Harris-Walz / Dems


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Debate just started.

They shook hands. Harris went for it. Trump obviously did not expect it. A lot of people lost money on that bet.

Okay. As someone with stage fright, I think Harris has it. It doesn't mean she doesn't know what she's going to say, or that she doesn't have confidence in what she's going to say. If you've got it, there's just nothing you can do about it.

Moderators are asking good questions.

Trump still doesn't know how to answer the abortion question. It's just spray and pray, and he tripped on one of his own talking points.

They stopped muting the mics. Uh oh.

Abortion over. Immigration time. Trump punted on his own signature issue.

Trump brought up the Springfield story. This is unraveling.

Harris has stage fright and Trump snorted 20 lines of coke on the ride over here.

Oh boy. Harris got answered the "Why have you changed all your positions?" question... and she did not nail the response.

Trump got in the "I'm talking" line before she could.

January 6. Here we go. Trump did not win any points on this one.

Coke comes with second waves apparently.

I think most of the pundits are going to say Harris won. She is not nailing any of the big questions anyone was waiting for her to answer tonight, but she did have a goal of getting under Trump's skin and he is taking the bait every time. Even when they're on Trump's favorite issues he can't get his own points out because he gets completely distracted by the dumbest things.

Concepts of a plan.

Closing arguments. Thank god.

That was a mixed bag. I think people who tuned out after the first few minutes are going to think Trump won, just because Harris was so obviously nervous. People who watched all the way through are going to think Harris won.
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Well-known member
I felt like she acquitted herself well. Trump landed a few points, but her message was strong.

She also did a very good job of goading Trump. Every time she stuck something in that wounded his pride irrelevantly, he responded to that instead of the issue.


Active member
Trump managed to take the bait from Harris and the moderators every single time and endlessly step on his own dick. It was a pretty bad performance even by the low low expectations I have for him. Harris was on point and on message, even if it was one that insulted the voter's intelligence.


Well-known member
Kamala's first question was whether people's lives were better than 4 years ago and she dodged the question and just talked about her vision for the future, which isn't really unusual in the situation, but if I'd been in her shoes, I would have said "Wow, thanks for starting me off with a softball. 4 years ago the economy was in the tank, we had giant unemployment, there was a thousands were dying every day of Covid, and the President had incited a riot that attacked the Capitol. Definitely better, easy."


Guess whos back
Right I felt like that should have been an easy serve to handle. Even if she wasn't 100% of how to respond it would have been better to start with an enthusiastic yes.

Trump took the bait every single time. His ego is too big to not respond to jabs.

Sadly I feel like Trump could have literally taken a shit on stage and Kamala answered perfectly and it would still be a close match. That's just how fucked half the country has gotten after 9 years of fear mongering and being fed constant lies.

Republicans are of course going after the moderators for... Not letting Trump just lie his ass off unchecked I guess?

Anonymous X

Well-known member
I’ll note that the “immigrants eat your pets” strategy adopted by Trump and Vance was also used over here, in the run-up the Brexit referendum.


Well-known member
I guess immigrants have been well-known pet eaters from way back. Except not his dad. Or his mom. Or his wife.


Well-known member
Honestly, while the pet-eating thing is so outrageous it deserves condemnation, I can't help but think "so what if it were TRUE? They're not going to eat YOUR pets! This is just a culture that considers dogs and/or cats as potential food sources. We might find it disgusting, but people have a right to their cultures."


too old for this
I’ll note that the “immigrants eat your pets” strategy adopted by Trump and Vance was also used over here, in the run-up the Brexit referendum.
I mean, it's an old racist trope. Trotted out by old racists who haven't the brain power to come up with new lines.
The current replacement theory bullshit hasn't caught on the way they wanted so they're going back to old classics.

Quick, someone do me up a Coke fonted "Racism Classic" meme.


Well-known member
I was really surprised to hear that the entire rest of the world is having a marked decrease in crime because of all the criminals sneaking over our border. It is remarkable. It almost makes you want to set up a paradise in Antarctica and draw them there instead of here.

Edit - On the surface, he is correct that all the people sneaking over the border are criminals, but whether they are Jack the Ripper or Jean Valjean is something to be thought about.
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too old for this
I was really surprised to hear that the entire rest of the world is having a marked decrease in crime because of all the criminals sneaking over our border. It is remarkable. It almost makes you want to set up a paradise in Antarctica and draw them there instead of here.

Edit - On the surface, he is correct that all the people sneaking over the border are criminals, but whether they are Jack the Ripper or Jean Valjean is something to be thought about.
. . . . yes, border crossing is illegal and, as such, everyone who does is a criminal. But that's such a pedantic point I am not willing to give it to Trump or the racist crowd.

We've spent the last 100 years crowing about how America is the land of opportunities. How we want the poor, the tired, the teeming masses yearning to breath free. It seems very hypocritical to set out these enticements and then slam the door in people's faces.


Well-known member
Right, it isn't Don's point. He makes it pretty clear that he thinks they are Jack the Ripper.

The only test that I am aware of is the put them near a prostitute. Jack the Ripper kills her. Jean Valjean takes her to the hospital and raises her child as his own.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
He doesn't understand a lot of things. But as long as he sees a camera pointed at him, he'll just keep on rambling.

M. Virion

If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie



Are you the first person to finally decipher why he keeps bringing up Hannibal Lecter at his rallies?

Was it not known? I thought it was kind of obvious, he had a recent rally where he straight up said Hannibal Lecter was an example of the kind of people coming in.

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