Harris-Walz / Dems


Active member
The best Christmas gift he could give Moscow Mitch would be to change sides before 2022. And the crazy part is I can totally see him doing so too.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't want to think about that given we have a 6-3 Supreme Court disadvantage with an 83 year old among those 3 who is being stubborn about retiring. That could easily become 7-2 by 2024 if Moscow Mitch gets a say.


jumbled pile of person
At this point, bring it to a vote. Force them to vote no and then remove them from the party.
I don't think the party can just kick people out like that. If they want to try to primary him, they're more than welcome.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Of course he beat the last guy who tried to challenge him from the left by 40 points. I don't see it happening.


jumbled pile of person
I suppose the upside if he were voted out in favor of a Republican would be that we'd have to stop pretending we have a majority.

Because it really does seem like as soon as we get even the slightest marginal victory in any way, people go "Yay, all problems are solved forever, I can stop caring about politics ever again."

Then again, as soon as we lose that majority, those same people go "Well, shit, I guess we're screwed forever, there's no sense bothering with politics because nothing we do will ever matter again."

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Things would be so much more worse right now if Manchin wasn't a Democrat. McConnell would still be Senate Majority Leader and the Dems would have gotten even less accomplished over the past year.

Does Manchin suck big sweaty balls? Yep. Do we want him to switch sides? Um, no. No, we actually don't. Under no circumstances do we want him to turn the Senate red before the 2022 election just so we can feel better about having him off our roster.


jumbled pile of person
Things would be so much more worse right now if Manchin wasn't a Democrat. McConnell would still be Senate Majority Leader and the Dems would have gotten even less accomplished over the past year.
Yeah, or, or, Kamala Harris would be motivated to step in and say "Uh, no, I'm in charge of the Senate, and all the powers you've been claiming to have all these years are stuff you pulled out of your ass and all the other Democrats were too much of a coward to call you on. Now sit down and shut up."


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Manchin may be eyeing a party switch. He could have done a press conference to announce he's not ready to vote yes yet. He's done it before. He chose to go on FOX to break the news that he's a no vote, to see what kind of welcome mat they're willing to lay out.


Well-known member
You do realize that manchin only made the counter offer to continue to masquerade as a democrat. If the white house had come up with his offer and proposed it to him: he would have refused it. Partly because he wants to slow down the transition to renewable energy, given how invested he is in west virginia coal.
At first I thought this was doomsaying, but you might actually be onto something.


wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It's not like it was hard: check his finances then look at his voting record. He's entirely in it to make money.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
So what exactly is he supposed to do? Issue a federal order for red state leaders to stop being idiots? Because I would love to see that, but I'm not holding my breath on it working.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If he starts laying federal level statutes for covid: and he's a ******* tyrant. Offer support and resources for the states to manage on their own: and he's nothing doing anything.

Either way: it doesn't affect the overall vaccination rate because every single thing he'll try to do will be fought by obstructionist republicans and a literally brainwashed population who think KILLING AND DYING FOR THEIR POLITICAL IDEOLOGY is the ultimate expression of their personal freedoms.


jumbled pile of person
Thing is, when you're in a situation where you'll be vilified whether you do the right thing or not, a wise person would see it as a perfect excuse to do the right thing. Hedging your bets that sitting on your ass and hoping things magically get better will be better for your reputation is what a spineless piece of shit does.

I can't believe the dark-age edgelord version of Batman from the Nolan movies is more of a role model than our current Democrat president but here we are.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
He can do the right thing all he wants: the point is that the red states will fight it with all their blackhearted souls. IF they begrudgling dragged their feet, mumbled about how this sucks, but did it anyway: then do it.

Right now, they are literally taking the government to court over the most common sense, basic steps to mitigate the virus. And in the cases like florida: literally using the money the feds are giving them to actively pursue legally districts that are attempting to protect themselves.

That's not a "do the right thing anyway" moment. That's a "**** it, you're going to kill yourself anyway" moment.


Slightly Off
Biden's absolutely right, it's at the State level COVID's going to be stopped and Red States are perfectly happy to kill their populations.

Here's the fundamental difference between Republicult and Democrat Presidents. The Republicultist rules like a king. A Democrat acts like a President.

You want to get mad at people not doing shit? Get mad at the people closer to home that you have a bigger impact in getting elected.


jumbled pile of person
You mean the people who are incapable of ever losing their jobs because the entire country has been gerrymandered into permanent redness?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The jerrymandering isn't where they got their power: it's how they keep it. Crippling education and endless propaganda is where they get their power.

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