Harris-Walz / Dems


too old for this
She was emphatically part of the problem when the GOP was just in the business of ******* over the poors. Now, she's a voice against the Constitution threatening orange stain. I appreciate her views on Trump and not much else.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Shit talking, making grand claims, and no facts to back it up? I think we know who jeff walz is voting for.


Well-known member

Before getting to the specifics of his own scandal (which are interesting if you are curious) Alexander Hamilton discusses in 1797 about how people repeat lies even after they've been debunked because people might forget the debunking or when people keep hearing things they eventually believe some of it must be true.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.


Well-known member
I don't know whether the Cheneys will impact the election, because I'm not sure how much this is cart and how much it is horse, but I am heartened that either Deep GOP (and Dick Cheney is deep, deep) are trying to steer the party back from Trumpism or they believe there is about to be a power vacuum.

I grew up in a Republican home. I'm very doubtful that the GOP will ever get me back, but I'd like to see them trying. I would like to be back in an environment where I am listening to the candidates' speeches and weighing the issues. I would like to be back where Democrats lose an election and say "That's really disappointing let's get busy on the next one" instead of "Oh no, what are we gonna do!" I don't want any more most important elections of my lifetime.
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Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I'd rather see an ad blitz of TV spots featuring people like John Kelly, Jim Mattis and Rex Tillerson saying they worked for Trump and they're voting for Harris.

That's assuming any of them could be convinced to do it.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Even you could; where would you air those commercials? Corporate media wants a trump regime: sure the ones who pissed him off will be culled, but the ones who DIDN'T will get tax cuts and deregulation, and boy oh boy do the owners want tax cuts and deregulation.


jumbled pile of person
Even you could; where would you air those commercials?
Actually, one of the few laws governing political advertising in the US is that TV channels can't pick and choose which ones they air, as long as the candidates and organizations behind them are willing to pay. In fact, they might even be required to bump regular ads off the list to make room for them all, which explains why people in swing states see almost nothing else during election seasons.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So not only is propaganda legal to broadcast, it's illegal to refuse to broadcast it?

How is the US only this fucked up? You'd imagine it would be a lot worse by now.

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