[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Now you listen here, Ms. Jack." in a flash, Snowy was Maple. Her voice didn't sound quite right this stern, but it was a perfect match. "Just because you didn't know how your Internal Biology works doesn't mean it stopped working. You've been eating our love since you came to Caballuston. But in all the time you've been awake and wandering around Equestria, not once have you drained someone! I don't pretend to know how, but you give love back. It's an equal exchange; ask Sycamoreen. Being a changeling is not a crime; draining ponies of life is a crime, and you haven't done! that! Do you remember the conversation we had, a month or so back, about monsters? I stand here corrected: everyone in that room was a monster except you."

She blinked when Snowy turned into her former self, and then listened as she told herself something important.

This time her Maple smile was honest, and as it lasted longer and longer on her face - the more she seemed to believe it herself. She had her doubts she'd ever be able to be 'maple' again... but maybe she could be a slightly different Maple, and that would be okay.

"Is that how weird that feels to see that Maplejack?" She asked, turning back to the earth pony.

"Not as weird as it's been to become somepony's big sister." Maplejack smiled, holding out her hooves.

Her forelegs weren't empty very long, with a flash Maple was snuggled into Maplejack and both were softly cry laughing.

Racing with blistering speed, Misty Monsoon reached the beach to see Pendulumnae calmly standing in front of the finish line.

In the midst of searching for the stone pieces, the STOMP team remembered how Splash Flaunt had been going over several of the notes she had been taking while in COIN. She'd never been to a main headquarters and the regional branches moved based off of individual missions. Mission leads tend to send letters, send a representative, or show up directly to request you for missions unless you're known to check in regularly to the temporary regional branch. COIN had a few relatively above board investments in other business using false names but weren't against working into a business and siphoning away funds. Most money was gained from sold artifacts.

What probably surprised her the most was that a few higher ups would fund individual expeditions for freelancers. That was how she was drawn in. Dazzling Midnight recruited her with the promise of funding her expedition to the southern Snowy Sea and after a few missions she made good on her word by paying for it out of pocket. She simply wanted to know if anything "interesting" was found but was vague on what that would be.

Misty hits the ground, kicking up a spray of sand behind her as she skids to a stop next to Pendulumnae. "Wow, you got here pretty quick!"

She blinked when Snowy turned into her former self, and then listened as she told herself something important.

This time her Maple smile was honest, and as it lasted longer and longer on her face - the more she seemed to believe it herself. She had her doubts she'd ever be able to be 'maple' again... but maybe she could be a slightly different Maple, and that would be okay.

"Is that how weird that feels to see that Maplejack?" She asked, turning back to the earth pony.

"Not as weird as it's been to become somepony's big sister." Maplejack smiled, holding out her hooves.

Her forelegs weren't empty very long, with a flash Maple was snuggled into Maplejack and both were softly cry laughing.

The third maple quietly smiles to himself, and offers a hoofshake to Sycamoreen.
"I may have been a tad overzealous in this." He admits to her. "I don't actually know how to change back before the enchantment wears off. And as nice as these wings look, I can't actually fly."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Travelling to the west, Scarlet Spectrum, Dusty Winds, and Night Cap found a riverbank. Cool water flowed and no other teams were nearby.

Travelling to the east, Rhapsody, Static Signal, and Anchors Away trekked deeper into the rainforest. Soon they came to an open clearing in a shaded area.

having to hold her breath as she stepped away from Maplejack, Maple couldn't help but laugh at the situation they were in.

"Where'd those nets go, we've got another extra Maplejack!" Standing up on her hind legs so she could hold her own tummy as she chortled, Maple added...

"Promise me Snowy that you'll never give Mr. Night cap Magic wings, ...he already thinks he can fly." She shuffled over to the other other herself and gave Snowy a big hug, tears now and then dripping out between rolling laughter.
"I hope I can still help you with what you needed me to help you with, how long will you be me? Do you need me to be you until it wears off?"

