Haze's Thread ver. 3.14a

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
An incomplete collection of entertaining things I've capped so far while watching L-Gaim.










Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Finally goddamn done with Super Robot Wars 30.

No clue what I want to play next.


Going back to my Ghost of Tsushima replay is also theoretically on the table, but I did leave off at one of the personally rawest parts for me, so there'd be pushing through that.


Nonstop Baaka
Of course, I'm gonna recommend Ace Attorney and Okami if you haven't beaten them yet.
^Still needs to beat Okami

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Stray. I say you gotta play Stray. It should only take a day.
It's on the Want to Play list, just not in this one yet 'cause money.

Control was great, highly recommend it.
Maybe some weird shit would be good, I know I like some of the insert songs from the game.

Of course, I'm gonna recommend Ace Attorney and Okami if you haven't beaten them yet.
^Still needs to beat Okami
Of these, I've done the OG trilogy before, like. God, back on their individual DS releases. So I do wanna re-do it at some point, hence the purchase, but yeah, that one's not a priority. GAA seems like a wild time from what all I've heard/seen, and I've had a few false starts on Okami before, so I've never actually gotten to finish it.

*notes battletech* i see your a person of culture as well.

Would rather avoid that particular phrase going forward if possible, but - yeah, grabbed it like 90% out of spite for the people wailing about the character creation options. I've poked it a bit before, the depth is kind of intimidating - but I do want to go back to it eventually. Just, not right now, my brain needs a break from robot tactics.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Maybe some weird shit would be good, I know I like some of the insert songs from the game.
"Take Control" is legitimately a badass song and plays during one of the best sequences in the game, although the lyrics are full of spoilers, so I'm not gonna post it here (it also contains backmasked hints to a couple of the game's more obscure puzzles, which is kinda hilarious). "My Dark Disquiet" is great too.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
It's not a widespread thing, it's just a me thing. No worries 'cause I don't go running around yelling about it so you wouldn't have known beforehand. Just letting it be known going forward that I'm not keen on the 'person of culture' bit being directed at me.

On a lighter note, I got Rayearth put together earlier.



Nonstop Baaka
Nice! They're still not in at BBTS... but shipping is still high at the 1999 store. ;_;

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
They're good, there's been a couple instances where the plastic tolerances made assembly just a touch tricky, but not impossible. On Rayearth, it was one of the four shoulder gems, it just would not stay solidly in place, so i eventually just snipped the little tabs off of it and superglued it. On Windam, I'm not sure if the head assembly had odd tolerances or if I just didn't clear enough sprue flash, I just know it was frustrating because the head is tiny and very pointy.

Gradion and Rayearth both have limbs that like to slide apart with basic posing if you're not paying attention (Gradion's thigh swivels, Rayearth's bicep swivels), but Windam seems more solid than both of them. Not dealbreakers for me, and probably easily fixable with whatever the cool kids use for joint tightening these days.

...also Windam and Rayearth both seem to have the same set of extra parts that look like they'd go toward a Combined Rayearth? But like, not nearly enough to complete it, and the non-gold ones of Windam's are in green rather than red. Not sure what those are about, especially since a Combined Rayearth was announced...

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Probably just added to the molds in advance so they don't have to make more molds later. Happens sometimes with Gundam kits too.

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