[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Scarlet Spectrum saw that only the mystery stallion requested another card. The others were content to stick with what they had.

Misty - Maple (Flair)

It took a bit but Misty Monsson eventually found the place on the map that corresponded to where the casino was she then noticed there were a few branching paths but these were even harder to read.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Skimming through the tome on wands, Night Cap found that while Grape Vine had one half of the Wand of Doubled Doubling, the other half was complimentary but not the same. The one in Petrichor Falls had a head of prasiolite and had the ability to give numerous ponies temporary duplicates of themselves but didn't work on the wielder. The missing half had a head of red beryl and allowed the wielder to duplicate themselves. But even more than that, the wielder could jump through a dupicate to evade enemies. It was unknown just what capacity could be wielded if both wands were combined.

Meanwhile, Static Signal began reading through the journal entries:

Dear Diary,
Hello! I guess this is where we first meet. I didn't expect anything for my birthday but Curled Page got me this. I hope to make the most of it.

Dear Diary,
All these tests we've had recently have been hard. I've been doing well. That trick I learned for reading while asleep is helping a lot. Guess I shouldn't complain. If I do well enough, I might be able to get into a really good college. My parents can't afford it so it's gotta be grades.

After a few more entries complaining about schoolwork, Static Signal then found:

Dear Diary,
I'm so mad right now. Mister Silver was giving mom a hard time at work again and I couldn't do anything about it. When I last tried to prank that jerk, it was mom who got in trouble. I just wish I could do something about those stuck up rich snobs.

Dear Diary,
Mom and dad have been really sick lately. But they won't take days off from work. Repairs to the house have left us broke so they gotta keep working.

Dear Diary,
They keep getting worse. I wish I could rewind time for a month or maybe a year to see if we could do everything better. But...no. My magic isn't that strong and I bet those rich ponies have time traveling friends that would just undo everything. I'll figure something out...eventually.

Dear Diary,
I found it! I was looking through this book on wands and the final entry boosts time magic. Forget about time travel, I will become time. Then nopony could stop me. I could reward all those who have been good to me and my family and punish those who haven't. It doesn't have a map but I'll find it someday. No matter what it takes. Even if it takes my whole life.

Misty shares her insight with Flairvoyant. "So, what do you think?"

As Static started to read, at first there was a wince, then his eyes started to get shiny, then undeniable tears.

"Ponyfeathers! She...she has my sympathies. And that's something I never thought I'd say about the mare who walked into my home and threatened me to my face...but...she does. She has my sympathies. But..." Static shows Curled Page the journal and points to the last two entries, "...here and here, you know we have to stop her. We just got finished doing a patchwork job on the town clock tower yesterday that is proof enough that messing around with the fabric of time is not a good idea. Not just for the sakes of the jerks who made her life miserable. Buck 'em! But for her own sake, and for the sake of anypony who may be unintentionally affected by what she does.

"Do you know what happens if you change one single event? The one event that I always wished I could go back and change, you know what would happen? My father never disowns me, I never feel the need to leave Manehatten, I never meet Dazzling Midnight, I never join this team I'm on, a mayor dies in a cuckarocka attack, a defector from COIN never gets a second chance and who knows where she goes from there and a radio operator dies while falling from a helicopter. And what about all the lives they've affected since those events? What happens to them? All because I change one little thing in the past.

"And if Dazzling changes her past so that everything is perfectly happy for her...same ponies die for the same reasons! She's playing a very...very...dangerous game here. There's consequences if she succeeds that she has absolutely no idea of.

"And this whole thing of becoming time...it's like she wants to throw away everything that makes her a pony. For her sake, as well as the entire fabric of time...we have to stop her. Better would be if you, her best friend since high school, could convince her to stop herself."

Static turns to Night Cap. "Night Cap, very important. The final entry in that book on wands should be about a wand that boosts time magic. We need to know everything it says about it."


Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"Dazzling...what are you doing?" Curled Page muttered under his breath as he read the two entries. The worry in his face was accented by the wrinkles of his age. Trembling slightly, he tried to regain composure. "When her mood improved over time, I thought she had found what she was looking for in life--not that she was still looking for it.

And not this.

I remember when I was younger, that fateful day I found that older teenager who would chat with me about what she was reading. My father owned the library back then but he was lenient about us talking in the library as long as we weren't loud. Always felt sorry for her. Her dad worked at the hotel and her mom worked as a waitress with neither making much. So I just tried to be a friend. She couldn't lie to me directly so...

...so that tome confirms something. One year when she returned to town, she paid my father a large sum of money. Said she misplaced some books and wanted to make sure all fees were paid in full. Dazzling Midnight does not misplace library books. And she'd never say which books they were. I guess part of her felt guilty for hiding that thing. I wonder just how many half truths she's struggled to tell me. I've always wondered if she's the reason the town clock needs fixing. She tends to break nearby clocks when she uses her magic and I know she hates that. And if she's become some sort of criminal, it would explain why she would sometimes be so happy to tell me when one of her coworkers would get arrested. Most of it felt like unhealthy gossip except for a recent one she said reminded her of Mister Silver. When she mentioned that, I hoped it at least brought her a little peace of mind."

"I trust your instincts." Wanderlust replies, patting her shoulder as they exit the bathroom...and see Red seated at the same table as their friends. He lowers his voice. "...Hmph. How do we get a secret message to them without anyone noticing?"

"I can handle that." She says and looks over to Scarlet, and beings to whisper. He can feel his ear twitch as the projected whisper hits his senses. "Um... That Red guy... He's dangerous... or at least that cape is... is like... um... very extremely powerfully bad..."



Staff member
Council of Elders
Static sighed and put a supportive hoof on Curled Pages back. "Isn't that a thing?" Static muttered. "You're coming face to face with the fact that your foalhood friend may be a criminal while I'm coming face to face with the fact that my nemesis may be a pony...you know..with feelings and a past."

He shook his head. "I've seen it go both ways, Mr. Page. I've seen a pony's bitterness take such a hold that there's precious little if anything of the pony they used to be left buried hopelessly deep inside. I've also seen ponies that use their hard nocks as an incentive to do better and not give in to the bitterness."

Static sighed again. "I won't lie to you. I've seen her use her magic. I've heard other tales of her using her magic. And to be honest, if it came down to a knock-down, drag-out fight against her, I'm not sure we could win. Frankly, she scares me. Everything I've gone up against since I've joined this team...and believe me, I've seen things that if I told you about, you'd never sleep again at night...she's the reason I wrote this!" Static flashed his will for a moment for emphasis. "So if you think there's even a possibility that there's some part of that filly you used to know somewhere inside who Dazzling's become, I'd like to give it the chance to come out. It would certainly be a better outcome than if we have to fight her head-on.

