[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Static gives the doctor a weary look. "Occupational hazard, I'm afraid. Well, except for him," he adds, pointing out Curled Page. "He just kinda got swept up in our mess." He turns to regard Curled Page more fully. "I hope the next time we meet will be under better circumstances."

Wanderlust's mind was running in a dozen different directions, half of which revolved around preventing his feet from running in a dozen different directions. He wanted to warn Symphony that Prim and Chipotle Verde were likely headed to the office, he wanted to follow them and support Hazel Naught, and he really didn't want to miss the first opportunity to deck Poinsettia Prim in the face. But by now he was well-conditioned to not cause a scene, so he just kept passing between tables for a bit, sorting his brain out enough that he could remember to breath. There was, he realized, only one loose end left. Verde's office was being searched, and presumably Prim wa! s taking Hazel and the others to Verde, which meant someone could keep an eye on both of them. The only other player (that they were aware of) was Red. Someone had to keep an eye on him and two was probably better than one. Maple seemed a touch otherwise occupied. So Wanderlust went back to taking orders, shooting surreptitious glances up the stairs whenever he passed by and trying to keep the screaming internal.

[Desk job...now!]

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

The doctor began writing a note. "Still, let me document this in case it pops up here again or in case you have any sort of flareup back home."

Wanderlust - Maple

Green arched an eyebrow as he looked at Maplejack. "Aren't you a little young for 'covert mission stuff'? It's rather dangerous."

Meanwhile, Wanderlust saw that Red seemed to be waiting patiently enough. Though he kept glancing up at the large mirror on the wall that Wanderlust knew was the two way glass from Chipotle Verde's breakfast.

"Well its... sort of maybe also a vacation date with my Marefriend ... but shhh on that too -I'm pretending to like Stallions at the moment so I can help you win." Maple says, laughing at a joke he didn't make and placing a hoof on his chest.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Dart Noveau was practically livid and shouted at Chipotle Verde. "Look you, it ain't right to try to bully somepony because they're smarter than your game! Speaking of games, we're on to your schemes with the Bubonic Inn and COIN and we aren't gonna stand for it!" The guards started to rush Dart Noveau and then a small brawl broke out. However, as Chipotle Verde began to reach for the glimmering orange jewel on her necklace, Dart Noveau rushed over and snatched it off. "Whatever you're planning with that, there's no way I'm letting get away with it!"

In that very moment, every single pegasus in the building felt it first.

The air temperature began to rise at an astronomical rate as Chipotle Verde's body changed to a dark stone with fiery cracks and her hair lit aflame. Her expression was even more smug as she looked over the group and chuckled. Poinsettia Prim seemed unfazed though the guards looked on in horror.
"Seems like you discovered my secrets. Oops. I remember that fateful day years ago when I discovered an artifact and a lava flow at the same time. I was beautifully reborn like a phoenix and figured there were things I could do with this new lease on life. Such a pity you couldn't mind your business and let me run my business..."

Wanderlust - Maple

As the heat began to rise abnormally, Wanderlust and Maplejack saw a few napkins or occasional scrap of paper here or there singe and darken. Then ignite. Pandemonium broke out as ponies started to panic as fire spread. Meanwhile, Red seemed innately amused by the chaos as he continued his drink.

"Oh Golly!?" Maple exclaims as things start to ignite around her. Fortunately, she remembered to pack her whetstone...

Wanderlust had once jokingly told Saphire that the most important talent he had picked up was learning how to put out fires. The joke had been that he was speaking metaphorically, but the literal statement was surprisingly close to the truth. A light formed at the tip of his horn, and a stream of water put out a few of the flares. But he was already feeling parched from the heat, and he only had so much of that in the tank. "Maple!" He calls, throwing aside any pretense of being a waiter. "Get these ponies out of here! And keep one eye on Red," he adds darkly, shooting a glare at the relaxed stallion before bolting for the kitchens. "Platooo!" He busts through ! the door and immediately starts turning faucets on full blast, and jamming spray guns so they gush water. "Turn on all the faucets! We're going to need a lot of water."

Nodding, Maple does as she's told.


Maple tilts her head back and ... "FIRE! EVACUATE THE BUILDING, MOVE TOWARD THE NEAREST EXIT IN A CLAM AND ORDERLY WAY -THOSE PONIES ABLE TO PROVIDE AID PLEASE DO SO! FIRE! EVACUATE THE BUILDING WOO WOO WOO!" Maple's head drops and she gathers Red and Green and the few other ponies nearby and makes her way toward the exit closest to them.

