Harris-Walz / Dems


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Not often I fully agree with you, but here we are.

Regardless of who started the trend, this is happening under Biden's watch. he has had opportunities to walk back some of the worst of Trump's decisions, like expanding SCOTUS. he has chosen not to for reasons. There is a reason why young people are so angry nowadays. They know they're being screwed.
Again, doesn't matter who started the ball rolling, its who is holding the ball now.
I can't blame Biden for not expanding the Supreme Court. He literally can't, that's the job of Congress, and well.. The Dems in Congress dropped the ball on that back before the 2022 elections.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Do you have any statistics to back this claim? If you have statistics counter to what I posted earlier I would be very interested in seeing them.
Other than republicans routinely under performing? No. You can't get numbers from people that won't talk.


too old for this

Yes, yes, it is Congress that gets to do that. But, Biden, as the President, came out and said he was against even the attempt.
Regardless of his reasoning, this signaled to many that while Biden may not agree with the decisions being made, he wasn't going to even try to do anything about them. Again, regardless of what he can and can't actually do.

This is just an example. Young people are pissed that the world is absolutely railing them right now. We can't afford homes, food, gas. Meanwhile the Biden campaign is running on the "strongest economy" argument.
yes, you and I are smart enough to know that this inflation is almost entirely the result of corporations profit taking and protecting their margin over the interests of customers. But the message from the republicans, one that resonates, is that the world is shit. yes, they're the ones that started the ball rolling, but again, Biden is holding the ******* ball.

Where is the speech before Congress demanding accountability for these corporations? Where is the acknowledgement that life sucks right now, but things are being done? No where. Meanwhile I and others sit through half a ******* dozen "Bidenomics" ads that just piss me off, even though I'm aware it's not his fault. Imagine the anger from those who don't bother to take a nuanced look


jumbled pile of person
Also, young people don't like getting out to vote because for many of them, it's a huge hassle. A huge hassle that 2020 proved has an easy and obvious solution: mandating universal mail-in voting in all states. But when the Democrats got together and tried to pass some kind of voting reform, that option either never came up or died in committee.


One of the news pods I listen to was discussing some polling on awareness about Project 2025, and the number of people who don't know about it at all is downright frightening.

They're literally openly making plans to install fascism at all levels of the federal government, and there wasn't a single demographic group in this survey where the number of people who know about it was above 30%.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
The side that wants it is the side that controls most of the major media outlets. Of course they're not gonna announce it.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
I brought it up to a few co-workers once and they dismissed it as conspiracy theory fearmongering, that these think tanks come up with crap like this all the time and it never actually happens.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
I saw that Biden has condemned bans on trans healthcare. That makes him automatically much more progressive on LGBTQ rights issues than any of the leaders of the parties currently contesting the British general election.


Well-known member
That’s absolutely disappointing.

Still better than that AND ripping children away from their parents and then losing them.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
So I just heard (from a RPG book publisher who were told this by their distributor) that apparently between some fighting in the Red Sea, and a bunch of US retailers underordering because they were expecting softer sales, shipping containers are at a premium right now and have gone up 300% in price over the past few weeks. That delayed his book shipments several weeks already, and it's going to make anything involving international shipping slower and/or more expensive.

So why am I putting it in this thread? Because you can bet the retailers are gonna be jacking prices to compensate, which'll then be blamed on inflation, which will then be blamed on Biden, even though both of these factors are kind of out of his control. (and I say kind of cause in terms of the fighting it looks like the US already committed ships and may have calmed things down, at least temporarily, but it's not going to undo what's already been done.)


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
As he should have been. Difference is you don't hear the Biden family yelling 'rigged' over the whole thing.


Well-known member
I think, politically, the best thing for Biden would be not to have a son doing crimes. But having a trial brought by Biden's "own" Justice Department end in a conviction in Biden's home state, a reliable blue state is a big technical point. I'm not sure how much it resounds. Having him exonerated would definitely have resounded with redhats, but I don't know how much this actually moves people either way.

The depressing thing that I have been mulling is that it probably has no impact on Trump himself. I go back and forth on how calculating the man is. He may just be a moron. But if he's thinking about it, I kinda think he might see a fix in this. I think Trump would be fine with one of his sons going to prison if it would get him some political cover. He may be jealous of Biden on this.
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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I think, politically, the best thing for Biden would be not to have a son doing crimes. But having a trial brought by Biden's "own" Justice Department end in a conviction in Biden's home state, a reliable blue state is a big technical point. I'm not sure how much it resounds. Having him exonerated would definitely have resounded with redhats, but I don't know how much this actually moves people either way.

The depressing thing that I have been mulling is that it probably has no impact on Trump himself. I go back and forth on how calculating the man is. He may just be a moron. But if he's thinking about it, I kinda think he might see a fix in this. I think Trump would be fine with one of his sons going to prison if it would get him some political cover.
Trump would be fine with murdering one of his sons if it gave him political cover. Trump would be fine with murdering everyone if it meant giving him political cover.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Trump would be fine with murdering one of his sons if it gave him political cover. Trump would be fine with murdering everyone if it meant giving him political cover.
Heck, he'd be fine with murdering someone if it would net him a little extra spending cash. The man is morally bankrupt(and likely financially too, though he's better at covering that up)

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