Snowmaple tenses for a moment, unused to someone his height hugging him, then returns the hug.

"I hope I can still help you with what you needed me to help you with, how long will you be me? Do you need me to be you until it wears off?"

Snowmaple pulls back from the hug to look straight at Maplemaple. "We already did my thing, Maple. Back at the manor. I just needed you to be there. If you hadn't been there, I would have talked around it, or prodded A Sharp away, or outright lied, and I never would have forgiven myself. Be whoever you want to be."

Maple was gobsmacked, that was the single bravest thing she'd ever seen anypony do... and Snowy needed her there so he could do it. All this time she thought it would be something like ... well she didn't know what she thought he was going to ask her to do, but... she was sure it was just a 'right place at the right time - pony of convenience' sort of thing. Not that he wanted her just to be there for him as his friend, while he did something he needed to do -that could be oh-so-easy not to do.

Maple Shapeshifted into a slightly Buffer, more bulky stallion version of Snowy... with a little cape and domino mask.

"I guess I'll just be the bravest pony I know... for a few minutes." she put a little more timber in his voice, but it wasn't a secret who she was supposed to be.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

As Static entered the clearing, he made a square shape with his hooves as if framing a shot.

"What do you think, Anchors? Kitchen right there. Bedroom, editing bay...big pool in back. We could put a deck right there. Quite the view!"

Static shuddered as the now familiar feeling shot up his spine.


[Didn't last long.]

[She's still back in Caballuston. What could possibly...?]

[Random thug just bucked with the wrong pony? It's over now. It's Maple. She's fine.]

[Yeah, atta girl. Kick their flank.]

Static shakes out of it and returns his attention to Anchors.

Snowmaple squints a little. "I could do without the mask." He admits, but he smiles. "So...what now? Do you all have some catching up to do?"


Pendulumnae chuckled, "I'm fast...in a way. Just how did I beat you here?"

"This wasn't what I expected...but I'm glad this worked out for you Maple and Maple. We've got some time until it's time for the return trip."

Misty rubs her head thoughtfully. "Umm... teleportation?"

"Yeah, I guess it is a bit humid here. Pretty though!" Static gave an uncertain shrug when asked if something just happened. "Maple was just in a...well...I would call it a fight, but it started and ended so quickly..." Static could only shrug. "Ordinarily I'd be worried. But I know Maple can take care of herself. I'd feel more sorry for anyone who tried to pick a fight with her."

Static meant to leave it at that. But now it was in his head. "She can totally take care of herself." He fidgeted a bit. "I...should definitely not radio in because there's nothing too radio in because she's perfectly alright...right? In fact, it would probably be insulting to her to think I didn't think she could...handle...her...self..." Static sighed. "I don't know how or why I came by this ability to know these things. But it can be so...gah!"[/COLOR]

Scarlet stared around aa they walked, eyes sharp for anything out of the ordinary.


Maple said her goodbyes, plans were made for her to return soon. She had a tree to find after all.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
All seemed to be calm to Scarlet Spectrum but Night Cap noticed something in the water. It looked like one of the stone puzzle pieces. Now if only they could reach it...


Looking around, Static Signal spotted something up above and barely dodged out of the way while three large spheres of water splashed to the ground. The water formed three quadruped forms with antlers and and pranced about. Anchors Away exclaimed, "Wow, they're raindeer! I've never seen one up close before, just drawings."


Pendulumnae nodded. "Yep. Know how you got to use your wings? Always make sure you know all the rules. Wrestling is a mix of strength, agility, and guile. You gotta figure out how to best combine them if you want to win.

The next challenge is more straightforward. You see the sandbag over there? You need to see how far you can push it. You need to at least get it passed the first line marked in the sand but I want to see just how far you can go. Ready?"


No earthly force can pull Night Cap into that water.

"Aha, I knew it! So, combining strength, agility, and guile... that's kind of like that thing... what's it called... strategy! That's it! So, I have to use strategy if I want to win... gotta remember that..."

