Harris-Walz / Dems


jumbled pile of person
I wonder if having long lead times like this used to be normal, but then all the other countries realized that they don't have to cart the papers over by mule anymore so they don't need anywhere near as long to get stuff taken care of.

That said, it was useful back in 2020 when people were expected to vote by mail instead. Gives plenty of time to account for possible delays (which there were, thanks to Trump and his crony DeJoy) and still have the results in by Election Day.

The lead time between the election and inauguration is also ridiculous, but that's harder to justify fixing without moving both to a completely different time of year so neither one happens right in the middle of the lead-up to Christmas.


Well-known member
by the way if you're hearing the phrase "Passing the Torch" going around regarding Biden-

That's ALSO the name of a PAC started by Steve Schmidt earlier in the year in an effort to primary him and replace with someone more conservative.



Well-known member
The donor class is so terrified by the mere PROSPECT of Biden changing a tiny portion of their tax bracket is enough to scare them into withholding support for any Democrats who stand by Biden.

AOC so far remains the only elected person in Congress who seemingly WANTS to be there...



Fabulously Foxy Dragon

On the one hand, it kind of tosses in what work they've done campaigning for Biden. On the other, it also throws away all the anti-Biden work the anti-Dem SuperPACs have put in, so they'll be starting from (mostly) ground zero on their attack ads given no one was primarying against him before now.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I'm not gonna go full doomer until we get more information. Trump is a highly divisive candidate and MOST potential candidates currently on the pundits short list poll better than Trump. Most of them are much better at debate and public speaking than Trump as well. It could also potentially throw the entire Republican smear campaign into disarray.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
I'm not gonna go full doomer until we get more information. Trump is a highly divisive candidate and MOST potential candidates currently on the pundits short list poll better than Trump. Most of them are much better at debate and public speaking than Trump as well. It could also potentially throw the entire Republican smear campaign into disarray.
Like I said, this is the biggest strength of this move, AND let's be frank: Biden's campaign has been at least 75% "I'm not Trump" and this doesn't change that.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
You're supposed to be supplying us with hopium!
Yeah, well, you can't fix stupid: and apparently all the people in the DNC that are responsible for this kinda shit all work for rupert murdoch. The US becomes a third world nation, and aggressor nations all over the world no longer have a check to prevent them from committing atrocities. The global economy is going to crash into recession: because the american mainstream media has convinced the DNC that a dude with a stutter is worse than the fascist rapist.


I'm just so incredibly disappointed in party "leadership" right now. Biden has been the best President of my lifetime, but because the megadonors freaked out after he had one bad debate and the polling in July was a little shaky* there was a month-long whisper campaign within his own party to push him out.

All these people who thought they knew better than 15 million primary voters better be rolling out their very solid plan right the f now.

I'll still be voting a straight blue ticket, but I won't be calling myself a Democrat anymore.

(*If polling from July was determinative, we would have had President Dukakis in 1988, President Perot in 1992, and President Romney in 2012 by landslide margins)


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Yea, I'm not exactly happy about how it all shook out. I do feel that the DNC really opened the door to shooting themselves in the foot with this. At the very least the shotgun is currently pointed at their feet and the gun is cocked and their finger is on the trigger. We'll see if they adjust their aim before pulling it. I'm not quite willing to give up hope yet.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't think it matters who they pick. There may be some candidates who have some strengths vs Trump on paper, and there may be some polling data to back that up. But that polling data was based on a hypothetical. It was just how respondents felt about those candidates in a vacuum. I'm not sure that takes into account the utter stink of this process.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
They've pissed away the incumbency advantage, and the good will of all those folks who voted in primaries for biden. Most them understand the existential nature of this election: but you still don't go giving people whom are already depressed and apathetic an excuse to not ******* show up.

And for what? Doesn't matter who they choose; the republicans and mainstream media will do the exact same bullshit.


Well-known member
You don’t (and can’t) push out strong candidates.

Why do you think Trump is still there despite being a constant, quantifiable anchor around other Republicans for over half a decade.

Biden only has himself to blame.

You were either voting for Trump or not-voting for Trump before this so this ultimately changes nothing. The media is going to cover this like crazy because ratings so that takes away the constant Democratic doomsaying. It also means Trump is either going to duck the debate closer to the election (bad) or continues it and loses (also bad).

This isn’t ideal but there were 81 million people who knew Trump was shit back in 2020 and that was BEFORE he took away Abortion (which has been a winning issue everywhere it has come up)

We still got this.

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