Misty begins to wilt under the intense heat. She dares not make a noise, but the expression on her face gives away her distress.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Dartys angry outburst left Scarlet conflicted. None of what she was saying was wrong. It just seemed like her anger was making her, to use a casino metaphor, Play Her Hand Early. Then he had to dive in as the guards approached Darty.

Well then, i guess this answers the question of Who (and how many) in the Casino are potential COIN agents.
Yeah. Pretty much all the high staff and security.
Wait, what is she doi—!

Then Verde burst into flames!

”Darty, be careful! We don’t know what we’re dealing with here!

Hazel, stay close.”

As the now fiery pony monolouged about her ‘New Form’, Scarlet smiled humourlessly.

”You’re no Phoenix. That kind or rebirth is all about starting afresh, better than before. You? You just took this ‘new lease on life’ to become an even bigger bully. Your business is cruel and uncaring.

Now stop this bucking fire before ponies get hurt!”

Throwing caution (and safety) to the wind, Scarlet lunged at Verde in a desperate bid to try and restrain her. Maybe, if he could trap her, he could either make her stop the flames. Or use his special trick to get her to tell him how to stop them.


Wanderlust - Maple

Maplejack turned to see that Green was gone. Perhaps, he already evacuated? Meanwhile, Red was ignoring her message. The other ponies were making mad scrambles towards the exits.

In the kitchen, Plato Azul replied to Wanderlust with,
"Shouldn't we be evacuating?"

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Dart Noveau kicked the door off its hinges and shouted, "Get out of here! , Hazel! Run!" Hazel Naught scattered as the guards still cowered at the sight of Chipotle Verde, despite Scarlet Spectrum grappling with her. Poinsettia Prim scowled at them and said, "You know if you cower like pushovers, you'll make the boss very mad. I would not be the pony to get on her bad side..." With that, they rushed Scarlet Spectrum but Dart Noveau intercepted.

Poinsettia Prim didn't seem too phased by Scarlet Spectrum grabbing her.
"My my, how forward. Oh Scarlet, as the son of such famous parents you should know better than trying to snuff out the flames of stardom. And besides, how do you expect me to put out this fire? Do I look like somepony who puts out fires? Now stop playing around before you get burned."


Symphony - Misty (Flairvoyant)

Something akin to a creaking noise could be heard above them and Flairvoyant's eyes went wide. She waved for Symphony and Misty to follow her down the tunnel so they weren't directly under the building.

In the kitchen, Plato Azul replied to Wanderlust with,[font] "Shouldn't we be evacuating?"

Wanderlust jerks to a halt, giving Plato a wide-eyed look that made it clear that until now, evacuation had never crossed his mind. "That's a good point. You should go." He goes back to turning on faucets.


As the heat and fire of Verde washed over him, Scarlet started to consider that perhaps leaping at the flaming lava pony, wasn’t such a good idea. Clenching his teeth, Scarlet pushed through the pain.

I am gonna be reeeeeeally sore later on.
A pain for later.

To cover his building worry, Scarlet laughed and threw Verdes words back at her and redoubled his grip on the fiery mare.

[color=ff0000]”My my, how pompous. Oh Verde, a vain bully like you will never understand the ‘Flames of Stardom’. True greatness comes from thinking of others, not yourself. You’re no bonfire of brilliance, Cinders. You’re a flash fire. Quick to ignite, but just as quick to burn out. You’re nothing like my parents. Neither of them would ever take advantage of ponies, or trick them into staying in a hotel so decrepit and bug infesting, i’m surprised it didn’t shatter from a strong gust of wind.

As for the fires? They started because of you! So you must have some connection.

Stop trying to play coy!”[color]


As the heat and fire of Verde washed over him, Scarlet started to consider that perhaps leaping at the flaming lava pony, wasn’t such a good idea. Clenching his teeth, Scarlet pushed through the pain.

I am gonna be reeeeeeally sore later on.
A pain for later.

To cover his building worry, Scarlet laughed and threw Verdes words back at her and redoubled his grip on the fiery mare.

”My my, how pompous. Oh Verde, a vain bully like you will never understand the ‘Flames of Stardom’. True greatness comes from thinking of others, not yourself. You’re no bonfire of brilliance, Cinders. You’re a flash fire. Quick to ignite, but just as quick to burn out. You’re nothing like my parents. Neither of them would ever take advantage of ponies, or trick them into staying in a hotel so decrepit and bug infesting, i’m surprised it didn’t shatter from a strong gust of wind.