She looks over the sandbag. "Ah, just a regular sandbag? Should be easy! I may have had trouble with the guile and agility parts, but I won't lose on strength!"


"Of course not," Scarlet muttered under his breath as he wondered whether it was the Dreamscaoe or the waking world that had given Night Cap his obvious aversion to water. Odd considering his was raring to go hunting Snow Shark.

Scarlet eyed the stone puzzle piece, then started pulling out his lasso and ropes.

[broken color tag]"Well then. How about i secure this rope around me. Use the other to tie round the puzzle piece. Then you two pull me back. Sound good? Any objections?"

Setting to work tying and readied to dive in.


With the rope tightly secured, Scarlet was ready to wade in and get the stone puzzle piece. All that he needed was for the others to keep things secure.


Pendulumnae nodded. "Pretty good. Glad you've recovered from your hospital stay as well. Alright, sit here so we can talk for a sec. How much do you know about the rules of a traditional wrestling match?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders





...not a whole lot, unfortunately."

Night Cap breathes a sigh of relief as everything goes well.

"So, how do you want to carry this thing?

Scarlet couldn't help it. He knew he shouldn't, but...

"we need the strength of a stout-hearted Earth Pony," he said with a wicked grin.

Dusty Winds pondered, "I think maybe we could secure it with the rope and carry it between two of us."

Upon falling to the ground, one of the raindeer splashed Rhapsody. As the three pranced about, Anchors Away whispered, "If you can do it without startling them, see if you can get some footage."


Static couldn't help but chuckle as Rhapsody got splashed and stood there dripping with water. "Oh deer!"

Static was already reaching for his equipment as Anchors suggested getting footage. He got out his tripod and quickly but quietly as possible set up his camera.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static Signal opened his backpack and almost dropped part of the camera equipment. However, quick reflexes allowed him to catch it before it hit the ground. As he set things up, Anchors Away very slowly started to sidestep so she wasn't immediately in the camera view as the raindeer frolicked.

Pendulumnae pondered. "Very good. The pin and wrestling for it is what separates wrestling from a more traditional martial arts match. It's also why most leagues limit! the physical strikes you can use."

Turning his very unproffessional chuckle at Night Caps response, into a cough. Scarlet nodded to Dusty Winds.

"Good idea Dusty. Sharing the load will make continuing on much easier," he said with a smile.

Static gasped as he nearly lost control of the camera part, only letting go of the held breath once everything was set up.

He grinned as he started filming the raindeer. This wasn't exactly something a pony saw every day. "Beautiful!" As he followed the deer frolicking about, he didn't dare peel his eyes from the viewfinder as he whispered to Anchors. "I think I could spend all day filming things that we never see in Caballuston. I mean...I realize we should be looking for these puzzle pieces...and yeah, we should totally do that. I just..." Static sighed as he determined he'd gotten enough footage. "Yeah, I suppose we should probably get back to doing that." He looked around at the rest of the scene around him. "I surely wouldn't mind coming back some time and just taking a few days."

On the train back to the Keep Maple and Snowy sat across an Isle from each other awkwardly silent.

"Alright, I'm sure Night Cap and I can handle the heavy lifting if you get the harness setup, Scarlet. Can't wait to see how many other teams have found these."


Anchors Away thought for a moment. "Since we have the camera equipment, I'm thinking we should head back to village at least briefly. It'll allow us to get footage of another team returning one of those puzzle pieces."




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Misty is all ears. "Oh, you'd better tell me more about physical strikes. I wouldn't want to get in trouble with that."

Static looked around at the forest. There did seem to be just walking about aimlessly anyway. As much as he'd like to have found one of the puzzle pieces, he was content enough with the footage he got. "Alright. Sounds good to me." He packed his equipment back up and started to follow Anchors.

Pulling his ropes together, Scarlet det to work.


[broken color tag]"But i did ask Night. You are a stout-hearted Earth Pony, right?"

