Haze's Thread ver. 3.14a

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver

It's still there, at least on my end, via that clock icon.

That said, apologies for the confusion, had a rather aggressively antsy need to change handles up suddenly, and it got unfortunately timed with watching L-Gaim and breaking the chain of Lina icons for Nei Mo Han.

That bat char is super cute!
Thankee! That's Mona from the player-select bit some posts up, figured I'd get my gal out of the way first with this.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Every series of Goodsmile announcements ends up with me showing up to be disappointed there's no new Slayers stuff. :c

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
If we get either of those, I'm p sure the server I lurk in will go completely apeshit.

In the meantime, they're finding other ways to get my money.



Nonstop Baaka
*Checks* Huh. The prices for the kits are better, too. Gonna go for it as soon as I stop getting distracted by other stuff they have...


They all look like Gundam to me. Eva suites, those are Gundam. Escaflowne, that's a Gundam. Voltron is a Gundam too. Optimus Prime is undeniably a Gundam.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
whats a rayearth? those look like gundams.
Basically (but not quite) Magic Gundams, with very good and low-cost support skills that are very helpful to have around on maps full of beam-resistant enemies in SRW30.

Not quite as fun as all the actual super robots with attacks that have 'beam' in the name that qualify as melee attacks and don't count as beam attacks for those resistances, but the Rayearth girls are still great.


Nonstop Baaka
Aww man, I missed out on Figmas of the girls. Boo. The shipping costs for the 3 kits (plus one other thing TMM wanted) would've made it about $50 more expensive than BBTS. Back to waiting...

whats a rayearth? those look like gundams.
Magic Knight Rayearth was originally a manga drawn by CLAMP. 3 girls get isekai'd into a fun world where they power up much like in a video game, but it's not as simple as it seems... 6 volumes in total, ends a bit awkardly. The art is gorgeous and the story is surprising. It was one of my favorites when I lived in Japan as a kid.

There was also an anime series and OVA, though it didn't do the manga justice. The girls are also referenced/make cameos in CLAMP's other works. I wish it had been popular enough to get 3 more volumes or at least a better ending, but whacha gonna do.

Anyway, here's the old anime's 3rd OP, b/c I can't seem to find a good quality one of the first OP in Japanese.

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