Scarlet had just decided that he would, on balance, not go for another card, when Symphonys whisper tickled his ear. Since he was already looking at his cards, Scarlet raised an eyebrow slightly and nodded to himself. Hoping Symphony would interpret that as him having gotten the message. He then laid out his cards.

”I may risk more later, but not for the first game of the day.”

[font][]So then...
‘Red’ isn’t the only thing about this inverted pegasus that doesn’t seem right. Interesting. Unsettling, but interesting.
Better tread carefully then.[/color]

Turning to the mystery stallion, he said.

”We never got chance for 9ntroductions last night as the emergency cut short our. So, pleased to meet you. Can i ask your name?”

Scarlet had just decided that he would, on balance, not go for another card, when Symphonys whisper tickled his ear. Since he was already looking at his cards, Scarlet raised an eyebrow slightly and nodded to himself. Hoping Symphony would interpret that as him having gotten the message. He then laid out his cards.

”I may risk more later, but not for the first game of the day.”

So then...
‘Red’ isn’t the only thing about this inverted pegasus that doesn’t seem right. Interesting. Unsettling, but interesting.
Better tread carefully then.

Turning to the mystery stallion, he said.

”We never got chance for 9ntroductions last night as the emergency cut short our. So, pleased to meet you. Can i ask your name?”

Wanderlust watches Symphony's spell with interest. "That's a useful spell. I always meant to pick it up. Maybe you can teach me some time." He surveys the room. "For now, let's just do our jobs and be ready if anything comes to a head. Let's grab some menus."

perception check for a couple of things:
-Are there any suspicious characters on the floor that aren't already seated next to the rest of the party (anyone we missed?)
-the long-delayed question: is there anywhere that seems guarded or off limits? I figure if we're going to get menus (and picking up orders soon), this can apply to the back areas, where it's really interesting. Is there anywhere that even the employees aren't allowed to go? I can ask that to Wanderlust's favorite chef IC, if you like. Anyways, perception roll:

Static sees Night Cap's face turn red. Given his all too eager volunteering to read the journal, Static could guess why his face was turning red.

[Sorry, Night Cap. But I promised to be discreet and I mean to hold to it.]

Static handed the journal back to Square. "Here, I think we got everything we need from this. Go ahead and put it back."


Staff member
Council of Elders
Misty - Maple (Flair)

Flairvoyant pondered for a bit until, "Well...at least it sounds like we can rule out the stadium now. However, the problem is figuring out how to get down in those tunnels. Still, it's something. Worse case scenario, we at least have something to bring back to the Chief Director. Hopefully Symphony and Wanderlust find something, though."

Symphony - Wanderlust

Wanderlust didn't immediately see anything or anypony who looked suspicious. However, asking around the kitchen just might yield answers he didn't see on his own.

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

The mystery stallion smiled and said. "I think that 'Green' is particularly in the moment, Scarlet." Green had a 3, 6, and a 7. Hazel Naught had a 7 and a face card. Red's first hand had an ace and a 6 while the second had a 5 and a 10. Finally, the dealer had gone bust with a 9, 5, and a 9. Red looked over to Scarlet Spectrum and said, "So it seems we tie. However, we have only begun."


Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

As Square Fun began to put the diary back, Keen Craft seemed to be thinking and then asked,
"Wait...'foalhood friend'?" "Yes. She's actually older than I am. She's using some sort of aging spell or maybe even her own inate time magic to repress her true age. Dazzling once offered to use it on me but I turned it down. Just didn't feel right.

And to you Static, I think there's still good in her. I don't think she'd still come here if she didn't. I think...she might have done worse to that couple harassing the waitress if she didn't still have good in her. I really don't like thinking what she could do at her worst."

Meanwhile, Night Cap flipped through the tome to the last entry to find the Wand of Eternal Skies. It was stated to allow a single pony to raise the sun and moon. Furthermore, it granted the wielder unimaginably profound knowledge of the inner workings of time and space.

Wanderlust strolled into the kitchens, and quickly picked out the chef that had given him an orientation yesterday. As nonchalant as he can manage, he strolls over and lets out a sigh. Sounding put upon really isn't that much of a leap at this point. "We just opened, and Prim is already mad at me again." He grumbles. "It feels like I'm just going to be using the bathroom, and she's going to jump out and fire me because the stalls are off-limits." He pauses, for effect. "There aren't any off-limits bathrooms, right? Are there places the staff isn't allowed?"

Static pursed his lips in thought. "I'm not seeing very many good choices. If Night Cap or I face her, it would probably bring out her worst. She would only see us as adversaries. But if we send you..." he says, indicating Curled, "there's too many ways it could end badly. And I'm loath to send pass off responsibility to a..."


[Something a bit less condescending?]

"...innocent bystander," he chooses instead. He sighs and hold the bridge of his nose to fight away a headache. "You probably know her best, Mr. Page. What do you think our best chances are of getting through to her?"

Static looks to Night Cap as if to ponder. "Probably a fair point. She may not see you as an adversary...at least, not as much of one as me. I mean, at the least, she probably know's you're my friend. That could be guilt by association. But...if your first meeting with her went well..."

Static shakes his head. "So many variables!" He turns his attention back to Curled Page. "I don't know. I think I'm really going to need your input on this one. Like I said, you know her best."

Symphony - Wanderlust

The cook said, "I hope there's no off limit stalls. Off the top of my head, the only off limit spots are that reserved dining area I told you about--the one with its own waiters--and Verde's office. Nopony goes in her office unless invited and you never want to get called to her office. Even janitors aren't allowed in there."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Curled Page sighed and said, "I really don't know what would be the best thing to say. The danger is a possibility but I don't know if she'll acknowledge it. I mean, this could lead to the end of the world and there's certainly no profit in that. *sigh* I'm giving you the book. I think you'd know better what to do with it than I and I really don't think I'm in a state of mind for travel right now. Besides, staying here means that on the small chance that Dazzling returns, I can be here to try to talk her out of it. However..."

Curled Page walked over and touched his horn to the tome Night Cap had been flipping through. "'Everything in its rightful place.' There, if something happens to that book, let me know and I can retrieve it."

"Good to know, thank you. At the end of the day, it does belong here...under close guard and maybe locked away in the archives...but it still belongs here with its owners," Static says with an ambiguous glance at Night Cap. "I'm not sure who would be best to face her, but it could very well be that she'll be the one who decides that. If you happen to see her, I'll leave it to you to determine the wisdom of telling her about running into us. If she runs into us, your name need not come up if you don't feel comfortable with it."

