Harris-Walz / Dems

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I'm sure some people did actually vote for him for all of his campaign promises. Except he hasn't really delivered on much, if any, of it. And he keeps making more promises, but most of us don't have a lot of hope for those, either. And the Jan 6 committee still hasn't done much about the actual people responsible for it. So....this is gonna suck, to say the least.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
But hey, at least biden can go down in the worlds history books as the last democratically elected, care taker president of the united states.

So whatchu guys think the GQP will rename the US to anyway? Betcha it has the words republic and god right in it.


jumbled pile of person
We may have reached the point where Mike Bloomberg would have done a better job.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The problem isn't the guy on top of the shit heap: the problem is the shit in the heap.


Staff member
Council of Elders
So dumbass Joe Manchin went on Fox News to announce that Build Back Better is dead. He won't support it. It's over.

That man can go hug himself.


Well-known member
They'd already handed the GOP everything in 2022. Now it's gift-wrapped on a silverp latter.

there is an ever-increasing chance Nothing in America will actually be allowed to improve within our lifetimes.


Active member
I began budgeting for the lack of the CTC next year, but not gonna lie, it would be nice to know it was still going to be coming. January is traditionally a lower revenue month for my business, so that extra $500 would come in handy.

The CTC also helps offset my self employment tax. Gonna have to set money aside next year throughout the year now.

It’s crazy that a state of 200,000 people has this much power over the rest of the country.


Active member
Well, there are also those rural states that elect Republicans...
Yes and the voters on my state who continue to send guys like Gym Jordan and Rob Portman to DC are just as guilty.

Thing is, those are Republicans. You know to expect division and anti-consumer tactics from them.

Manchin caucuses with the Democrats. That’s my issue.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I just got an email from Schumer admitting that Build Back Better is delayed at least until January.


Staff member
Council of Elders
And in January it dies via a 48-52 vote as Manchin and Sinema side with the Republicans. Yay.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
They should do it anyways, just to force them to put their money where their mouth is. It's much easier to campaign against someone for not doing something if they don't even have any attempts on the record. If they tried and got shot down, they at least have the "we tried" to fall back on and plenty of finger-pointing.


Well-known member
I feel like the thing that needs to be said here is: BBB, in its current form, was hot garbage.

Partly, it's the fault of Manchin and other moderate Dems, who peeled away funding and forced the size of the package to shrink, meaning there was no feasible way to do everything on the agenda and do it well. So at that point, Dems could've picked a few important things and fully funded them. It would be something. But instead they tried to jam everything in as temporary programs that, like the CTC, would expire after a while. The fact that everyone is now preparing for the CTC's expiration next year is all the evidence we need to see why that's a good idea.

So the best thing Manchin's done in this whole process was to look at that funding scheme and say "not gonna support that, it's bullshit." That was the Dems' chance to go back and do what they should've done, which is pick a few priorities and call it a win.

And now, in the midst of all the drama since Sunday, we find out that Manchin did give the White House a proposal along those lines:

Sunday morning, Joe Manchin threw a giant twist into the plot of the Biden presidency by announcing his opposition to the administration’s signature domestic agenda. But the new plot had a gaping hole: Biden noted that, a few days before walking away, Manchin had made a counteroffer to Biden at the White House.

What was the counteroffer? And why did Biden reject it?

The Washington Post fills in the answer. Manchin’s proposal included universal pre-kindergarten, an expansion of the Affordable Care Act, and hundreds of billions of dollars in green energy spending, all totaling the promised $1.8 trillion.

Manchin apparently doesn't support funding/extending the CTC because he thinks poor people are gonna spend it on booze or whatever, so he's a classist asshole, but the important part is that there was a viable path to getting something done and signed into law! And it includes something to address climate change, which is probably the most pressing issue of all.

But of course it's all spiraling into drama and disorder because the Democrats are the Detroit Lions of political parties.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I like to think of the Democrats as the Jacksonville Jaguars of political parties. Coachless and with very few wins. But the Lions are close.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
You do realize that manchin only made the counter offer to continue to masquerade as a democrat. If the white house had come up with his offer and proposed it to him: he would have refused it. Partly because he wants to slow down the transition to renewable energy, given how invested he is in west virginia coal.


too old for this
At this point, bring it to a vote. Force them to vote no and then remove them from the party. Let's stop pretending, stop playing grabass nice games and actually put people on the ******* record.

Biden knows that Manchin just sunk his presidency. At this point neither he nor Senema should get a damn thing from the DNC except a laundry list of primary opponents.

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