"I bet you can eat 50 habaneros in one sitting!"
"I err...no. Just happen to like cayenne pepper and cinnamon in my coffee. An odd acquired taste I picked up."
"Oh? Well I bet you can lift..."
"It looks like they're back and I think we should find out what they found."
"That sounds like a wise decision!"

As the two halves of the STOMP team returned to the village at the same time, they could! tell that while she certainly wasn't angry, Brisk Iron looked somewhat strained. Presumably, variants of the exchange they overheard had been going on for a while.


Static grinned.

[Ah the burdens of being a living legend!]

[I could certainly live very happily without that kind of burden.]

"You know, I bet she could do all those things and more. But seriously, would you really want to take the heart of your legend and make it into a circus show performance?"

Static began to set up his equipment.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Destron D-69:
On the train back to the Keep Maple and Snowy sat across an Isle from each other awkwardly silent.

Finally back to his normal shape, Snowy eventually speaks up. "Have you decided who you're going to tell about this?"

"I should really tell everypony... I'm just not sure if all at once or if I should tell a few people as soon as possible." Maple kinda shrugged and just kicked her hooves out in front of her... "I mean... some of them might not take it as well as you have."

"Hm..." Snowy studies a corner of the window while he thinks. "Maybe tell Misty first, then everyone else? I feel like one big announcement might be easier. It's up to you, though."

..."I just hope she's feeling better, I don't want to be the next creature that hurts her." Maple took a similar interest in a corner of her window.

"Maple? Don't take this the wrong way, but you're really, REALLY BAD at hurting ponies."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I hope you're right Snowy." Maple sighed, turning away from the window so he could see the tears on her face...

"At least now I know why this has been the only rain I could ever make."


Breathing heavily, Scarlet tried to grin as they arrived back. Although his friends grumbling up to this point was testing his patience.

"See," he said between breaths. "i... told you... it wasn't... far..."

Then he felt the earth pony beginning to fold up. The weight of the puzzle stone shifted.

"Hey, wait! Night CaAaAp!"

Dusty Winds sighed and shook her head as Night Cap and Scarlet Spectrum collapsed. Canopy Joy excitedly waved everypony over to a pedestal and they saw four pieces already placed. There seemed to be nine total.

"Though I thought you might be faster, I'll admit that the other teams have been on a roll this year. The foals tend to have a good eye and already found two."

"I hope you're right Snowy." Maple sighed, turning away from the window so he could see the tears on her face...

"At least now I know why this has been the only rain I could ever make."

After several agonizingly long moments of struggle, Snowy scoots across the aisle to embrace the crying pony. "Oh, Maple."

Maple lost track of time as she sobbed, she must have drifted off to sleep at some point... she was still held in Snowy's hooves however, when the squeal or the trains brakes let her know they were back to Cobbleston.

"I think I'm going to try and find Misty... thank you for asking me to come with you Snowy." Maple said, as she got to her hooves and headed for the exit.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static winced and pulled away from the camera in a 'can't watch this' fashion as Night Cap and Scarlet dropped the piece they were carrying. He gave a sigh of relief as the piece managed not to break. He turned to Anchors with a shake of his head. "I dunno. I'm thinking either we should edit that part out, or loop it over and over again."

From where he lay, Scarlet glared at yhe ground, grumbling wordlessly.

"This… just… isn't… my… day…


At least it can't get any…"

He looked up to see Static. And Statics Camera!"

"I was wrong. You filmed that didn't you?"

Shoving himself back to his feet, Scarlet reached for the rope tied puzzle stone so as to at least get it to the pedastal with the rest.


"Yeah, I got it on film. Don't worry. I would never loop it over and over again with slow motion and show it at every given opportunity. And Snowy, Maple, Misty and Oasis will never...ever...see this."

*wide toothy mischievous grin*

Static just grinned and whistled innocently as he went back to filming.