"Mean time, I'm still waiting for a respons! e from my Chief,"
he said, patting the transmitter. He looks to the others. "I could wait here for her response if any of you think there's anything more to be gained here. May be a good idea to stick around in case she has something else for us to do here. I'm not sure what she's going to say." He looks back to Curled Page. "If that's all right with you. Do you think it's possible Dazzling would return anytime soon. I don't want to be caught here by her, especially with this book in our hooves."



Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"By the way, did you want a library card? You seem to have found what you were looking for but I didn't know if you were interested in anything else."

Static does a double take. He'd completely forgotten about getting a card. "I...wouldn't be adverse to a card. But...I live all the way in Caballuston. Sooooo, I'm not sure it would be worth putting you through the hassle."

Symphony - Wanderlust

The cook said, "I hope there's no off limit stalls. Off the top of my head, the only off limit spots are that reserved dining area I told you about--the one with its own waiters--and Verde's office. Nopony goes in her office unless invited and you never want to get called to her office. Even janitors aren't allowed in there."

Wanderlust shrugs. "First piece of good news I've had all day. Thanks. My names Wanderlust, by the way. I don't think I caught yours yesterday."

Fnu Aw:
"I wouldn't mind checking out the 090s before we leave."

[Rare books and manuscripts?]

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me that would be one of your interests."

[Legit research, personal curiosity...or...something shiny?]

"I'm not sure how long it'll take before I get a reply on my radio equipment, so I suppose we may have some time. Keep close though. If something goes down, it could go down fast." Static walks over to Curled page and whispers so Night Cap can't hear. "He's my friend, and I love him dearly. But he has a weakness for shiny things. May want to help us keep an eye on him?"

Scarlet grinned.

”Hehe. Red, Green and Blue. A colourful set of -layers.

Its only the first game, Green. It could all be the other way round next time.”

Turning to ‘Red’, Scarlet cocked his head with a low chuckle.

”No questions this round then, ‘Red’.”

Then he looked over the table in general, trying to work out how to pass on Symphonys warning to Hazel.



Staff member
Council of Elders
Symphony - Wanderlust

The cook slapped his forehead. "Oh wow, I can't believe I didn't introduce myself. Plato Azul--pleased to meet you."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Curled Page whispered back, "I hope he wouldn't try anything untowards. But I will say that most of the books over there are well worn. Or is there a different criteria ! for 'shiny'?"

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

With the next round of cards being dealt, Red got a 9 and a 4 for his two face up hands. Hazel Naught got a 10, Green got 10 and the dealer got a 7. Finally, Scarlet Spectrum had an ace face up and a 7 face down.

"I've never seen him do anything untowards," Static said. "But in full disclosure, there are times he says things that can be...but then I am rather suspicious by nature. Forget I said anything." Static looks to his transmitter. How long is it going to take for Splash Faunt to find the Chief. If she'd just call, Static could keep an eye on Night himself.

And there it was. Static was feeling it necessary to keep an eye on Night Cap. With everything else weighing on his mind, what was Night Cap doing?

[He is your friend, right? You trust him...right?]

[Are you bucking kidding me?]

[How does Rhapsody do it?]

[By not trusting him in the first place and being the first one to throw him under the bus.]

[You know what works, take away any reason for him to feel it necessary to steal.]

*sigh* "Maybe instead of getting me my card, you should set him up with one. He'd probably get more use out of it."

[Not even lunch time and already it's been a heck of a day.]

"In the mean time, could you tell me more about Dazzling, more of your memories? Maybe the more I know, the more I can understand...maybe the more I can reconcile the sympathetic pony I read about in that journal and the pony you used to know with the pony that threatened me to my face that night. Because as calm and collected as I may seem right now...there's a heck of a lot of conflict going on in my head. Tartarus! Maybe give a few minutes, I'll start casting aspersions my own direction!"

Symphony - Wanderlust

The cook slapped his forehead. "Oh wow, I can't believe I didn't introduce myself. Plato Azul--pleased to meet you."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Curled Page whispered back, "I hope he wouldn't try anything untowards. But I will say that most of the books over there are well worn. Or is there a different criteria for 'shiny'?"

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

With the next round of cards being dealt, Red got a 9 and a 4 for his two face up hands. Hazel Naught got a 10, Green got 10 and the dealer got a 7. Finally, Scarlet Spectrum had an ace face up and a 7 face down.

Wanderlust grins. "Good to finally meet you, Plato." He grabs some menus and dips out of the kitchen, heading towards the table where Flairvoyant, Misty, and Maple are sitting. "Well hello to all of you, and welcome to Fiesta Caldera's Casino! Can I get you folks anything to drink?" Dropping his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, he continues, "And would anyone like to break into Chipotle Verde's office? If you all could laugh like I just told a nice joke, that'd be great."

Misty obliges. "Haha ha *snort* ha haaa..."

Maple holds her hoof over her face to keep from actually giggling at Misty's adorable snort ... but it's to much for her and she belly laughs so hard it actually rumbles a little.



Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet was, at first, elated that he was starting with an Ace! Then he saw the seven and realised that his next card had to be lucky and low. Otherwise his Aces 11 would be negated.

With a small sigh, he waved for another card...


...and got a 2.

At least he hadn’t gone bust. Yet.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

As Night Cap was escorted to the 090s, Curled Page said to Static Signal with,
"Dazzling always wanted to learn as much as possible so she could fix things. I remember her being in here often flipping pages with her magic. I guess if she took a different path, she could have wound up a librarian. She was good at research and she had started getting better at interacting with others. But it seemed she took a different path in life. All things considered, I was surprised that she got a degree in business since she never showed interest in owning one."

Symphony - Wanderlust AND Misty - Maple (Flair)

"Ha ha, oh wow! Wandy are you nuts? That's a good one! But I guess if that's the only lead... Ha ha ha. I'm gonna be in so much trouble with the Chief Director if this goes bad. Misty, with us. Maple, stay here. Be adorable. Watch Scarlet and the other's backs." Flairvoyant said.

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Red requested a few more cards for his second hand, then revealed that his first hand had a 9 and an 8 while his second hand had a 4, 2, 2, and a 10. He frowned once Scarlet Spectrum revealed his hand but regained composure. Hazel Naught revealed a 10 and a face card, 'Green' had a 10 and a 5 and the dealer had a 7, 4, and an 8.

[Business Degree? That is odd. I can't imagine needing a business degree for a criminal organization, especially when she mostly seems to keep to recruiting.]

[I do hate unexplained loose ends.]

[Maybe better to just keep it on the back burner for now. He doesn't seem to understand it either and there's something more important to say to him.]