As for the fires? They started because of you! So you must have some connection.

Stop trying to play coy!”



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
'Hey... come on, let's go... Please don't make me have to drag you out of here." Maple says, turning to him after she noticed he wasn't following her perfectly loud and clear directions.

"how will you find out how badly it's gone for Hazel if you stay here?" She added... hoping that would be enough common sense to persuade this guy

Fnu Aw:
"Yes. Can all documentation be made available to the hospital in Caballuston? It's where we'll likely be closest if any sort of flareup occurs."

"Yeah, what he said. Also...what types of flareups? Is...is there something we should be on the lookout for?"


"I'd be on the lookout for anything. We were exposed to chaos."

[If I wake up one day as a mare, I am soooooo quitting the team]

[What if I wake up as a seapony. We could go see where Anchors lives and not have to worry about being crushed inside a tin can.}

[Maybe we'll just grow really big and strong...and green. Really really emerald type green.]


Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

After the doctor finished writing a second copy of the note, he placed it in an envelope and sealed it. "Hopefully the information won't be needed but better safe than sorry. Still, I hear Caballuston has a capable medical staff so if something does happen, you'll be in capable hooves."

Wanderlust - Maple

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Red's voice echoed through the room. "Though I'm on the clock, I'll humor you for now little foal." And with that, Red left.

Meanwhile, Plato Azul said,
"I don't know if I feel right about completely bailing on you. Let me at least help with these faucets...

...there, done. No clue what you're up to but I wish you luck. See you outside."

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Chipotle Verde simply replied with,
"While I know I'm irresistable, instead of holding onto me, I'd be running if I were you. Besides, I have other things I could be doing. Prim, where's that new hire?"

"With my portfolio, I'd think I would be afforded more respect than 'new hire'." Without warning, Red was in the room. With a single sweeping motion of his cloak, he pulled Scarlet Spectrum and Dart Noveau into a realm of darkness. It's foreboding nature and innate absense of light pulled at the mind. However, an echoing voice could be heard speaking through it... "Let it be known, Scarlet. This is nothing personal, just business."


with that... sorted? Maple Made her way to the main doors ... hopefully she hadn't just made somepony else' day worse.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I appreciate that." Wanderlust says with a grin. As the sinks begin to over flow, he pelts out of the room and back into the casino proper, thick vines of water following behind him. He calls out, "Things are going to get..." then realizes he's alone in the pit. "...steamy." he finishes lamely. Regardless, he gathers the water into a thick shell around himself, then in a burst of magic launches it away, plastering, well, everything, with liquid. As the thin film of water heats up and steams off of the walls, he glares at the ropes of water, willing them to gather faster so he can launch another barrage.


Symphony paused for a moment, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She might not look or act it, but she did have some experience as an adventurer. She was scared, a coward, and for good reason... but not this time. She could feel the heat and hear the crackling... but... this wasn't right. Not here... not alone... "No!" She states in as firm a voice as she can manage. "We got to go back. Something is wrong, Something bad is happening... and We don't know how the others are doing.." She says fighting all her normal instincts to run. "I'm not leaving them behind. I'm not just gonna believe that they'll be okay... I've witnessed enough deaths that way... You two go and flee... But not me! I can't run from danger.. not this time..." Symphony says and turns around and heads back towards the entrance...

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

After the doctor finished writing a second copy of the note, he placed it in an envelope and sealed it. "Hopefully the information won't be needed but better safe than sorry. Still, I hear Caballuston has a capable medical staff so if something does happen, you'll be in capable hooves."

Fnu Aw:
"I've had some training by the Caballuston medical staff. They're pretty great."
[Okay, at this point, you almost gotta think they're trying to twist the knife!]

[I miss my projection booth.]

"Yeah, I'm sure everything'll be fine. This was mostly just precautionary anyway. What could possibly go..."

[Finish that thought. I dare you. I double dare you!]

Symphony - Misty (Flair)

"Okay...but we need some sort of plan so we aren't jumping into a more literal fire. Just some sort of..." Flairvoyant paused.

"Alright...I'm going to need both of you to close your eyes the moment I open this door. Ready?"