Maple lost track of time as she sobbed, she must have drifted off to sleep at some point... she was still held in Snowy's hooves however, when the squeal or the trains brakes let her know they were back to Cobbleston.

"I think I'm going to try and find Misty... thank you for asking me to come with you Snowy." Maple said, as she got to her hooves and headed for the exit.

"Thanks for standing by me." Snowy says quietly, watching her go. He staggers off the train and slowly but surely works the cramps out of all the muscles that Maple had slept on top of. He was going to have to practice hugging so this didn't happen again.

He abruptly remembers that Plainclothes had been a nonpresence throughout the train ride and looks around, expecting the vigilante to be readying a parting remark.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
With most of the STOMP team contributing, they gently set the puzzle piece into the pedestal as Static Signal filmed. Canopy Joy excitedly inquired, "Which way are you going now? Hope the other teams don't get too far ahead."

"I would say that for the moment, avoid them altogether. Need to make sure you learn good fundamentals first. By the way, have you been thinking of your gimmick?"

Plainclothes commented, "Wish I could have offered the two of you more advice but all of this wasn't quite what I expected. Keep your eyes and ears open because it doesn't take an elevator for things to be going down and I have a feeling there's more in store for us all than a 20 percent off sale and low interest layaway.


Do you have a quill or feather on you by any chance?"

Misty giggles. "Yeah, I had an idea..."

Plainclothes commented, "Wish I could have offered the two of you more advice but all of this wasn't quite what I expected. Keep your eyes and ears open because it doesn't take an elevator for things to be going down and I have a feeling there's more in store for us all than a 20 percent off sale and low interest layaway.


Do you have a quill or feather on you by any chance?"

"No, sorry. What would you have done if I had said no 2 days ago?"

Maple had not idea what she was going to say to Misty once she saw her... she also had no idea what the working hours for the hospital staff were, but she hoped when she arrived one of the same nurses would be there from a few days ago. That way at least they might remember her face what she looked like, and be able to either direct her to where Misty was or let her know she'd gotten better and had left. It was nowhere close to the end of visiting hours so she should be okay.

Static looked one way and then another. It all looked the same to him. At first he thought it would be a good idea to go wherever the other parties weren't...cover as much ground as possible.

But then it occurred to him that the other parties knew more about this game than anyone in STOMP. They would know where to look. The STOMP team would probably want to be somewhere in the same proximity as the others.

So...where were the others?




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
After rules discussion and preliminary training, Pendulumnae decided practice was done for the day.

Static Signal could hear the rustling of four...
No one...
It seemed there was previously somepony to the south but they were moving fast out of range.

Maple didn't see anyone at the front desk, so somepony must have needed the nurses for something. so she wandered the halls up to where Misty's room had been. When she did not find her there -instead only an empty bed... she left to continue her search elsewhere. Perhaps There would be somepony from the weather control team there who had gone to see her between the time Maple left and when she was released?

Maple just went out the window instead of waiting for a nurse to return to the waiting room

Static motioned with his chin down south. "I just sensed some ponies down that way, moving away fast. I figure they know where to look better than we would. Could be worth checking out."

[Wait! Moving away? Why would they be moving away? If they found a piece, wouldn't they be in a hurry to bring it here?]

His expression grew more serious. "Yeah...may want to check that out."

Scarlet ears pricked up.

"Where's the fun in just sitting here. Feeling a little faint, might hunter," Scarlet chided Night Cap. Careful to keep his frustration with the dreamwalker out of his voice. Then he saw Statics expression change.

"Running away fast? You look like you doubt they're just chasing down a puzzle stone."

Rhapsody looks up to Scarlet. "The only time Nigh Cap is Fast, is fast asleep."




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static winced. "Let's not go full throttle quite yet. Right now it's just a feeling. It could be nothing but some foals running around having fun. I just...think it wouldn't hurt to investigate."

"true enough,"
Scarlet said in response to Rhapsody. Turning to Static, he shook his head.