"You know, I never thought in a million years that I would wind up defending her...but...I hope you don't judge her too harshly. Needless to say we need to stop her. But it looks like she's got reasons for her anger.

"And even at that, let's not forget that ther! e is still good in her. She defended that waitress that was getting hassled. And while I can't advocate jailbreaking, she is loyal to her friends. I mean, I'd have hate to have been one of the lesser underlings who watched her waltz out of the jail with her friend while I stayed there to rot...and I almost was. When it came to that one she did break out...any other COIN member would have left them all there to rot. That she saved her...that's a loyalty I honestly didn't expect.

"So...as much as I thought I'd never say it, she's not completely evil."

Static was quite for a moment when a thought struck him. "Speaking of...did you ever know Silent Belle?"

Symphony - Wanderlust AND Misty - Maple (Flair)

"Ha ha, oh wow! Wandy are you nuts? That's a good one! But I guess if that's the only lead... Ha ha ha. I'm gonna be in so much trouble with the Chief Director if this goes bad. Misty, with us. Maple, stay here. Be adorable. Watch Scarlet and the other's backs." Flairvoyant said.

Wanderlust really wanted to be there when the case was cracked, but this was already a risky gambit, and he didn't have a great track record with breaking and entering. "Symphony's probably got a better skill set for breaking and entering, take her. I'll stay out here and keep an eye on things; it's too suspicious if we both disappear. Meet her in the bathroom in a few minutes." He smiles, leaves the menus, and heads back to the kitchen for some drinks, looping by Symphony to appraise her. "In a few minutes, go use the bathroom and meet with Flairvoyant and Misty; you're going to break into Chipotle Verde's office."

"Teehehehe... I'll do my best."



Staff member
Council of Elders
Though he wanted to go straight the kill and insist ‘Red’ reveal his proper name. Symphonys warning, mixed with ‘Reds’ apparent way with words held him back. So Scarlet smiled confidently amd said.

”So then, ‘Red’. What do you do when you’re not playing cards? What’s your job?”

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Curled Page pondered, "That name sounds...oh! Dazzling said she hoped we could meet one day but that it was never the right time. She always seemed worried since she said Belle didn't read much but I'd never give a pony a hard time over that."

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Now that he had regained composure, a smile slowly slithered across Red's face. "It's been interesting times as of late. A while ago I was in acquisitions but I transitioned to a more advisory role. Just recently I was offered a management position and I'm excited to see what all it brings."

Static nodded. "Definitely sounds more friend than simple co-worker then. I suspected as much. We met before too...Silent Belle and I. It...wasn't pleasant. I was just curious if you knew her."

Static fidgeted a bit. "I still can't wrap my head around this. Until ten minutes ago, all I knew of Dazzling was...well...what I already told you. I built her up in my mind so much as some kind of monster. But...but she's a pony just like anypony...with a past...and dreams...and hopes...and...scars." Static rubs his temples. "Can't wrap my head around it."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Curled Page sighed, "And just ten minutes ago, I thought Dazzling was nigh blameless. Makes me wonder if...no, nothing to worry about."

Static raises an eyebrow. "What is it? Usually when somepony says 'nothing to worry about' I automatically start worrying."



Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Night Cap found a manuscript recalling a trade negotiation concerning Saddle Arabian coffee. Meanwhile, Curled Page said, "It's just...before my father passed but after Dazzling had left for college, my father showed me one door in the house that he forbid me from opening. He seemed fearful so I listened to him. With some of the things brought up with how dangerous her magic could be, I wonder if that might be some sort of side effect. But...it could just be nervous curiosity. After all, she wasn't here at that time."

Symphony - Wanderlust AND Misty - Maple (Flair)

"Ha ha, oh wow! Wandy are you nuts? That's a good one! But I guess if that's the only lead... Ha ha ha. I'm gonna be in so much trouble with the Chief Director if this goes bad. Misty, with us. Maple, stay here. Be adorable. Watch Scarlet and the other's backs." Flairvoyant said.

Wanderlust really wanted to be there when the case was cracked, but this was already a risky gambit, and he didn't have a great track record with breaking and entering. "Symphony's probably got a better skill set for breaking and entering, take her. I'll stay out here and keep an eye on things; it's too suspicious if we both disappear. Meet her in the bathroom in a few minutes." He smiles, leaves the menus, and heads back to the kitchen for some drinks, looping by Symphony to appraise her. "In a few minutes, go use the bathroom and meet with Flairvoyant and Misty; you're going to break into Chipotle Verde's office."

Symphony blinks at that. "Um.. I'm wondering... Have you meet me?" She says and glances around. "W-What would... um... make you think that I... um... Could e-even break into a piggy back... L-let alone the office of such an... um... terrifying mare?" She asks And takes a deep breath and looks around. If she doesn't do there there's more of being a waitress in her future.. dealing with customers, carrying food.... and then there was that Red pony that she was desperately trying to not look at... Then there was that ever gnawing voice in the back of her mind of what Rhapsody would do... Rhapsody could break in there easily... She'd not be afraid of some mare... She wasn't Rhapsody... but she soon realizes that she'd rather be as far away from that Cape as possible. "Alright... I'll... I'll do it." She says without actually giving Wander much time to reply. "You're... um... much better at being a waiter anyway..."

Static shrugs. "She might not have been there at that time. But if present-day Dazzling where able to go back..." Static shrugs again. "Who could say? I mean, I have no real reason to think it's connected. But you seem to think it could be connected. It kinda feels like grasping at straws, but it's more than what we had when we first set hoof in this town. If nothing else, if it helps you ease your mind about that room, we can check it out if you want."

Symphony - Wanderlust AND Misty - Maple (Flair)

"Ha ha, oh wow! Wandy are you nuts? That's a good one! But I guess if that's the only lead... Ha ha ha. I'm gonna be in so much trouble with the Chief Director if this goes bad. Misty, with us. Maple, stay here. Be adorable. Watch Scarlet and the other's backs." Flairvoyant said.

Wanderlust really wanted to be there when the case was cracked, but this was already a risky gambit, and he didn't have a great track record with breaking and entering. "Symphony's probably got a better skill set for breaking and entering, take her. I'll stay out here and keep an eye on things; it's too suspicious if we both disappear. Meet her in the bathroom in a few minutes." He smiles, leaves the menus, and heads back to the kitchen for some drinks, looping by Symphony to appraise her. "In a few minutes, go use the bathroom and meet with Flairvoyant and Misty; you're going to break into Chipotle Verde's office."

