Harris-Walz / Dems


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Clearing encampments without offering proper solutions solves nothing. It just increases suffering of those already marginalized. Newsom should be ashamed of the hardline stance he is taking here.

M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie
"The Revolution! Any day now!"

Is just the rapture for leftists. I'm so tired of this shit.


jumbled pile of person
I love how X managed to choose the exact frame to thumbnail that makes them look the most like smug douches.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So... she IS aware that a communist government will be MORE encompassing than the current US government, right? She's not that ******* stupid, right?


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
So... she IS aware that a communist government will be MORE encompassing than the current US government, right? She's not that ******* stupid, right?
Depends. Marxist communism actually calls for the end goals to be minimal to no state. Issue is no such system has ever been implemented at any kind of scale. and given human nature, I'm not sure if it CAN work, outside of very small communities anyway. As far as the second guy goes. He's an idiot. If you want third parties to be viable, the only way to do it will be election reform. Simply choosing the greater of two evils won't convince people to abandon the two party system...


jumbled pile of person
I mean, if Trump wins, there will be a huge uptick in people trying to start a revolution, no doubt. Especially once he gets rolling on his plans. And given the choice between fascism and even the worst thing that can come from a leftist revolution, I'd be hard pressed to not root for them.

But also, not only has no communist revolution succeeded in installing a true communist system, no one has ever successfully revolted against a fascist state. The Spanish Civil War? Franco won. All those attempts at assassinating Hitler? Failed. Whatever the hell happened in Italy? Didn't even make it into my history books. I'll just leave it at that.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Watched the DNC last night. Old man gave a heck of an hour long speech, and only got lost once.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.

not having a Palestine speaker at the convention isn't a great step and they can't really afford missteps with this...
Having a Palestinian speaker likely would have turned off as many voters as not having one would. The Palestinian issue is decisive and NOT as important to the general US population as you think it is. Besides anyone who supports Palestine with half a brain cell knows the alternative to Harris would be WORSE for the Palestinians than she would be.

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