Wanderlust - Maple

Wanerlust could feel the heat temporarily subsiding but the room was filling with steam. Just then, Hazel Naught burst into the main casino hall. "Thank goodness I found a friendly face! I do believe I'm not cut out for this."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

The Morse Code transmitter whirred to life and left a message:


Static raised an eyebrow at the transmitter. "Terrific!" he muttered. "How do I give a report when I don't even know what the heck that was?" With a sigh, he starting tapping out a message




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Sure thing!" Misty wheezes as she gives Flair a weak salute.


As Verde continued to talk as though she were some stunning beauty, Scarletsimply hung on, trying to think of some way to shut her up.

”Such a grand delusion. I’ve known, and know, mares far more beatiful than you will ever be!”

And then everyth9ng was swept away. Scarlet barely had time to cry out as the world around him was suddenly swallowed in darkness.


As the darkness completely enveloped him, Scarlet felt a jolt of fear rattle up his spine. He couldn’t see or feel a thing! Worse, he realised with a bigger jolt, Darty was in here somewhere too. Wherever ‘Here’ was.

Then the pressure started. Like a weight on his mind, Scarlet felt a tugging, squeezing sensation. As if this void in which he...stood?...floated!...existed... was actually bending his thoughts.

”This is nothing personal, just business.”


Anger focused his mind, driv9ng back the mental effects pf this...place.

But how? How could Red have done this!
Wait a minute. His cloak!
Synphony warned me about his cloak being magical in some way. But this?
A....Shadow dimension?
More... Sensory Deprivation.
If its magical. I do have one trick i can try.

”You can’t trap me forever Red. We will meet again! You and your bosses. You serve the wrong employers.

Darty? Darty, can you hear me?!

Closing his eyes... aaaasnd the realising how stupid that was. Scarlet tried to feel for the magic that held him and Darty in the dark. Never the best at magics of any kind, not being a Unicorn. Scarlet did have a knack for breaking magics.

Here goes nothing.



As Verde continued to talk as though she were some stunning beauty, Scarletsimply hung on, trying to think of some way to shut her up.

”Such a grand delusion. I’ve known, and know, mares far more beatiful than you will ever be!”

And then everything was swept away. Scarlet barely had time to cry out as the world around him was suddenly swallowed in darkness.

Symphony nods. "Sure thing." She replies and closes her eyes.

Wanderlust - Maple

Wanerlust could feel the heat temporarily subsiding but the room was filling with steam. Just then, Hazel Naught burst into the main casino hall. "Thank goodness I found a friendly face! I do believe I'm not cut out for this."
"I would love to argue that point. Please take cover." Wanderlust replies, gritting his teeth as he refocuses for a second blast of water. After the burst, while the water encircles him once more, he turns to whichever table Hazel hid behind. "Where are the others?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static nods to Night Cap and taps out the brief addendum to his report.


Symphony - Misty (Flair) AND Scarlet (Darty)

Scarlet Spectrum felt the ever-present darkness but he refused to succumb to it. There was too much to be done to give up now. He could hear and in that he remembered that he had sound. Various forms of voice and music could be used to magical effect. If he could remember just the right note...

Meanwhile, Flairvoyant nodded to Symphony and Misty Monsoon and whispered,
"Three, two, one..." With that, Flairvoyant closed her eyes threw open the door with her magic. This was at the same time Scarlet Spectrum and Dart Noveau managed to rip out of the darkness dimension. "What? Impossible!" However, Red didn't get to say or even think anything else before Flairvoyant unleashed her lighthouse spell. In such a confined space, it was unfathomably blinding. Even those who had warning suffered through a strong flash in the brief time she had it active. Moreover, the light ripped Red's dark cloak to shreds.

Eyes closed, Dart Noveau struggled to maintain balance with a slightly delirious grin on her face.
"That's gotta be you, Flair. You gave us an edge, so now it's time to hit em with a little bit of the old razzle dazzle! But I can't exactly see right now so if you could..." Flairvoyant turned Dart Noveau around with her magic so she was pointed at Chipotle Verde. "That'll do."


Wanderlust - Maple

"Darty told me to run, so I ran." Just then, they saw a huge flash of light through where the two mirror was. But following that, Poinsettia Prim and two guards came rushing into the main area. "What are...hmm. Well, putting out the fires is satisfactory work but have you seen a tan pegasus with glasses come through here?"

Wanderlust looks around the room, thoughts that weren't exactly his whirling through his head and threatening to destabilize the flow of water. "No, I can't say I have. You're looking a bit hot under the collar, is everything alright?" Though his teeth are gritted in concentration as he pulls in the water, there's a clear grin on his face as he unleashes another blast of water, soaking Prim and the guards.