"I wasn't saying we chase them down or anything Static. Simply that we head that way with the fliers taking to the air unless we see anything syspect, i assume nothing.

Night Cap, stay with Static and Anchors.

Lets go see what we can see then, shall we?"

"Sounds good to me." Static starts heading south.

Static raised an eyebrow at Night Cap's question and pointed upwards. "Tree canopy."

[colo=#ff0000]"Pretty much."[/color]



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Upon exiting the hospital, Maplejack spotted Misty Monsoon flying in the distance.

Plainclothes replied to Snowy Skies with,
"I would have reported my findings back to A Sharp and simply moved on to the next case. I can't force you to make a choice."

Swiftly traveling farther south through the jungle, the STOMP team soon found a temple. Not spying any other landmarks, it was presumably the same one as from Bronze Mettle's journal.

Static went sparkly eyed and his hoof subconsciously went for his camera. "Hey guuuuuys! Remember those diary entries we read? How much you wanna bet..." Static stopped himself as he caught a look at Night Cap. "Who's to say one of the puzzle pieces aren't inside? I mean, c'mon! This is where STOMP was born!"

Maple was so happy to see Misty healthy and strong.. and even flying again so soon after what had happened that she just watched how gracefully she moved for long enough to realize that she was getting smaller and smaller ... further and further away ... Maple's wings buzzed rapidly as she tried to catch up with her dearest friend.

Static facehooves. "Then I'd imagine it would belong to the town. Ms. Iron may or may not negotiate adding it to the museum collection...but that's up to Ms. Iron and the town's leaders. We're not tomb raiders, Night." Static starts walking in the direction of temple.

Misty drifts along lazily on the air currents, too absorbed in her own thoughts to pay full attention to her surroundings. "Haha, oh, maybe I should do that... and then... if I did that... yeah! Wow!... So then, I should..."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Plainclothes replied to Snowy Skies with, "I would have reported my findings back to A Sharp and simply moved on to the next case. I can't force you to make a choice."

Snowy looks nonplussed. "I think that's the first straight answer you've given me. I was starting to think that you were some sort of karmic angel punishing me for years of impenetrable answers." He breaks into a grin. "Will I be seeing you around town?"

Static sighs. "Oh dear! I think I broke him."

[Maybe now would be a good time to remind ourselves of the good aspects of Night Cap.]

[Only one thereto help face Dazzling Midnight.]

[How long are you holding that over my head? Seriously, got anything else?]


[That's what I tho...]

[Won the bowling tournament for the Documentary Department, fun times making fun of old documentaries and saved my life at Petrichor.]


Maple managed to get close to Misty without being noticed... But has she went to reach out a hoof to give her a gentle nudge Maple squealed in shock, quick as could be her magic engulphed her black body...and she looked like Maplejack again...

How long had I been flying around in my true form? did anypony see me? Did Misty see me? oh golly.


"Now this is a diversion i will not disagree with making. Puzzle piece or not, this temple is worth looking at."


Scarlets eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak...


"What he said,"
Scarlet added with a grin. Though it faded just as quickly as he watched Night Caps reaction. Remembering his earlier apprehension upon Night Caps 'Oh Shiny' look at the Liquid Comb, Scarlet started a slow count to ten.

Approaching the glassy eyed earth pony, Scarlet spoke softly, but matter-of-factly.

"Night Cap? Night Cap!

If you are contemplating the aquisition, or attempted aquisition, of anything from that temple that is not:

A) A stone puzzle piece.


B) Immediately handed over to Brisk Iron.

I will drag you out of here by your tail."

Misty's ears perk up and she turns her head around. "MAPLE! Ohmygosh you're back! How'd it go? Is Snowy doing okay? Thanks for the snacks! Oh, I'm so glad you're alright..."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Night Cap? Night Cap!

If you are contemplating the aquisition, or attempted aquisition, of anything from that temple that is not:

A) A stone puzzle piece.


B) Immediately handed over to Brisk Iron.