Symphony blinks at that. "Um.. I'm wondering... Have you meet me?" She says and glances around. "W-What would... um... make you think that I... um... Could e-even break into a piggy back... L-let alone the office of such an... um... terrifying mare?" She asks And takes a deep breath and looks around. If she doesn't do there there's more of being a waitress in her future.. dealing with customers, carrying food.... and then there was that Red pony that she was desperately trying to not look at... Then there was that ever gnawing voice in the back of her mind of what Rhapsody would do... Rhapsody could break in there easily... She'd not be afraid of some mare... She wasn't Rhapsody... but she soon realizes that she'd rather be as far away from that Cape as possible. "Alright... I'll... I'll do it." She says without actually giving Wander much time to reply. "You're... um... much better at being a waiter anyway..."

"Such a useful skill." Wanderlust replies drily. He pats Rhapsody on the shoulder. "And remember, you're not alone. Flairvoyant and Misty will be with you."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

The Morse Code transmitter whirred to life and left a message:

Symphony - Wanderlust AND Misty - Maple (Flair)

After about a minute, Flairvoyant and Misty Monsoon slipped away to meet with Symphony. That just left Wanderlust and Maplejack to keep their eyes and ears open for anything suspicious going on at the casino floor.

Static perked up and jerked his head towards the transmitter. "Where do I start," he muttered. He then looked to Curled Page whom he was unsure whether or not knew Morse Code. "Boss wants to know if we've uncovered any new info," he said with a biting laugh. He shook his head and started tapping.


Static takes the book and puts it in a bag that looks far too small to hold said book. "If we're found, I'm betting no pony would think to look for a book that size in a small bag like this. I promise I'll keep it safe."


Maple moved about the floor like she would if she was mapping a town in her head... roulette three prances left of craps table... and so on... as she did she kept her senses on alert... even the ones ponies didn't have.


Not using her shapeshifting magic... Maple mostly relied on her ring awareness and natural predatory instincts to be monitoring the goings on -while not being obvious about it...



Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)


[Aww! She cares!]


Static sighs down at the transmitter and then turns to face Curled Page. "Let's go ahead and gather the troops. I want to check out this forbidden room of yours."

Static starts off in the opposite way the others went, stops short and looks behind himself. "This way?" he mouths the words and points.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Curled Page shook his head and pointed down.

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

"Fascinating. And just what would acquisitions entail?" Green asked. Red dismissively replied, "Standard business, of course. Besides, you weren't the on! e I was making a bet with."

Wanderlust - Maple

Maplejack quietly walked the floor unnoticed because obviously one as innocent as her would never cause trouble. And then she recognized a certain voice. Of course, as a wrestler she knew that you don't break kayfabe and it would be rude to break it for someone else.

Static walked in the direction Curled Page indicated, smiling sheepishly as he passed. As Night Cap and the others came into view, he called out. "Hey, guys! I finally got in contact with the Chief and made my report. Thanks to Mr. Page, we have another lead to act on. There's a room his father forbade him from going into. Sounds like a good place to check out. Do you need more time here?"


Scarlet raised and eyebrow.

”You must be quite talented to his riden through the ranks. Impressive.” Though outwardly, in both tone and expression, Scarlet was interested and complimentary. Inwardly, his thoughts were, shall we say, a little darker.

Hmm. In end of itself, that answer means...exactly what it appears to mean. He’s doing well in his job and has bossess who clearly see untapped potential in him.
4xcept that even before Symphonys warning about ‘Reds’ unnatural cape. This crimson earth pony seemed both more (and less) than he appears to be. Nothing definitively Bad about him. Just an ‘Oiliness’ of demeanour and overly secretive attitude.
But then, if one takes that answer and applies it to say, working for COIN? Well, then it takes on a lot more meaning. Especially since there’s already an apparently large COIN presence here. As well as Chipotle Verde.
And maybe Prim too.
If ‘Red’ is COIN. And has gone from Aquisitions to a ‘Management role’. What has he found for them in the past and what are they after here? Because it is beginning to seem more and more likely that something important is under this casino.

How the buck am i going yo tell anypony about any of my suspicions? I can’t even tell Hazel or Darty. Not here anyway.

”perhaos the cards will fall in your favour next time, ‘Red’. “



Staff member
Council of Elders

Scarlet raised and eyebrow.

”You must be quite talented to his riden through the ranks. Impressive.” Though outwardly, in both tone and expression, Scarlet was interested and complimentary. Inwardly, his thoughts were, shall we say, a little darker.

Hmm. In end of itself, that answer means...exactly what it appears to mean. He’s doing well in his job and has bossess who clearly see untapped potential in him.
4xcept that even before Symphonys warning about ‘Reds’ unnatural cape. This crimson earth pony seemed both more (and less) than he appears to be. Nothing definitively Bad about him. Just an ‘Oiliness’ of demeanour and overly secretive attitude.
But then, if one takes that answer and applies it to say, working for COIN? Well, then it takes on a lot more meaning. Especially since there’s already an apparently large COIN presence here. As well as Chipotle Verde.
And maybe Prim too.
If ‘Red’ is COIN. And has gone from Aquisitions to a ‘Management role’. What has he found for them in the past and what are they after here? Because it is beginning to seem more and more likely that something important is under this casino.

How the buck am i going yo tell anypony about any of my suspicions? I can’t even tell Hazel or Darty. Not here anyway.

”Perhaps the cards will fall in your favour next time, ‘Red’. “

"That's the idea," Static said with a grin at Night Cap's enthusiasm. But then the grin turned serious. "As carefully as possible of course.

"There's been too much time/space breaking and too many inter-dimensional portals the past couple days as it is. And our group has a habit of running into ponies getting stuck in such dimensions. I'd rather not add to the tally."

"Could be," Static allowed for the possibility. "Everything else so far I've had an overwhelming sense of dread about has turned out not so bad. Bad that doesn't mean we should take chances. I'm just saying...be careful. Chief Director's orders.

Static added, "the place we're going is Curled Pages home. So while being careful with our lives, I don't think it needs to be said that we need to take care to be respectful to his property."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"Just checking what all is here. I might have to visit some other time." Square Fun said as he and Keen Craft met back up with the group. Curled Page then said, "I live in the library but the room in question is in the basement. Stairs are over here, follow me." He waved for them to follow and led them to a small room with a door that presumably led to a closet. It was boarded up and the edges were sealed with wax.

Symphony - Misty (Flair)

Symphony carefully led Flairvoyant and Misty Monsoon through the back hallways and up the stairs to Chipotle Verde's office. Using her magic, Flairvoyant opened the door without much effort. "That's surprising. You'd think there'd be more locks on this door. At least a deadbolt instead of just the regular lock. I'm getting a bad feeling about this." The office looked pretty normal...barring the numerous mirrors on the walls. "We need to look around quick so we don't get caught."