Well if she hadn't known She was near Wanderlust before, she does now... though a burning building wasn't the best choice for a battlefield, Maple'd have to hope she could help end it quickly.

Rushing up from behind the tiny pegasus joins the conflagration.

Zam, Sunbeam

Dropping her disguise well out of sight of the enemy, Maple lands on Prim's back and feeds.

"We should finish this quickly." She says to Wanderlust while clamped tight to the other mare

Wanderlust - Maple

With the surprise attack, Poinsettia Prim was knocked out cold. Meanwhile, the guards swarmed Wanderlust without even realizing what just happened.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static rubbed his temples. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I think we'll be researching it in Caballuston too. Other than that, I think right now I'm at the point where I'll need to give the Chief a more thorough report and let her determine the next move."

"Get it, Filly!" Wanderlust crows as Maple pounces on Prim. His hooting and hollering is unfortunately cut short by the guards. As water splatters everywhere, Wanderlust is tackled to the ground, and after a few rolls he ends up on the bottom, but with one of the guards so tangled on top of him that they're practically spooning, and the guard can't seem to escape it. With his face buried deep in an armpit, Wanderlust shouts, "Now, get him!" to Maple.



Leaving Prim's back now that the pony was knocked out, Maple turns to the guard that hasn't been entangled in Wanderlust's hooves.

"You think you'll do better?" She sais smirking

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"I guess it would be good to pack up and head back. I don't think we have anything else we need to do here."

Wanderlust - Maple

Realizing that the other guard and Poinsettia Prim were already knocked out, the final guard warily said, "I don't want any trouble?"

"Sensible response." Wanderlust comments as he shimmies out from under the unconscious guard. He points at the door. "Now get out of here before the building comes down around us." After the guard leaves, he looks at Prim. "Do you think we have time to tie her up? I really want to tie her up?" He does a quick 360 turn as he remembers the third pony present. "Hazel? Are you still here?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Wanderlust - Maple

"I'm over here.

Under the table...


Wanderlust grins. "Also a sensible response. You can come out now, but you should probably leave too. This building is getting more dangerous by the minute. Maybe leave through the kitchen so the guard doesn't see you. Look for a blue pony named Plato Azul, he should be milling around with the other chefs outside.
...I don't know why you'd want to meet him, but he a good guy."

Wanderlust - Maple

Hazel Naught nodded. "Okay, I will. And please do be careful, the casino's boss is literally on fire."

"Oh goodness we should go help her!" Maple says, switching back to her pony form


Scarlet staggered slightly as he found the right not to crack the darkness.

”Haha! Gotcha!”

And then the world went white. Scarlet cried out in shock and pain, reeling back as purple spots exploded in his eyes. Catching only snippets of voices as his focus was thrown. Scarlet still get the gist that Flair had caused the whiteout.

”Nice flashbang Flair!”

Though he was tempted to strike at Red first, Scarlet wasn’t sure where exactly the crimson earth pony was. Somhe instead threw himself at where he last saw Verde and hoped.

Hooves whirling left and right, Scarlet felt a few connect and pressed on.

"Yeah, I'll get some more water so we can go put her out." Wanderlust gives another small grin before heading for what was probably a very flooded kitchen by this point.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Now in the same room as Chipotle Verde, Misty staggers from direct exposure to the source of the dry heat. But the sounds of combat begin to stir her fighting spirit.


As she, Misty, and Flair burst out of the hidden passage, light surrounds her and the heat washes over her leaving the gray mare unsure of what to do, when she seemed so sure only moments ago. She takes a breath and just tries to ready herself for anything.


Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Chipotle Verde flew into the air as a fiery aura encircled her. With wings outstretched, a cloud of volcanic ash formed in front of her. "So that's how all of you want to play things. Very well, it's a shame I can't look at your pathetic faces as you suffer and despair." Her wings blew a billowing cloud of burning smoke towards Dart Noveau, Misty Monsoon, and Symphony. Meanwhile, Red took this moment to punch Scarlet Spectrum in the gut. "You and your friends just cost me something that took a lot of resources to acquire. So now, things are quite personal. Even better, I'm used to fighting in darkness so not using my eyes will be a fun little challenge despite your friend's tricks. So you're going to pay dearly for this, Scarlet."

