[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static nearly cracks up. "Words I tend to live my life by, really. If not for Ms. Iron giving me a chance...well, I think you saw a bit of what I was like before. I was not in a good place. That probably goes double for Splash Flaunt. And for as much as I ever learned about him, it seems to have counted for Snowy too...which...leads us right back to Dazzling." Static sighs. "Honestly, Night? Do you think we have a chance with her? Getting her to come around I mean."

Casino team

Flairvoyant, Misty Monsoon, and Maplejack could hear,
I know I've never met you but you seem familiar.
Could you let me out?

Maple heard it that time, whether the voice had gotten louder, or the room had just gotten quiet enough for her to hear it this time she couldn't really guess. But it was a little spooky.

"If the building catches fire again... or if enough of the water used to put out the fire ends up down here... I wouldn't want to have left knowing somepony was trapped... even if where they are might be safer from either of those things then we are -somehow... um."

Maple thought about trying to use her powers to sense if there was any ill intent behind this voice... but that only worked on things she could see...

Static blew out a long breath and took a while after that before he could answer. "I'm...not sure what to say to that, Night. It's a messy situation, I can't deny.

"Loyalty is something that's always been a big thing for me. There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my friends. They mean that much to me. But part of being loyal to someone...well...it doesn't really include consorting with their arch-enemies, someone who threatened them to their face...does it?

"I mean, I would like to think that if you'd told me how much danger she was in, I'd be rational enough to understand. But...that isn't the truth. Without finding out what I found out about her today, I never would've understood. I may have even told you "tough luck, she deserves no less."
Static take another deep breath as he hears himself saying the words, shaking his head self-deprecatingly. "I would've been wrong."

Static shakes his head and gives Night Cap a hug. "I'm sorry I put you through that. I...*sigh*...do what you can for her. Whether she can be redeemed or not, nopony deserves the fate she seems to be building for herself."

Casino team

Flairvoyant said to Dart Noveau, "I think we found what we're looking for. I'm gonna need you to bust through the wall. Your right." "Alright. Y'all stand back and brace for impact!"

Finding the wall and positioning herself, Dart Noveau bucked through the wall to reveal a small pocket with a magic wand. The handle was like a clear cylinder that had been vertically cut in half. The head of the wand floated separately from the handle and was made of a half sphere of red beryl--the mirror double of the Wand of Doubled Doubling. Flairvoyant plucked the cracked rock from around it with her magic before pulling it out. *whew* "We've had a long morning but it looks like it's time to go topside."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Oh no! Of course not...if I take your meaning correctly. Do what you can to help save her from a fate worse than death...insofar as it doesn't help her destroy and/or rule the world. I...thought that was implied."

"Oh hey, how'd you get in there?" Maple asks the wand...

"How'd what get where?"

"Oh Sorry Mr. Scarlet ... um the voice we herd turned out to be the wand of delightful doublifying... so I asked it how it got in there?"

"Last time we saw it, it was in Petrichor Falls!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet cocked his head.

"Hmm. Your reports said that the Petrichor wand Boss Vine has, doubles other ponies. And its only one half. This must be the other half. The one that doubles the wielder.


Yeah, we really need to get this wand out of here and safe as soon as possible. If anypony from COIN gets it. Especially Little Miss Modesty over there..."
Scarlet waved a wing that was clearly meant to indicate Chipotle Verdes unconscious form.

"I suggest we get moving, before reinforcements arrive.


Thank you Maple, but i think you can put me down now. So long as you keep me pointed in the right direction, i'll be okay. Really. "

"Okay, but the first time you walk into somepony's rumpside ...it's right back on you go." Maple's snorts and chuckles ease out of her shrinking form like air from a balloon, and soon enough Scalet is standing on his own with Maple trailing off into titters beside him.


Library team

After a brief moment to take in the sights, the team got on the train and headed home. It had been harrowing but they had gained perhaps the greatest thing one could find on a voyage--information.

Casino team

A stallion dropped down into the tunnel and announced, "This is the fire department! Is everypony okay?" "We're good for as far as ah can see." Flairvoyant almost commented but simply chuckled and shook her head. Though she did use her magic to prevent the worker from sneaking away.