Static hangs his head and sighs. "Well I guess unless somepony else has any ideas, we better come back later with some crowbars."



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Council of Elders
Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

"Perhaps they may. Perhaps we should adjust the stakes. You seek to gamble with words while I prefer something a bit more...solid." From out of his cloak, Red calmly dropped a bag of bits. A worried expression grew on Hazel Naught's face as she looked at the bag and then at Scarlet Spectrum.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Keen Craft arched an eyebrow in confusion. "Why would we need a crowbar? I have a hammer to get the nails out of the boards if that's what you mean."

Static looked over to Keen Craft. "Hence the 'unless somepony else has any ideas' disclaimer," he said with a grin. "Well, nothin' for it. Let's get started. Mr. Page, are you sure you want to be here for this? No telling what dangers are on the other side of that door. Checking it out may be part of our job, but there's no need for you to risk it if you're not comfortable with it."

"Got it!" Misty gives the room a look-over.


Symphony - Misty (Darty)

With her keen eyes, Misty Monsoon spotted that one of the mirrors was curiously askew and slightly off the wall. Similarly, there seemed to be a rectangular outline under the rug under Chipotle Verde's desk.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Keen Craft pulled out a chisel and handed it to Night Cap. "Well then, let's put you on wax duty." Meanwhile, Curled Page replied, "I feel I do need to know. But...I'll stand back to make sure I'm not in your way."



Static nods to Curled Page. "Understandable. Just stay safe. Anything happens, just run and don't look back." He watches Keen Craft hand Night Cap a chisel. "Here, let me help with that."



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Council of Elders
Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Keen Craft worked towards getting the boards off of the door but as she turned to look over at Night Cap's progress, she asked, "Um, Static? Do you want to take over for Night Cap or do you want Square to do it?"

"I'll give it a shot," Static answers while taking the chisel and seeing what he can do.


Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Slowly and carefully, Static Signal and Keen Craft removed the boards and the wax seal from the door. With all of the obstructions clear, Keen Craft reached towards the doorknob but stopped. "Should I or should you?"

Static takes a deep quivering breath. "Let me. If anything's going to happen, I want it to happen to me first." He hesitated before looking to Night Cap. "Tell Anchors I love her." With one last deep breath and a look to make sure everyone else was a decent distance away, Static opens the door.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

When Static Signal opened the door, he didn't see anything. The closet simply seemed a little darker than natural. But then he felt the abnormality as he and all the others in the room were assaulted by a symphony of sinister synesthesia as he smell sights, tasted colors, and felt sounds. The floor felt solid but they were sinking like it was a mud pit. Something malevolent was there and they'd have to figure out how to stop it fast. However, Night Cap did have one sense that was functioning in normal capacity as he smelled an overwhelming deluge of chamomile coming from the closet area like a gust coming through an open window. That could mean only one thing and that would only be possible if something was wrong with the world.



Static weathered whatever force had just struck him, but he still felt it. He winced but stood firm against the malevolent forces.

Static fought with all his will against whatever force was out there. Unfortunately, this eldritch world was quite beyond his experience. Never had he seen anything like this. Ponies were not meant to smell sights or taste colors or feel sounds. Nothing about this world made any sense!

But...there was one pony in the group that seemed to enjoy literature in non-euclidian geometry. There was one pony who was most at home in worlds such as this.

"Night Cap! This is your area of expertise. You're in command. What do we do?"

[Did you just put Night Cap in command?]

[Do you have a better idea?]

[Wait...am I actually seeing other ponies behind these thoughts? Can the others see you as well?]

[But if they can see you, who am I?]

Static shook his head. Now wasn't the time for an existential breakdown.

[If not now, when?]



Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Night Cap knew that in order to stop this, they would need to banish this entity and close the rift between this and the dream world. A banishing circle could work but they would need to act fast as the sheer existence of this would be slowly erasing some of the runes. He could direct the others on where to draw some of the runes to get things done faster. There were also two unicorns for more direct spell casting, though this would put them at greater risk.

Meanwhile, Static Signal searched for something to! focus on and realized he had Anchors Away's necklace. It hadn't transmuted yet amidst the calamity. He also realized that if this thing had been kept at bay with mundane items like wood and wax, it was quite likely they might not be as mundane as they looked...



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Council of Elders
Static clinched Anchors' necklace close to his heart and took a steadying breath.

"You taste like film canisters. Do you work in photography?"

"Was about to ask. Yes, we're still on for the date.

"More ponies should say it more often."

"Once...once I give you this, do you promise that you'll keep it safe?"

And his eyes darted around, he realized something. "Night Cap, the wax and boards that were boarding up the door, they aren't being affected by this magic. Does that help you?"

Misty attempts to straighten the mirror out. "Hey, while I'm over here, somepony should check what's under that rug there," she says as she points a hoof at space under the desk.


Symphony - Misty (Darty)

As Misty Monsoon began to adjust the mirror, she found the wall behind it was slightly recessed to hold a combination safe that was embedded into the wall.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

[courier new tag]Without protest, Square Fun, Keen Craft, and Curled Page quickly gathered around Night Cap.[/quote tag]

Static also took his place in the circle.



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Council of Elders

Static wondered what Night Cap was doing. But then he reminded himself that as odd as what Night Cap was doing may seem, he didn't know anything about these magics and this was Night Caps forte. He braced himself as he felt another blow attacking him.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Things were shifting in the room as the banishment was taking effect. However, something that had been festering for decades wouldn't be defeated so easily. Night Cap could feel it focusing on him so as he could see spicy and hear iridescent, he would need the others to help to finally push it back.



Static was unused to these chants. The words felt weird as the came off his tongue, slow at first, but more fluid and firm as Night Caps repititions assured him the words were not only right, but soon came to be Static's entire world. They were going to defeat this thing. Of that there was no doubt, no choice.

"Apo pantos kakodaimonnos."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Reality rippled and finally restored itself as the entity was now gone. "Whew, hope we never have to do that again." Square Fun said.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Reality rippled and finally restored itself as the entity was now gone. "Whew, hope we never have to do that again." Square Fun said. "Bottom left side pocket?" Keen Craft nodded and Square Fun used his magic to pull mint leaves out of one of her vest pockets and started to pass them around. "The mint will help if your stomach is upset from what we just dealt with."

