonna have to vote for biden.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I mean, I can see the moral hesitation to vote for Biden if you think he's enabling the genocide of Palestinians. But if you don't vote for him because of his heavy-handed foreign policy, you're just going to end up with his opponent getting the job and going all...



i cant take it anymore im at my limit
if trump wins, putin gets a blank check to wipe ukraine off the map, netanyahu gets US troops helping the IDF genocide gaza, Xi Jinping will have no reason not to attack Taiwan, and the MAGA GOP will get to do the mass murdering of US citizens they've been salivating over for years. so then you'd have at least four genocides.

i think sitting back and allowing four (or more) genocides to happen just because you can't do much to stop one is objectively worse.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The idea being to move that fabrication to literally ANYWHERE ELSE other than china.

In a related note: canada is opening like FOUR vehicle battery plants before 2030, and mostly planning to ban the sale of gas vehicles by a similar date. There will still be electric cars, just not chinese made electric cars: which probably for the better.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Just saying at that point why not just literally ban it, rather than make the appearance it's still allowed? Apparently they are crowding out European EVs in the EU at the moment. They outdo Teslas, but that's not exactly hard. As for the current situation, it was at a 25% or 30% tarrif before, and that was already enough that BYD(the one that's so popular in EUrope) isn't interested in the US market.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Because an outright ban would have to be backed by a political or social reason, where as 100% tariff is just business and no one gets "blamed" for it. International politics is ******* convoluted, but these days: hobbling the chinese economy (even more than they've done themselves) and re-sourcing fabrication back into the rest of the world at large scales is a good idea.


Well-known member
Democrats had decades to codify Roe as law & guarantee right to choice.

Instead they did nothing.

likewise Team Biden could've at least tried to expand the Supreme Court but instead allowed two stolen seats to remain for folks who aren't fit to judge a horserace.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I'd like to see the overlap of those two segments. Because I doubt it's democrat, progressive or independent voters saying it's biden fault when trump is still and continually bragging about it.

Also, the democrats never had to codify roe as law, because the republicans weren't stupid enough, once upon a time, to actually kill it. It was a talking point, rhetoric slurry to inflame the base. They knew what would happen if they actually did it, and LOOK: it happened. They lost even more public support and appeal.

American politics, once, wasn't stupid in and of itself, but the core premise of it was that YOU were stupid. Too stupid to know the difference, too stupid to notice how long they've been lying to you, too stupid to check your facts and do the follow up. We'll, now the people RAISED on that are the ones doing politics; and they're too stupid to understand that you don't actually do the horrible things you talk about.

Vote blue down ticket in november: and the stupid gets its power stripped from it. For a very long time.


jumbled pile of person
On the overall subject of things Democrats were going to do and didn't because reasons, whatever happened to those plans to remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill?

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