Just then was a knock on the doorway and there stood a green, earth pony stallion who wore a domino mask, a matching fedora and tie in the shade of vanilla ice cream, and wore a charm bracelet on his wrist. "Anypony mind if I cut in this dance? At least one of you is a wanted criminal that needs to be tossed in the slammer faster than a ten yard sprinter can blink an eye."


Domino feels a tap on his shoulder. Behind him is Wanderlust, supporting a small whale's worth of water. "Pard--pardon me." He says, looking as though the spell is making him feel like he's trapped underwater. "But I...was also...hoping to make...a dramatic entrance...Do you mind...if I...give it a shot?"

Maple also arrives, but contents herself with putting out small fires as the spring up in the background. Chipping away at her whetstone, but ready to join the others if needed.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Symphony huffs and staggers back as the smoke hits her, makign her cough and weaze some. "Fire, Darkness? heh... Well I say let there be Light...ning!" The shy quiet mare says with a faint grin as her horn glows brilliantly. and a dark cloud billows forth, dancing with brilliant lights as arcs of lightning shoots from the angry cloud and strikes their foes continously.



The impact of Reds punch sent Scarlet sprawling as it felt like every bit of air was seemingly forcing its way out of him.

Plus, it really hurt!

”How quickly your “charming” attitude and ‘Nothing Personal’ disappears, Red!

That freakish cloak deserved to get shredded!”

Head swimming slightly, Scarlet decided to play up Reds punch a bit and perhaps get the earth pony overconfident. Breathing slowly, Scarlet waited for tge pain to subside a bit.


Plainclothes motioned towards the room.. "Be my guest."


Wanderlust stalks into the room, the water surging in and spreading out above him. He glares at Chipotle Verde, opens his mouth...and is cut off by a cacophony of thundercrashes as Symphony unleashes her storm. He gives the room a little blank look. "I forgot the line." He says lamely. "Eh, buck it," and he dumps the deluge onto Chipotle Verde, wave after pounding wave of water...


Misty feels a rush of vigor as the moisture level in the room abruptly spikes! Springing to life, she gives the crimson stallion a hearty wallop.

"Mega Monsoon PUUUUUNCH!"




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Back in the hotel room, Static's packing to return home. He keeps having the occasional ripple down his spine. "Dang! I think now everypony's joined in." He turns to regard Night Cap. "I think their battle is proving to be as epic as ours. I can't wait to hear the report on this one!"

Zam, GSO

Maple seeing Scarlet has taken a lot of this fight on himself, launches toward him for a different type of hug than her last one. She has no idea how she does it, but she lets go of some of the energy she's stored and gives it to the singed stallion

"You've been doing a great Job Mr. Spectrum, keep it up."

Static raises an eyebrow. "You've seen me do it before. I don't know how or why, but somehow, I can tell when someone on my team is in a fight. I can just...feel it. Like I said, I don't know how or why." Static sighs. "Worst part is when it's happening and there's nothing I can do about it. I mean..." He hold up his unicorn pendent. "I could teleport to them I suppose. But I'm in no shape for another fight at the moment. Besides, how do I know that they don't have things well in hoof and maybe I'd just get in the way? I've still got things to do here regardless." Static shrugs. "Hardest thing to do sometimes is to let go and believe that your team mates can handle things themselves. All you want to do is to barge in there, fists flying and save the day."

"As for our epic battle...well...okay, it was more of a seance than an actual battle. Still, we got plenty bruised, so I'm counting it."

"Nah, she didn't say anything like that. And I know it's crazy. I know they're more than capable of taking care of themselves. It's what we do.

"It's just...they're in danger, and we're not. I hate it when my friends are in danger and I'm...well...doing nothing about it."

"I always think I'm in danger. It's why I'm still alive. But their danger is more...immediate. Doesn't matter right now anyway. There's nothing we can do now...like I said."

Casino team

Chipotle Verde fell to the ground sputtering after the mass of water fit her and several of the cracks in her body seemed to seal up. However, several others broke and she reignited with an even greater intensity than before. This overwhelming heat was too much for Red and he collapsed. Moreover, the rapid heating and cooling and reheating of the area caused the floor of the office to crack and collapse as everypony fell down into the tunnels. Chipotle Verde stirred up more ash cloud and shouted, "How dare all of you deny my beauty! I'll make you..."

