Harris-Walz / Dems

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
My vote doesn't cancel out anyone's when it comes to the president. It literally does not matter. I need to stress, it's not an attitude, it's not defeatist, it is the reality of a voting system where only a few states have any real say and mine isn't one of them.
Which is why part 2 screaming at your reps about the elimination of the electoral college. There's already movement to get it abolished, you are not alone in being tired of this fundamentally broken system.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
No, it's not the attitude, it's the electoral college.
Again, we're not talking about the rest of the ticket, where things matter. In presidential elections our votes mean nothing if we're not in a battleground state. California will always go blue, Kansas will always go red, that's the way it goes and its not changing any time soon unless the electoral college is relegated to the dustbin where it belongs.
Depressingly, that’s similar to how our elections work. Where I live it’s always a foregone conclusion, well, except this time my area is forecast to go non-Tory for the first time since 1922 due to the weird circumstances. It’s a very frustrating state of affairs, particularly as we don’t have a strict two-party system in Britain. Sort of.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Which is why part 2 screaming at your reps about the elimination of the electoral college. There's already movement to get it abolished, you are not alone in being tired of this fundamentally broken system.
The system isn't broken. This is exactly how it was designed to work. Which is all the more reason it should be torn down.


Well-known member
For what it's worth, there's a significant (geographical) chunk of California that would LOVE to ditch the way CA counts Electoral votes. It's actually deep red in the north (especially north of Sacramento... stated for clarity since Sacramento and San Francisco are considered by many to be Northern CA).

Those folks would LOVE to see some of CA's large block of Electoral votes go to the GOP.


Active member
Squad member Jamaal Bowman loses his primary.

In November he said claims Hamas raped anyone were Israeli propaganda, even though Hamas were parading at least one woman with bloody pants down the streets of Gaza on October 7th.

In the weeks after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, Rep. Jamaal Bowman not only publicly cast doubt on reports that Israeli women were raped, but also called those accusations “propaganda.”

“There was propaganda used in the beginning of the siege,” Bowman (D-N.Y.) told a Nov. 17 rally of about 50 pro-Palestinian protesters in Westchester, according to a post on TikTok reviewed by POLITICO. “There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women. But they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda.”

Asked about those remarks on Thursday outside the House floor, Bowman declined to talk about them on the record.

“I’m focused on my votes and other things. I’m not talking,” he said. When asked if he still doubted those claims, he added: “I’m not talking about that now. My team will get back to you.”

There was plenty of evidence by November 17th even if one was inclined to give Hamas the benefit of the doubt.

Multiple reports of Hamas’ sexual violence during Oct. 7 emerged soon after the attack. A number of Bowman’s Democratic colleagues have decried sexual assaults during the attack going back to Oct. 9, when Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) asserted the attack included “the rape and killing of women, along with the murder of children and the elderly.”

On Oct. 23, the Israeli government showed dozens of foreign reporters a 43-minute video of the atrocities, including children getting killed and some Israelis being decapitated.

“[One] clip showed an Israeli woman inspecting a partially burned woman’s corpse to see if it was a family member,” The Guardian reported that day. “The victim’s dress was pulled up to her waist and her underpants had been removed. Maj. Gen. Mickey Edelstein, who briefed reporters after the viewing, said authorities had evidence of rape.”

A few weeks later, on Nov. 10, the British newspaper also reported that evidence of several incidents of sexual assault and rape were reportedly obtained via video footage taken by Hamas, Israeli civilians and emergency responders. Survivors and witnesses said they had seen women getting raped at a concert site in the Israeli desert.

Four days later, around 150 lawmakers attended a screening of footage from the Oct. 7 attacks, hosted by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. While Bowman participated in House votes that day, a spokesperson did not respond to a question about whether he attended the briefing.

Good riddance to a vile scumbag.


Active member
From a few days ago.

When he took the stage, Bowman rapped the first four bars of Wu Tang Clan’s “Triumph,” rolled up his shirtsleeves (“let me get the guns out”), hoisted a three-legged stool in the air, and called himself “the hip-hop congressman” who AIPAC was “scared to death” of.

“We’re gonna show ******* AIPAC the motherfucking power of the South Bronx,” said Bowman; the South Bronx is not in his district

Hopefully the new Dem rep knows where his congressional district is.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I could really use an extra large dose of wonko's maximum strength hopium right now.

Biden looked like a drooling Alzheimer's patient tonight. Trump was full of shit, as usual, but nobody noticed because Biden was a train wreck.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I could really use an extra large dose of wonko's maximum strength hopium right now.

Biden looked like a drooling Alzheimer's patient tonight. Trump was full of shit, as usual, but nobody noticed because Biden was a train wreck.
Biden did absolutely fine for no notes, no teleprompter. The reason they claim trump is getting a win is because of the double standard still at play in trumps favour. He showed up: he didn't have to justify his actions, defend his record or tell the truth. He just had to be there. Biden had to be there, solve all the worlds problems, eloquate like shakespear and have the boundless energy of greek myth.

With no fact checker present to call trump on his shit: CNN was just normalizing trump.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Trump aso didn't answer a SINGLE QUESTION HONESTLY. He either would simply lie, ramble on about how bad Biden was or make unrelated boasts about himself (which were also, generally, lies)

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Trump aso didn't answer a SINGLE QUESTION HONESTLY. He either would simply lie, ramble on about how bad Biden was or make unrelated boasts about himself (which were also, generally, lies)
Has trump ever answered a question honestly? Why would last night have been different?


November 6th click-bait headline:

"Do Americans prefer weak facts or forceful lies? The answer may surprise you!"


jumbled pile of person
Honestly the fact that Biden agreed to these debates at all makes him look weak. In part because it's just another reminder that the other man in the room should not even be walking around a free man at this point, and it's largely his fault.

Seriously, in literally any other civilized country, staging a failed coup would result in execution or at the very least imprisonment within a year of it happening; meanwhile we're over three and a half years out and he still hasn't stood trial for it yet.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It's not bidens fault that the republican party exists to ensure trumps gets power again.


Well-known member
I think being in the same room as Trump makes Biden dumber.
He's never been great at debate or public speaking, but he's definitely explained and answered better than this before.

But the fact that Trump spent half the time lying and the other half visibly not listening when Biden spoke, and that Biden was dumbfounded by Trump's BS, should not be a point for Trump or against Biden to anyone.

There are a few questions neither answered (most notably the one about addiction), that probably should have been asked of Biden first so he'd be able to answer instead of spending his entire time saying what a lie Trump's non-answer/derailment was.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Biden shouldn't have been responsible for calling trump on his bullshit at all. That was the moderators jobs, and they didn't do it: because live fact checking was probably a deal breaker for trump.

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