How to survive?


I think computer skills are necessary for survival these days, more and more so in the future with every passage of time.

There are so many programming languages, and more are popping up every day. How can I catch up and keep up with the technology?

I’d also like to fulfill my desire to work from home and remotely full-time, go full digital nomad. So what skills do I need to get in order to make that a reality?


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Hot take: we never should have stopped learning BASIC. The elitists who looked down on it ruined everything.

If you're interested in programming for making money, I'd look into Assembly. It's not where most work is done nowadays, but we're in trouble if no one knows how to do it anymore.

As far as working from home, technology-wise and skill-wise we're already there. There is no shortage of jobs that could be done from home right now. There's just a shortage of jobs they will let us do from home.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders


I notice that Starbucks hides the honey. I have to ask for it directly in order to put it in my tea. Is honey a valuable food source?

I also noticed one day a couple of homeless people taking alot of sugar packets, to the point where the baristas had to stop them, and one of the homeless men became very loud, belligerent and aggressive. Can they live off sugar packets?

Deathy G1

Active member
I had a hunch about diamondgirl ever since they started posting.

ooo-baby/diamondgirl: Go bug people on Reddit or something. Leave us alone.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
ooo-baby weirdness aside, a thread for modern survival advice could be interesting. Maybe we could salvage this.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
If so I'd recommend deleting this entire thing and start from scratch. I attempted to help when this started, I quit when I came to the conclusion that it was just there to get attention at best, or was trolling at worst. Some things posted are flat out hazerdous or illegal, we don't need a thread advocating drug cartels supplying birth control or declaring what is or is not useful anymore in society from a position of knowing nothing about how most industries work, or saying that drugs give the homeless superhuman abilities. The internet has enough misinformation as-is without having a repository for it on a discussion board for toys. I was surprised to see this thread make a comeback and I don't plan to comment in it beyond this.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
I'd like to also cast a vote for redoing from start. I admit to having been intrigued by the concept, especially after spending a good amount of the past 25 years in survival/recovery mode....

But then it went all over the map....

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