"Uh boss, is that you? I think we found something." A stallion in a hardhat called from down the tunnel. Wasting no time, Chipotle Verde rushed down the tunnel. "Oh no you don't! After her!" Dart Noveau raced down the tunnel after them. "I'll secure 'Red' while the rest of you chase after her."




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static nods. "Hell of a way to live, thinking like that. But in our line of work, I can't deny the merits." Static sighed. "Past few days I've seriously considered just asking for a desk job...forget all this life-risking adventuring stuff. But...that's not an option, is it? Too many ponies count on us"


Scarlet a tingling as Maple called out encouragement. A sense of renewed vigour.

He grinned.

Then the floor dropped out from under him and the heat in the room (still from Verde he guessed) abruptly spiked. Falling, gasping for air, still unavle to see, Scarlet hit then new ground and inadvertantly inhaled a lungful of ash.

Staggering to his feet, Scarlet hacked and coughed up ash. Then his head snapped around as Verde decried them all again.

And then ran away!

With a cry of ”GET BACK HERE!!” and a burst of adrenaline, Scarlet leot into the air and shot off in the direction of Verdes butning aura and dopplering voice. Striking out and blind desperation, Scarlet used everything he had to try and stop Verde in her tracks for good. Singing his hooves over and over as he struck the flaming mare and tiring fast, Scarlet knew he wasn’t going to get another chance at this.

Static laughed a little. Not for the first time, his conversation with Flairvoyant in the hospital came back to him. He didn't think it would happen so soon. But here he was.

"Why would I ever want to live that way? Night...since I've joined this crew I've been beat up by an undead Anugypt queen, nearly killed by a plant, nearly killed by a drop out of a helicopter, nearly killed by an unseeable force in a library. I've matched wills with a magic wand and I've seen several friends come and go." He scoffs and turns away from his packing to regard Night Cap fully. "Those are just the bucking highlights! How many times have we been in the hospital...just in the last couple days!" Static sighs wearily. "Haven't we done our share?"

"In the half hour between meeting Dazzling for the first time and being put on guard duty, no, I must've missed that memo," Static bit out, almost bitterly, then sighed again. "And it's not that I resent being in STOMP. It's the best thing I've ever done in my sorry ass life. It's just...a vacation would be nice. I'm feeling old before my time, Night."

Casino team

Chipotle Verde collapsed from Scarlet Spectrum's furious assault. However, while out cold, her body was still rock-like and gave off heat as her mane was still like a flame. Dart Noveau skidded to a stop while Flairvoyant shouted at the miner, "Stop where you are! Or she'll have to knock you out!" Flairvoyant pointed her horn at Dart Noveau who stood menacingly for emphasis. The runner promptly sat down.


Zam, GSO

"Oh sweet candies... Mr. Spectrum you just stay right there for a minute why I do what I can about ...Oh just about all of you." Maple says making wavey gesticulations with her forehooves ... as if trying to chastise him with the breeze she was creating more so than her tone. Taking out her kit of bandages and ointments as she set her pack down next to him.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

After release his deluge, Wanderlust is wracked with heaving coughs, like his body is trying to evict saltwater that isn't there. When he looks up, he sees Maple doing his job. But, he supposes it's her job as well. He approaches Symphony and hands her a strong-smelling salve from a right-hand pocket. "For burns. Can you distribute this? I want to take a closer look at Darty." So saying, he approaches the glaring earth pony. "He's well and intimidated, now let me have a look at you..."


Casino team

"Me?" Dart Noveau said in surprise. "That's awfully sweet of you but you really should be checking on the others." Dart Noveau was probably not as okay as she claimed but she didn't seem as injured as the others. That said, it was pretty obvious her eyesight still hadn't returned yet.

Having come to a skidding (and only slightly painful) halt after his attack on Verde. Scarlet did try valiantly to stay standing and look intimidating when he heard Flair talking to the...worker ponies? Where were they now?

Anyway, the attempt was sadly too much for the pegasus, as he sagged to the floor. Feeling a light breeze and only half-hearing Maples chattering, Scarlet waved a w9ng vaguely in her direction.


Misty had started after Verde, but Scarlet beat her to the punch... literally... and Flair had already dealt with the worker, so for now she stands by.

"Nice job, Scarlet! Oh, but you should probably take it easy for a while..."

"Ah, good... It's over..." Symphony says huffing deeply as she follows behind the others. "I-I don't really like conflict..."

Fnu Aw:
"I dunno, today felt a lot like a vacation to me. Breakfast was really great, and I know I'm not going to eat like that tomorrow. We didn't have any meetings today, or have to look busy, no foals on a field trip...and we were basically in charge here."