I will drag you out of here by your tail."

Rhapsody looks over as Scarlet approaches Night Cap, and gives a faint smile. "I might start to like you yet. Might."

"You were worried about me... Maple's face blushes so deeply that for a moment she thinks it might be worth it to use her wings to cover her face... Where are you going? I want to know how you're feeling and what happened and yes there's something very important that I need to tell you... but I don't think up here is a good place to do it."
Maple settled for covering her face with her forehooves instead of falling.

Misty motions with a hoof at a nearby stretch of beach. "Wanna head down there? We can watch the sunset while we talk."

"Night Cap? Night Cap!

If you are contemplating the aquisition, or attempted aquisition, of anything from that temple that is not:

A) A stone puzzle piece.


B) Immediately handed over to Brisk Iron.

I will drag you out of here by your tail."

[I should probably say something about that.]

Static opens his mouth.

[He kinda has a point.]

Static closes his mouth.

[He just kinda threatened Night Cap]

Static opens his mouth.

[You totally agree with him though.]

Static closes his mouth.

! [You had a serious blow-up with Rhapsody once for saying nearly the exact same thing to Amber once at Nightmare Heights.]

Static opens his mouth.

[That was completely different...for...reasons!]

Static closes his mouth.


Rhapsody looks over as Scarlet approaches Night Cap, and gives a faint smile. "I might start to like you yet. Might."


Startled by Static outburst, Scarlet looked over at the yellow earth pony.

"Perfect? Perfect what?"

"Uh... old habits. Right. Old habits. You have my word I will not touch anything in the temple."

Turning back to Night Cap, Scarlet raised an eyebrow.

"Old habits die hard eh?

Well then. Promise me you won't take anything from the temple,"
Scarlet said with a knowing grin.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"yes, that would be perfect." Maple couldn't help but smile... watching the sunset with Misty was a wonderful idea.

Startled by Static outburst, Scarlet looked over at the yellow earth pony.

"Perfect? Perfect what?"

Static gave a startled look at Scarlet. Did he say that out loud? "Oh...nothing! I say things." Static turned his attention to the ground.

Soon, Misty and Maple are settled on the soft sand.

"I'm not sure what everypony else told you, but what happened was, uh... I had a nightmare that the Snow Shark from Amaroq's hometown came and tried to get me. Not only was it in my dream... but when I woke up I was nearly frozen solid. So I had to warn the rest of the team, before any of you fell asleep and it got you too. And I made it to the Keep... oh yeah, the Princesses were there, I think... and I got the word out about the Snow Shark. And they took me to the hospital, where I got better really quick! I felt good as new after a nice, nightmare-free, good night's sleep. But I'm sorry I missed your visit. Anyways, how was your trip?"

Maple was watching Misty's face so intently that while all the words reached her, it took a moment to process them.

"The Princesses are much nicer than I use to think. I'm really happy you're okay, When I found out you were hurt.. I... and then I had to leave so soon... I've never been so torn over what to do in my entire life. I want to stay by your side forever.... I mean, well." Maple forced herself to look away at the sky.

"a Friend of Snowy's came to town and told him that he needed to go to a town up north... Snowy asked me to go with him, because he needed a friend for support. You won't believe this next part though... that same friend of his, knew my Mom... and when I finished helping Snowy... I got to meet her."

"I Know who I am now... but, I'm really scared.. because I'm not who everypony thinks I am."

Maple turned to look back at Misty... "I don't know if you'll even want to be my friend anymore once I tell you. You're somepony very special to me and if this changes things between us... I don't know how the rest of Stomp will react... But I had to tell you first."

Maple used a wing to brush back Misty's hair so she could see all of her face.

"You're so perfect, Misty... please don't be scared."

Her magic danced along her body... She sat there revealed for what she was...waiting for any sign of hatred, revulsion... anything as the pounding in her chest rang in her ears.