The STOMP members made it topside and also made sure the police set about apprehending the various COIN members. Before leaving the scene, Plainclothes revealed that 'Red' was actually the notorious criminal Rough Carmine and apprehending him was a big deal. Before they could ask him to elaborate, the police briefly distracted them and Plainclothes managed to slip away without a trace.

Upon returning home, the two groups met with Brisk Iron for a mission debriefing and to share information. She thanked them for a job well done. A lot of work had been done but perhaps their work was just beginning. But for now, they had gained a well earned rest.

Has the new information been discovered in time to avert a potential disaster of Dazzling Midnight's making? Or has the STOMP team only found enough to discover they were just in time to be too late? Tune in next time folks for more of the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour!

*static crackle*



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
*static crackle*

Good evening folks! It's time for another exciting Saturday night with the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour! This week we once again bring you to the explorative exploits of the Explorers of STOMP. Last time, the team split into two different successful expeditions. One successfully thwarted Chipotle Verde and recovered the second half of the Wand of Doubled Doubling while the other discovered secrets about Dazzling Midnight and her possible future plans.

Now, after a well needed day's rest, they return to work to find Steele! Flint waiting for them and holding a clipboard with her magic. There's a certain about of calm to her despite an obvious sense of urgency.
"Good morning everypony. Due to numerous circumstances, there's been a change to daily plans. We have multiple schools doing field trips for our archaeology exhibit and mini dig. While I would prefer to play up the good news that Savant Sard will be donating part of her own collection for the dig (something I told her she didn't need to do but she insisted), I unfortunately have to report that Zig Zag is sick today. Thus we're a little short hooved for this.

Maple, you have been directly requested to assist. Your probation was nearly over anyway so think of this as an early reprieve. I have the tour plans here unless Melon already briefed you when this was originally in the planning stages. Scarlet, Wanderlust, and Symphony, the two of you will be assisting her. While not part of your normal duties, most here don't have front facing positions so this will allow you some hooves on time with museum guests and thus a chance to see those who benefit from our works. Night Cap, you will be on camera work so that we can record this for local documentaries.

Static, we recently got in some documents that need to be transcribed. Ready Quill is already on it but that means he'll need you to meet with the Marketing Department. It's about a decision for the theater and he trusts your judgement. Flair will be taking over your shift since after that meeting, Brisk will need your assistance with some work out near the coast. Grounds and Gardening will also be doing some work over there so you may possibly see Misty.

Any questions?"

[They need me to help make an executive decision? Ready Quill trusts my judgment? Is everypony in this place insane?]

Static takes a step towards the marketing department but stops short. "After meeting with the Marketing Department, should I meet Ms. Iron at her office or at the docks?"

"At the docks. Here's the address." She handed him a note with the address.

"Thanks! Well, I guess I better go talk to Marketing then. Don't want to be late."
Static sets off, waving goodbye to the others.

[Never a dull moment.]

[Well, Luna willing, maybe today won't be so life or deathy.]

Maple's face lights up with the strength of a million suns.

"OH THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" then turning to those she'd be working with she adds. "School children are just the best for taking on tours, you're all in for a treat."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Symphony blinks softly at this news, backing up as her ears wilt gently. "Oh... I um... uh... I'm not really sure about this..." She mumbles softly. "I couldn't even handle being a waitress around all those people... but foals... oh dear... I-I'm not sure I'd be able to handle such crowd of small rambunctious kids doing Luna knows what..."


Wanderlust playfully bumps Symphony on the shoulder. "Come oooon, kids aren't so bad! It'll be fun!"

"Oh, yes.. that's a very important thing to know of in advance."

"They're lumped into multiple hordes. Melon Hide will be handling another group with other help from the department. You'll only need to do this once but the mini dig will take up a portion of time."

Still feeling a little stiff and sore from recent events, though much happier noe he coukd see again. Scarlet could not still a rueful smile as he heard what today held in store. Then had to laugh as Wanderlust spoke.

"I could debate you for ages on how 'uniquely' the terms Fun and Foals go together," he commented with a grin.

"However, i'm sure we'll be able to handle it. With Maple to entertain them and us to keep watch. How much mischief can they get up to?