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel) AND Wanderlust - Maple

Just then, Poinsettia Prim walked over to the card table with some guards not directly behind her but close in tow. She pointed at Hazel Naught. "The management would like to see you. Promptly." "Why me?" Dart Noveau got out of her chair and stared down Poinsettia Prim. "Yeah, what's the meaning of this?" "There are concerns about her procedures on the previous night and how unhealthy such actions might be for the casino. It will not be pleasant if you choose to make a scene." Hazel Naught shrank back a bit. "I-I didn't do anything wrong. I was just trying to help."

Meanwhile, Red seemed innately amused as he smugly sipped his drink.



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Council of Elders

Maple looks over to Red and tries to taste out what he's feeling... She also wondered if it wouldn't be better for the group if she switched places with Hazel ...

Static stumbled out of the closet and plopped down on his rump. He was looking a bit worse for wear. There were several cuts, a couple of which were probably going to leave a nice little scar, but that seemed to be the norm with these expeditions.

He patted around to try and find his satchel with the book Dazzling had been reading. Still there. His aunt's amulet that allowed him to teleport? Still there. His will? Still there. Anchors amulet, the amulet that had just saved his life? Still there. He grasped it even closer to his heart and clinched his hoof around it as tightly as possible.

"Thank you," he said, his voice trembling.

"It makes me wonder...the food, the culture, the sites...how does a pony take a desk job after experiencing being in the field?"

"Look at where you are. Now...ask me that question again."

He gave a slight scoff at Square Fun's mention of never having to do that again. I whole heartedly agree." He thanked Square for the mint and started to chew it slowly. He then turned to Night Cap. "Not that it probably matters since whatever that was in there needed to be dealt with in any case, but, could you tell if that thing in there had anything to do with what we came here for?"

[Night Cap]​
"In the meantime, we should probably all see a doctor after what we were just exposed to. Trust me."

"I've been spending too much time in hospitals lately," Static grumbles. He then sighs and shrugs, conceding the point. "You're right of course. I think we're done here anyway. C'mon, everypony!"

[Didn't the chief specifically say to be careful?]

[Hey! Everypony survived!]

[Everypony's going to the hospital!]

[Purely precautionary. Nothing but scrapes and scratches here.]

[grumble grumble]

Wanderlust - Maple

Maplejack could sense a feeling of joy from Red but it was twisted. He was genuinely enjoying watching Hazel Naught being given a hard time and her cowering in fear.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"Wait, tonight? Won't we be heading back by then?" Square Fun asked.



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Council of Elders

Maple wasn't exactly sure what game it was that the two were involved in, but as she wanted to do something to sour that colt's mood she walked passed Plainclothes and not wanting to give away to anypony that they knew each other at all She looked back over her shoulder... stopped suddenly and slid back over to him.

"You sir, are the most handsome pony I've seen all day... would you care to show me how this game works? Maybe I could bring you some luck." Maple looks at him seductively... playing up the act even more.

Maple drops a small sack of bits on the table... "You can add this to whatever you have on the line Handsome." she whispers.

Symphony - Misty (Darty)

With her keen eyes, Misty Monsoon spotted that one of the mirrors was curiously askew and slightly off the wall. Similarly, there seemed to be a rectangular outline under the rug under Chipotle Verde's desk.

Misty attempts to straighten the mirror out. "Hey, while I'm over here, somepony should check what's under that rug there," she says as she points a hoof at the space under the desk.


Symphony - Misty (Darty)

As Misty Monsoon began to adjust the mirror, she found the wall behind it was slightly recessed to hold a combination safe that was embedded into the wall.

Symphony took a deep breath, she really didn't like being in her, something kept gnawing at the back of her head telling her it was wrong, that it was some kind of trap. Before checking the rug, she looked around using her true sight to see if there was anything they couldn't see, her rainbow eyes glowing softly as she does so..

Wanderlust - Maple

Green patted Maplejack on the head like an adorable little sister. "You can never have too much good luck. But I don't think you can just jump into a high stakes game. You wouldn't bug me but I don't know how the others would feel, particularly this...civil...lady who just walked up to the table. Perhaps you should ask her."

Symphony - Misty (Flair)
Symphony looked around and thankfully there were no illusions hiding any sort of unpleasant surprises. However, when Flairvoyant used her magic to move aside the desk and carpet, they found a door in the floor. "I think we might have found the entrance to the tunnels under the city. I guess scaring your employees is one way to hide it."

"Oh, my goodness no... join the game? I've already caused enough of an interruption, certainly teaching me how to play would be an even worse one."

Maple sits down between him and the mare. "If the money I wanted to loan him is the problem, I would certainly take it back." Maple Smiles... pulling a larger sack out of her hair and setting it down -the unmistakable clinking of bits ...was unmistakable as she leaned back across to pick up the smaller sack. Maple Smiled at Plainclothes as she put the sack inside the sack and then back inside her hair. "Would you mind if I watched though?" she asked the table and the Mare beside her in particular



Staff member
Council of Elders

Scarlet had raised an eyebrow at ‘Red’ as he produced his bag of bits and spoke of altering the wager. On the verge of replying, as well as quickly deciding the whateve4 Maple was up to, he’d stay out of it, Scarlets attention changed when Prim turned up. He was all for acting civil and not letting his (a;ready low) opinion of her cloud his judgement. Until she started talking and he noted the pair of goons standing not-menacingly behind her.

”As i recall,” he said in a deceptively calm tone of voice. ”kast night, my friend alerted ypur staff to the presence of a cheater in your casino. She broke no rules, she commited no crime. She, in fact, made less of a scene than you did when you kicked out said cheater.

What has she done to warrant you swanning up here with a pair of grunts and veiled threats?”

Symphony - Misty (Flair)
Symphony looked around and thankfully there were no illusions hiding any sort of unpleasant surprises. However, when Flairvoyant used her magic to move aside the desk and carpet, they found a door in the floor. "I think we might have found the entrance to the tunnels under the city. I guess scaring your employees is one way to hide it."

Symphony still didn't feel fully reassured, there were other non-magical ways for them to be watched. But at least there wasn't anything magically dreadful around like that cape of Red's. She looks over to Flair "Ah, yes... good... so um... I guess we should go tell the others now, yes?" She really didn't want to be in the office any longer then she had to and risk getting caught, it could put every pony in trouble. "W-we can... uh... deal with both when we got... um... everypony togeather... Right?"

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"That doesn't..." Square Fun paused as he was about to reply to Night Cap and looked over to Static Signal for help.

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel) AND Wanderlust - Maple

Poinsettia Prim looked down her glasses at Maplejack and replied, "Coaching is not permitted but otherwise you may watch." She then redirected her attention to Scarlet Spectrum. "You will need to speak with the management if you would like more information. If you would like to join your friend as she comes with us, you may. Otherwise, step aside."

