Harris-Walz / Dems


jumbled pile of person
At rallies during the 2024 cycle, Trump still alludes to the 2020 election being rigged and he urges supporters to vote in droves in November to make his victory “too big to rig.”

"Too big to rig." Damn, wish we'd come up with that one.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Trump is urging his supporters to vote in droves... this week. Last week, he was shouting that he didn't need their votes, and the week before was literally NOT to vote because the system is rigged against them anyway.

This is also part of the reason even hard core, die hard cultists and ******* quitting: whiplash fatigue.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
TBH, I’m genuinely worried that the race riots in the UK (well, England and Northern Ireland) the last week were a dry run for something dark that could happen in November in the States; online far-right agitators were manipulated behind the scenes to trigger it all off, and I wouldn’t be surprised if those puppet-masters operate across the Atlantic.

I hope that I am wrong.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
If there's violence in november (and keep in mind, this is based on current events and not projecting future successes or failures of propaganda. But trump would need to pull it together in a way that he literally cannot due to his dementia.) it'll be disparate and individual: not coordinated and motivated.

Because the cult is still tooled up for violence, but their enthusiasm is waning. Trump is losing even his cultists now, and the ones that are still trucking on are tired and calling out trumps bullshit.


Now with hi-res avatar!
I'm less worried about Trump inciting violence than I am that Republican plants screwing with the electoral college will mean he won't need to.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Because the cult is still tooled up for violence, but their enthusiasm is waning. Trump is losing even his cultists now, and the ones that are still trucking on are tired and calling out trumps bullshit.
The problem is not really his cultist. I still have people I work with (even my own FATHER, a lifelong democrat until he turned old and crazy…maybe literally) who say (and I know this isn’t a be all, but still) that they will still vote for Trump because it will be good for the stock market (and thus, their work sponsored 401K and any meager investments employees of a plains rural hospital can muster).

But then again, I live in Oklahoma, so it might just all be cover or mental justification to vote for an asshole like Trump. Or they all watch Fox News which, as usual, spins everything to be the Dems’ fault and why costs are going up.


too old for this
We really, as a nation, need to do something about Fox News and the other extreme right wing "news" outlets. They're a problem that is only going to continue to get worse.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Strengthen libel laws and hold them accountable. Also maybe re-instate the fairness doctrine?

M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie
In not on my Bingo card news, Jesse Ventura just endorsed Kamala/Walz.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Not exactly unexpected, given the current environment. He's been associated with both the Reform Party and Green Party in the past, both of which aren't exactly authoritarian in nature, unlike the MAGA movement and given the current situation and the project 2024 playbook, I'm not surprised he is going with the candidate that has a chance to win and likely WONT push us closer to an authoritarian nightmare.


too old for this
So the GOP is attempting to revive the Swift Boat movement with Walz. The Trump campaign hired the architect of the Swift Boaties and are pushing a massively false narrative from "officers" who claim to have been in the national guard with Walz, saying he ran when he was going to be deployed, that he's claiming rank he didn't earn and the whole stolen valor thing.

While the actual National Guard has issued statements refuting this, the unscrupulous are trying to use the false statements to make a splash like was done with Kerry.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
WAPO finds some of it... actually kinda iffy.

Abandonment of his troops
The record shows that Walz made his decision to retire after the National Guard announced the unit might be deployed to Iraq. Walz initially issued a news release indicating he would deploy with his unit.
Assessment: Walz knew that he might soon be deployed to Iraq. However, he had served nearly a quarter-century in the Guard and had already announced he was considering a congressional race. He has said he could not do both, and so chose to run for Congress. Whether he abandoned his troops is a matter of perspective, but it is noteworthy that his retirement request was not blocked.
‘Command Sergeant Major’
At various times, such as in a 2006 C-SPAN interview, he described himself as a command sergeant major. Republicans say that is misleading because he is receiving retirement benefits for the rank one level below — master sergeant. That’s because he still needed additional training at the time he retired.
The Harris-Walz campaign on its website initially called Walz a “retired Command Sergeant Major” but then updated his biography to say he “served as a command sergeant major.”
Assessment: This is on the line. He did achieve the title he has claimed, for a total of seven months, but it would be more accurate to say he “served as command sergeant major” rather than claim the title outright.
Operation Enduring Freedom
Republicans have pointed to a 2006 news release by his congressional campaign, which called him “a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom” and also a 2004 photo in which he is holding a sign saying “Enduring Freedom — Veterans for Kerry.”
Assessment: This is also on the line. We can find no evidence Walz ever claimed he served in Afghanistan. He served overseas in support of the Afghanistan war, but sometimes his phrasing might mislead people into thinking he was an Afghanistan veteran.
Carrying weapons
The Harris campaign circulated a 2018 clip of Walz arguing in support of gun restrictions. “We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at,” he said.
Assessment: Walz’s language was sloppy and false. He did carry weapons of war — just not in war.

M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie
The Minnesota National Guard itself has said he's fine to call himself by the rank he earned.

The 'abandonment' angle is laughable from every angle. People are not obligated to stay in the service forever - especially when we know he filed to run for Senate at least a month before any warnings went out about possible deployment. It's coincidental timing.

Everything else is easily attributed to human error/word flubbing/semantics. He was deployed to Italy as support for Operation Enduring Freedom and has never claimed to have gone to Afghanistan.

The only reason the right is pushing these coincidental issues is because they have nothing else on the guy. It's disingenuous.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's getting dumber. It looks like most of this comes down to third party claims about his service, not things he ever actually said himself.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
If the right-wing mediasphere had any self-awareness, they'd be like this:


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