Haze's Thread ver. 3.14a

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Ask me things, or don't, I'm not your mom.

Or like, give genera GM advice, maybe? One of my games is about to go on extended hiatus for an undetermined amount of time and I'm debating trying to get something started I've been plinking at since then.


Nonstop Baaka
I DM'd for a very brief stint. The only thing I remember is to not bother planning much b/c the players are going to derail the train so bad something something I'd too tired to be clever right now.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Yeah, I've been on the player side of that a lot. I do intend to have the initial part not really allow for that much, but I'm also gonna set that expectation with players beforehand - essentially, you're prison-breaking out of a science lab, you do not have much in the way of time to screw around.

Afterwards, tho...that's the scary open part.


Staff member
Council of Elders

What's the game? What's the setting? What's the mood? What are these players like?

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
The system is Valor - a very flexible and anime-based system that does well to not get bogged down in too much crunch stuff and has honestly really, really spoiled me for games lately due to one of the devs putting in the time to make a Roll20 API/character sheet and keep it updated so that it's fairly easy to pick up.

The actual game/setting is going to be spinning off the Bloody Roar games prior to 4, involving the PCs being amnesiac supersoldier experiments, offshoots of the various research programs that created Uriko, Uranus, and Kohryu, though they're all connected under the same banner of Project Helios. All they can remember are codename designations that are based on planets of the solar system, and the aforementioned railroady breakout bit will be them getting out of the lab, and somewhat speedrunning their first five character levels so they can unlock their transformation skill.

The players are still to be determined.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Watched through a bit of that, real good so far, but kind of backpocketing it until it'll be more timely for me, 'cause I know I won't retain any of it. Mind like a steel sieve, me.

In the meantime...my thread, I can do what I want, so status of the currently-going campaigns.

Kingdom Valor - was off this week due to someone oversleeping (me, whoops,,,). We're winding up the second season of this to mothball it for a while due to major scheduling issues, and quite frankly having a big delay of unknown duration will be accurate to the Kingdom Hearts Experience.

Shovel Knight Valor - also off this week, GM was behind on their work so they called it. Antsy to get back to it, though, we've been in a party-split fight for a couple sessions now and it's left off on a tense cliffhanger.

Cousinhood of Lestravaan - new-to-me, existing campaign that I've joined. Bit on the edge of my comfort zones, as it's been a long time since I've both touched actual D&D and partook in a campaign that utilizes voice. Bit of a clumsy start, but had some good rolls and a lot of my nerves got disarmed thanks to hearing my Bostonian friend absolutely mangle a southern accent for her character. Session ends with the other rogue of the party jacking the bad guys' boat from them before they could board it, so that's a hell of a way to get to meet this group.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver

I had the thought recently of "what if I made a fake character select screen of all my active tabletop characters", and that sounded fun as hell. So I did the thing.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
A rather belated thankee! And, uh. Gonna have to update that, as I May Be Stupid, and have joined a Lancer game also.

Thankfully Kingdom Valor is actually on Until Further Notice hiatus and my inclusion of it was just gratuitous indulgence, and Lestravann is an every-other-week thing.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Now I just gotta find a good mood/timing to start in on it. In the meantime, back down in the SRW hole, so earworm time again...


Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Oh, neat! I've seen that crop up a few times on the Slayers discord I lurk in.

Still down the SRW hole myself,

Finally got the GGG vs Betterman stuff rolling proper, now I just gotta pace myself and not streamline hard through it. Shit's wild, but I'm pretty okay with it since it makes the ending of FINAL a lot easier to swallow.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Wrapped up that first go at SRW30 a week or so ago, gonna let it sit a while and see if rumors of more DLC pan out before I have a go at a NG+.

Moved onto PowerSlave: Exhumed, it's a delightful and weird boomer shooter that feels very prototypey of Metroid Prime, and has some of the best platforming I've ever encountered in a first person game. Getting close to the end of it, though, presumably will be able to wrap up the good and bad ends fairly easily, if the game follows its prior formula and makes the final boss arena its own contained level, but not an actual level to go through.

After that...idk what. Could go back to Ghost of Tsushima, since I still haven't done the island DLC yet, or the Turok remasters. Also left off in the middle of Quake remaster, but...tbh, kinda finding Quake to be not very engaging.


Nonstop Baaka
Ooh! Didn't recognize you with the name change and not-Lina avatar XD

That bat char is super cute!


The old boards used to have a function so you could look up all the past screen names of someone on their profile. It was a useful function. I miss it.

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