A look of utter surprise and confusion comes over Misty's face, the light of the sunset reflecting off of her goggles. She seems to stand perfectly still for a few moments as her brain puts two and two together... and wonders why there are so many twos left over, and what to do with them...

Finally, she smiles, and her bangs fall back into their usual place. "I'm not sure I understand it all the way... and I might have to get the full story later... but, for now, I guess I just want to say this. Maybe you're not what everypony thought you were... but who you are hasn't changed one bit. It's not about how you look. I know you're still the same pony who cares a whole lot about her friends and wants them to be happy. And I am absolutely, 100%, still your friend... because I know you're still mine." She reaches out with her hooves and wings to give Maple a fluffy blue hug.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"You have my word that I will not take a single thing."

"Soooo...you're planning on taking...multiple...things?"

I shudder runs through her entire body ... everything that's been squeezing her heart floats away... the magic envelopes her and she looks like Maplejack herself again.

"Now when do we go punch this snow shark in the face!" Maple's smile twinkles as the sun sets.

"I'm going to go back there soon, would you like to meet them? They tell the story a lot better than I can... Maple rubs her head ...I still only remember parts of how all this happened."

Maple's eyes went wide as a thought went through her mind,

"Maybe I shouldn't introduce you to my new big sister Maplejack... she's tall and much prettier than me."

"Keep those promises Night Cap."[/spoiler]

Glaring at Night Cap, Scarlet decided to let the subject drop and just hoped that Night Cap meant what he said. Turning towards the Temple, Scarlets mood became decidedly more enthusiastic.

"Lets go and explore the past!"

"Haha, don't worry about that!" Misty laughs and rubs Maple's mane with a wingtip. "Heart matters more than height. But yes, I would love to go along with you and meet them next time."

"Okay." Maple fell backward onto the sand and began to giggle... while she was still worried about the others and how they might react, this had been wonderful, and much needed.

"I was thinking, though - that maybe over time I could start growing a little bit now..." Maple wiggled a sandy back leg at Misty and with her magic, it grew a little longer and thicker as the ring of energy moved down from her cutiemark to her hoof.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Okay, I think that's enough. There's no need for threats. I think he gets the point." Static turned his stare to Night Cap. "Right?"

"What are you talking about? I almost always give straight answers. But to answer your question, unlikely. My other cases pull me elsewhere."

As the STOMP team entered the temple, they could see the "glass" walls throughout as the light from the outside was shining through and sparkling the water. Dusty Winds let out a low whistle, "Wow, it's...


*chuckles* I almost said it's like visiting a museum."

"That wasn't a threat Static. I'm not trying to be mean.

Night Cap and Dusty are the reason we brought back a puzzle stone at all."

Scarlet simply stared open-mouthed as they walked into the temple. Nodding in silent agreement to Dustys words.

"This place is beautiful!"

"Haha, you can do that? Awesome! Yeah, go for it!"

Static looked around, filming everything he could while his brain tried furiously to process what it was seeing. "Wow! I mean...there's reading words in a journal and then there's actually seeing it for yourself! Just...wow!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I think I should just tell everypony else at work tomorrow... is there like a team meeting or anything going on?" Maple asks, as she changelingles her one leg back shorter... but not as short as it was, and adds a little on to the other three so she's even.

"Actually, I'm not sure where everypony else is today... if somepony told me, I forgot. I was busy with, ah... er... physical therapy."

Suddenly, the picturesque temple scene was pierced by the terrified cries of frightened foals!


Static perks up alarmed. "Yeah, and that's not the sound of idle play!" Static's eye's narrow as he snaps into action.


"oh gosh, are you still not feeling well..? and here I am like a fool keeping you out in the cold. Come on let me escort you home and then ou get so more rest." Maple smirked as she got to her hooves and noticed how the sand was just that little bit farther away.

"I may not actually be the team medic anymore... but I'd be an embarrassment to both Miss Fantas tic and Mr. Night Cap if I got you sick because I needed a hug."


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