Symphony - Misty (Flair)

Flairvoyant nodded. "Good point. Though I wonder what's in the safe, it's probably best that we..." There was motion in the hallway and Flairvoyant froze in horror.

"Oh no...

Quick, down in the tunnel! Let's see...that way is north. Alright, I think I can re-straighten the room outside of sight but we need to move fast to not get caught."

Symphony's ears droop at the sounds from the hallway and then Flair's suggestion. Once more she really really doesn't like either option she was presented with, staying was bad... but the tunnels... who knows what could be in them what with the entrance being hidden here? Let along that if they did run into something it was only the three of them... or the fact that who knows where they might find another exit... Still there didn't seem like there was much of a choice. She darts down the tunnel as quickly as she can.

Static caught Square's look. He wasn't sure what to say. Static half suspected Night Cap meant he would be investigating in his dream walking world. In that case he could do his investigation whenever he could catch some sleep, whether it was tonight, the next night or even on the trip back to Caballuston.

Of course, if he actually meant investigating in the waking world...

In either case, Static wasn't sure what to say. He also knew that those moment when Night Cap is extra lucid, like the last few moments while fighting that dark force, were usually followed by moments that he could only describe as being extra Night Capian, in which case even he couldn't even begin to reason with him.

He could only give a non-commital shrug.

"Investigating can be done whenever we have a moment and it's safe to do so. In the meantime, though, I suggest we get ourselves to the hospital like Night Cap suggests. I know I'm feeling like I just went a couple rounds with a cuckarocka."



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Council of Elders

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"That doesn't..." Square Fun paused as he was about to reply to Night Cap and looked over to Static Signal for help.

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel) AND Wanderlust - Maple

Poinsettia Prim looked down her glasses at Maplejack and replied, "Coaching is not permitted but otherwise you may watch." She then redirected her attention to Scarlet Spectrum. "You will need to speak with the management if you would like more information. If you would like to join your friend as she comes with us, you may. Otherwise, step aside."

Symphony - Misty (Flair)

Flairvoyant nodded. "Good point. Though I wonder what's in the safe, it's probably best that we..." There was motion in the hallway and Flairvoyant froze in horror.

"Oh no...

Quick, down in the tunnel! Let's see...that way is north. Alright, I think I can re-straighten the room outside of sight but we need to move fast to not get caught."

Prims next words did nothing to change Scarlets mood.

”And here i thought you were the management, what with the heavies and all.

Anyway, in answer to your question, i’ll be blunt. I go with her, or she doesn’t go with you.”


Prims next words did nothing to change Scarlets mood.

”And here i thought you were the management, what with the heavies and all.

Anyway, in answer to your question, i’ll be blunt. I go with her, or she doesnt go with you.”

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

The group made sure everything was in order, then headed to the hospital. The doctor was surprised to see them. "Back already?"

Misty flits across the room and quickly hops into the tunnel entrance after Symphony.

Static presents himself so the doctor can see all the still bleeding cuts and bruises. "Yes, well, the good news is that our insurance coverage is second to none. The bad news is...we bloody well use it!"

[Flair's right. I need a desk job!]

Static raises an eyebrow at Night Cap. "That's just a natural reflex for you, isn't it? I think we all know you're the one who saved all our collective skins back there. Which is definitely going into my report."



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Council of Elders
Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

The doctor waved for some nurses to come help, then asked, "What happened?"

Symphony - Misty (Flairvoyant)

Flairvoyant closed the door behind them and not a moment too soon as they heard somepony entered Chipotle Verde's room. Within the tunnel itself, it was moderately lit as "torches" using glowing crystals instead of fire were sparsely placed down a winding path.


Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Poinsettia Prim waved for Scarlet Spectrum to follow. Dart Noveau also joined and from her expression, she was none too pleased about the situation. The group was led to Chipotle Verde's office and she made a self assured smile as they entered. She looked quite comfortable as the light in the room sparkled through her necklace. After Poinsettia Prim closed the office door, Chipotle Verde said, "Good morning! I didn't expect so many to come along."

Static pursed his lips. It may not be prudent to tell the doctor (particularly in the very public waiting room) about the extremely powerful eldritch horror that had been living in the library. But at the same time, Static knew there was only so much you could withhold from a doctor before he could no longer do his job. "We ran afoul of something. Any specifics should wait until we're behind closed doors."

Scarlets first impulse upon seeing the unruffled and confident Chipotle Verde, was to yell at mare. Luckily, common sense and a lot of conversation with his father, ensured the the pegasus instead took a mental ten count and gave a curt nod. Keeping his voice calm and civil, Scarlet said.

”Perhaps you should consider having your ‘Staff’ Not act like heavies. The reason we’re here, is that i do not appreciate my friend being given the ‘You will come with us. Or else!’ treatment. Since, as far as i can tell, she has done nothing wrong.

Ms. Verde. What is it you think my friend has done, that warrants you all but demanding her presence?”

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

The group was escorted to patient care and the doctor began to look them over. "Now...afoul of what?"

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Chipotle Verde very deliberately paused to gaze at herself in one of her mirrors. Dart Noveau was about to shout at her but then, "On one hoof, your friend discovered a major discrepancy and I do thank her for it. However, as best as my wonderful staff was able to ascertain, your friend was also engaging in card counting. This establishment simply can't abide by that. Surely you understand, do you not?" Chipotle Verde practically purred in her delivery as she focused her attention on Scarlet Spectrum.

Maple resigned herself to watching whatever this game was... she couldn't help Hazel.



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Symphony - Misty (Flairvoyant)

Flairvoyant closed the door behind them and not a moment too soon as they heard somepony entered Chipotle Verde's room. Within the tunnel itself, it was moderately lit as "torches" using glowing crystals instead of fire were sparsely placed down a winding path.


If there was just one thing Symphony was REALLY good at, it was going unnoticed. So with the commotion above them the meek gray mare slipped into her 'stealth mode' and made her self as small and unassuming as possible.


As quietly as she can, Misty presses herself against the side of the tunnel.


"Well, it was..." Static searched for the words, looking to his companions for help. "Well, I couldn't actually see it. It was a magical being and all. But it was dark, powerful and...evil...very very evil...and it packed a heck of a punch...and uh...guys?"

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

The medical staff took their time healing and examining the group. The doctor then said, "The wounds mainly seemed superficial, similar to yesterday. I want to say that's a good thing but I don't know what the long term effects might be."


Wanderlust - Maple

Green told the dealer to hold on a moment and then pulled Maplejack aside. "So just what are you doing way out here?"

"Covert secret mission stuff..." Maple Makes a *sshhhhush* noise


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