I mean, at least we aren't letting the loose in a labyrinth."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Do we have the defensive capabilities to deal with multiple hordes of children?"

Despite the reassurences, the grey unicorn still felt extreme dread over the day's task. "I... uh... believe that um.. such capabilities are... well... purely fictional..."

Static stops dead in his tracks as a dreadful shiver works its way down his spine.

[So, Rhapsody told her about that? Huh!]

He proceeds on his way to Marketing.

"Indeed. Defending against unpredictable foals is naught but a dream.

All we can do is try and hold their attention and keep them entertained. And be prepared for lots of questions."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

When Static Signal entered the Marketing Department, everyone simultaneously turned to look at him. He could see Bold Standard and Plaid Paisley and both waved at him. He also saw Hazel Naught sitting in a separate chair though she also waved. From behind him, he could hear the jingle of jewelry and Amaretto Swirl said, "Good morning, Static. Ready to begin or will you need a moment?"

Tour team

"And one more thing. There's a brand new camera we would like to try for recording this. While it would usually go to Static, it seems that honor falls to you Night Cap."

Night Cap found that the new camera was very similar to Static Signal's current camera in options...and in size. It was perhaps a little lighter. Slightly. As he dutifully followed Maplejack, the group saw the foals waiting impatiently as the teachers tried to keep them calm. "Gosh, that must be heavy," one of them said as they saw Night Cap approach. "Woooow, you're not much bigger than me," said another as they looked at Maplejack. Front and center were two fraternal twin earth ponies, a filly and a colt, who seemed far less enthusiastic than their peers.

Symphony seeing all the foals felt even less sure of all this as they rushed towards the others... however the two in center cuaght her attention. She slowly walks over to them. "Oh... um... are you two alright?" She asks in her soft voice, trying to remain calm as possible. They could smell your fear... or was that wild animals? not that there is much difference...

Static took an unconscious step back as all eyes turned on him. He waved back to everyone in turn as he took a seat. He took out a notepad and pen and gave a curious look to Amaretto Swirl as she commented.

[Need a moment for what?]

"I'm ready. I hope I wasn't holding things up."

Maple smiled at the little one who commented about her size... children were much better at speaking their mind when they were curious about something, and it was important to keep that going ...too soon will they begin to grow out of that if it wasn't nurtured.

"I'm actually a lot bigger on the inside, my being this small is a sort of magic." Maple winked at her friends, and then rustled the mane of the young one. Leaning in close she added. "I'm actually the Masked Mystery Mare, and this is my daytime disguise....shhh."

turning back to the group, Maple waited for Symphony and Night Cap to ingratiate themselves too, which left her some time to discuss things with the teachers

"Good morning, as you know we've got a rather large group today - so the keep will be providing you with a few extra staff ponies to make sure every student receives the greatest benefit from this visit as possible... dropping her volume slightly Maple adds ..." while also relieving yourselves from some of the supervisory duties..because golly gosh this is a lot of heads and hooves to herd. Just let me know at any time if you'd like to take a rest and sit down, We have a lovely snack bar here."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
[Just...flip a coin?]

It was on the tip of Static's tongue to say just that. But that wouldn't be very diplomatic, would it? "What are the two choices?"

"Hey kids! Who's ready for dinosaurs?!" Despite his previous statement, Wanderlust actually had very minimal experience with kids. But this was a surefire way to get them excited! And that was the goal, right?

Tour team

A large multitude of eyes turned to look at Wanderlust.

"Oh Cadence, he said the D-word." Maple moved between the students and the teachers... spreading out her wings to make sure there was at least some barrier in case of a stampede

"I'm actually a lot bigger on the inside, my being this small is a sort of magic."

Symphony's ear twitches a bit as she hears Maple's words, but shakes it gently as the looks back to the twins. "I-Its just that you two don't seem l-like you wanna um... be here is all... T-though truth be told... neither do I..." She admits softly, hoping it might give her some common ground with them. And then...

"Hey kids! Who's ready for dinosaurs?!" Despite his previous statement, Wanderlust actually had very minimal experience with kids. But this was a surefire way to get them excited! And that was the goal, right?

Tour team

A large multitude of eyes turned to look at Wanderlust.

"Oh dear..." She mumbles as all at once the majority of the kids all turn their attention to Wander, like a group of pack animals noticing a wounded prey... She seems to shrink a bit more and swallows a bit. "W-well... I... uh... suppose it was nice knowing him..." On the bright side, at least it wasn't her...



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"There are many wonders to be found in our museum. So long as one has the interest to look.

And with Ma-lejack as your lead, you';l see some great things."
Scarlet gave the foals and encouraging look. Having spent many a lesson having to deal with disinterested or recalcitrant children, Scarlet kept calm.

Cocking his head towards Symphony, the pegasus added under his breath.

" Don't worry. Eager ponies may be scary ponies, but they're infinitely better than bored or grumpy ponies.

Trust me on this. "

"Uh...wow." Wanderlust was expecting more direct enthusiasm. He stage whispers to Maples, "We do have dinosaurs in there, right?"

Tour team

As the teachers rushed to corral the students before any sort of stampede, Maplejack remembered that with the exhibit rotations the paleontology exhibit wasn't up at the same time as the archaeology exhibit. The anxious foals wouldn't see any dinosaurs outside of whatever fossil props that were setup for the mini dig.


There was a brief flurry of motion and then two covered charts were brought out. Plaid Paisley presented the first one. It was revealed to be purple and silver with teal accents. The visuals were vague and abstract symbols. "With this proposal, we're to present the museum as something calm and relaxed. The type of sophisitcated educational experience a knowledgeable pony seeks out. With this, we want to let them know that it's time to settle back--you're about to learn something." Then Bold Standard quickly unveiled the other propsal. It was red and orange with off-white accents. It was a fiery theme with a pony standing on top of a mountain and the sun replaced with a flaming movie reel."With this proposal, we're to present the museum as something exciting and daring. The type of intellectual extravaganza that reveals whole worlds to those who are eager to explore them. With this, we want to let them know that it's time to hold onto your seats--you're about to learn something!"

Static stood and walked around to get a closer look at the displays. And here was where diplomacy got tricky. He knew the moment the color schemes were unveiled which one he would go with.

"You both make it hard to choose. I actually like them both."

He looked first to Bold Standard's display. "I like the overall design. The sun being replaced with the movie reel is a particularly nice touch. I also appreciate wanting the kids excited and eager about learning. Which would make the color scheme great...for another exhibit. But with all the time I've spent in the theatre, believe me, the last thing you want are a bunch of foals wound up and excited. Have you ever been to a theater sitting right next to a family with a hyperactive foal?"

He then looked to Plaid's display. "Which really makes me like your color scheme. It's soothing. It could quiet down the younger foals without really putting them to sleep. At the same time, the overall design is rather...vague. It doesn't really say 'movie theatre' to me."

Static then looked between the two displays. "What would it look like if we used Ms. Standard's design and Mr. Paisley's color scheme? I'm not sure what that would do with the sun, with a more bluish color scheme. Maybe a moon?"

[Both sides win.]

[Or both sides lose. You certainly didn't hold back, did you?]

"Actually, thanks to a failed attempted robbery a long time ago, the display we had, .had to be moved and repaired. The 4 princesses Display is located there now.." Maple answers, smiling at the kids. "But that won't be a part of the tour today, today - if we're lucky we'll maybe discover our own brand new type of dinosaur!" Maple's grin breaks into an open chuckle. "But if we do find something new... please let's not name it Maplesaurus."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Symphony couldn't help herself as she picked up Maple's last comment. "I... uh... think there is a... um... small... chance of that..." She grins softly.


"Mixing? Whoa now." "That could possibly lead to giving the guests mixed signals. Think about it, if you were going for a peaceful night's sleep and the sun was was up, that could throw you off completely." Amaretto Swirl calmly said, "Changing the layouts would cause us to go back to the drawing board and in doing so cost the Keep more money. Such a thing would be counterproductive to bringing Hazel into this meeting. We'll make note of it as a possibility for the next visual revamp but for the moment, you'll need to pick between these two as the best option for the theater."

Tour team

"You mean...there no dinosaurs?" A large quantity of sadness could be heard in the air as the students were clearly disappointed and even some of the youngest sounded like they were going to cry. A few of the teachers shot Wanderlust dirty looks. One of the twins sighed and spoke up. "She said we might find some dinosaurs when we dig." There were excited murmurs among the students--they were going to find a dinosaur!

Static sighed.

[Looks like somepony has to lose.]

[Just say it. Quick, like ripping off a band aid.]

"I'm sorry then. For the reasons I stated, I'm going to have to go with Mr. Paisley's."

[I hate it when someone I like loses.]

[Well, someone else you liked also won...so...there's that.]

Misty sets to work. She knows just what to do. Carefully corral and collect those capricious cumulus clouds, then come back in time to convene with the Chief!

2color=#ff0000]"It will be an adventure,"[/color] Scarlet said with a smile.

"Today, you get to be the intrepid treasure hunters, delving into the mysteries of the past. Who knows what you're going to find!"

Wanderlust shifted awkwardly. Yes, Night Cap, this was exactly the moment I wanted memorialized in perpetuity! He shut his eyes tight, took a deep breath, and called to mind his own love of archaeology. He forgets to open his eyes, but he does manage to say "That's right! And even if you don't find dinosaurs, artifacts and treasures of lost civilizations can take you on incredible journeys!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Tour team

Soon, the tour started in earnest as the group moved to the first exhibit. It was several tools and a brief summary of early archaeology. However, Maplejack's attempt at presenting it was interrupted by the sound of hammering. "What are you doing?!?" One of the unicorn foals had a hammer with her magic and was hammering cracks into the floor. She looked up and said, "I'm trying to find dinosaurs!" The twins visibly winced upon hearing this.

"Whoa, now!" Wanderlust chides the child. "You'll never get through flagstone with a hammer like that! You want one with a point on the end, for chipping!" He remembers they are not, in fact, on a dig...yet. "And, uh, you're just a junior archaeologist right now! You're still learning! First rule of archaeology: break as little as possible! You might want dinosaurs, but what if someone else is really interested in these tiles?" He scoops up a bit of dust and licks it. "Marble, perhaps fro! m a local mine?" Still not on a dig. "Anyway!" He grins an infectious grin at the foal. "A dig isn't just about finding what you came for; you have to be careful you don't lose something you never knew you had! Think before you strike. And, uh, don't hurt the tiles. They're very important."

"Speaking of... the Hammer and chisel contained in this display were, in fact, some of the very same tools used to hue these tiles from the side of a Dragon's mountain. ...imbued with Magics to make them stronger, faster and more... quiet, than normal ones." Maple smirked, before continuing her introductory lesson.

"by the way, what is your name miss?" Maple askes the little unicorn filly. "You stick close to Mr. Wanderlust, and we'll make sure you get the first swing when we get to the dig. Okay?"


Active writing could be heard, then Amaretto Swirl said, "That went smoothly enough. We'll be getting the work order put in shortly. Where will you be going from here, Static? Helping with the field trip?"


Misty Monsoon knew that she would have to be careful so they wouldn't rain on the coast.


Tour team

"Twinkle Glitter!" the young filly said. She then ran next to Wanderlust. Meanwhile a familiar voice called out from the crowd, "Mister Night Cap, is that you?"

"I'm afraid not. I'm supposed to meed Ms. Iron at the docks. Don't know much more than that yet. I'm sure I'll find out when I get there. Speaking of, if we're done here, I suppose I should get going."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Tour team

"Twinkle Glitter!" the young filly said. She then ran next to Wanderlust.

Wanderlust flashes Maple a 'thank you' look, then pats Twinkle Glitter on the back. "Say, where did you get that hammer?"

Tour team

Twinkle Glitter smiled and replied, "I saw a pony walking by with cart full of brooms and mops and stuff. I saw a hammer so I borrowed it!"


"Wouldn't want to keep you from Ms. Iron. Once again, thank you for your input. I may go see if the foals are still here during my lunch break. Oh, I hope the twins are enjoying themselves!"

"With Maple there, oh, I'm sure they're having a blast. See ya around." With that, Static leaves to go meet Brisk Iron at the docks.

Tour team

Twinkle Glitter smiled and replied, "I saw a pony walking by with cart full of brooms and mops and stuff. I saw a hammer so I borrowed it!"

"And were you ever planning on giving it back?"

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