"Now you're cheering me up!"

Static sighs. "You know, I said kind of the same thing to Flairvoyant once. I went on this whole thing about all the food and the culture we see and how could anypony take a desk job after all this. You know what she told me? 'Look at where you are.' We...were in the hospital after falling from that helicopter.

"We risk our lives every time we're out here doing STOMP work. You know what that thing was I had Curled Page notarize? It was my last will! 23 and already I'm planning out what happens if I die!

"And you know the crazy thing is, I didn't used to care. Before joining STOMP, my outlook was so crappy that...I honestly didn't care. But now that I've met Anchors, Flair, Misty, Maple...you? Sweet Luna, I actually care and it bucking hurts some times!

"Even more so now that I'm actually a team lead. I mean, how did that happen? I think I kinda know a little bit about you, Night. I can kinda tell...you want that team lead position. I can tell. You want it really badly."
Static shakes his head slowly. "Be glad you don't have it. Because now I think maybe I know why Rhapsody did some of the things she did. All the risks you have to weigh, the big decisions where making the wrong one can cost somepony their life, when all the chips are on the table...it all comes down to you! Be glad you're not in that position, Night. Be damn glad!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Aww, no, Night Caaaap! That's not the point!" Static says in a groaning/despairing tone. "What I'm trying to say is...I mean...I just..."



"Never mind. It's nothing important. Are you almost finished packing? I'm kinda anxious to get out of here.

Static feels around his neck. Achors' medallion, Unicorn necklace, lantern necklace...check! He checks in his bag of holding. Oversized wooden sewing needle, gravity painted kickball, Bucket for Semolina's, metal pipe, bowling ball, library book...check! Static takes a sharp breath as he feels the book.

"Night Cap...I'm not above mistakes and if you've noticed one thing about me, you've had to have noticed that sometimes my emotions get the better of me. I know I was harsh last time we spoke about...her. And I know that given that discussion, it must have been...confusing...seeing me suddenly lighten my stance on her like that in the library.

"I still don't want to reveal what I read, because really, it's her business and nopony else's...not even mine. But I will say, she still has to be stopped. More than ever, she needs to be stopped. But I think she's hurting in ways I never really even allowed myself to consider.

"I don't know if she can become on of the good guys. Sometimes some ponies just don't want to be saved. But...if there's any possibility that there's some good left in her...well...you've already opened up a talking relationship with her. If anypony in STOMP has even a snowball's chance in Tartarus of turning her around...it's probably you.

"She has to be stopped. But even better would be if she could be convinced to stop herself. If you see her again, could you do that? Could you..."
Static almost chokes on the words like ash in the back of his throat. "Could you be her friend?"

Casino team

Flairvoyant looked at the worker and asked, "Alright you, what did you find?" "We don't know yet? A unicorn detected something big and we figured it was what the boss was looking for. What's up with the boss anyway?"

"We're giving her a time-out to cool down."

Static thought for a second as the full implication of what he just asked Night Cap to do sunk in.

"Don't tell anyone. They're not likely to take it well. I'll tell the cheif when we get back. I'm liable to catch hell for it, but I believe it's the best course of action and I don't want her thinking you're a traitor for doing something I asked you to do if she finds out.

Static likewise stops packing and turns to Night Cap for punctuation. "Understand...this is not an order. I really have no right to ask this of you. It has the potential of going really wrong.

"But yes...for real for real, be her friend...with the understanding that she needs to be stopped. Either she's going to have to stop herself...or we're going to have to stop her forcefully. For several reasons, I want to give her every chance to stop herself.

"But that only works if the friendship is real. But like I said...it's not an order."

Casino team

"That's...huh?" "We don't know. We thought knocking her out would stop whatever her fire thing is but it seems not. And if you don't know, we don't know who would. That fire is going to be a problem when we have to move her."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static smiles a little. "That should be no problem. After I tell the Chief what I have in mind, I should be able to either bail you out easily, or else I'll be in the jail cell right along with you. They...do provide three meals a day and a weight room...right?"

Symphony looks up "Um... What about water? I... I mean... well Some of you got water magic, and water puts out fire... maybe drenching her now that's she out cold might... um... quench her?"

Misty scratches her head. "Huh. You mean she doesn't always look like that? This is the first time I've met her, so..."

"Her medallion," Scarlet spoke up from the floor. "Darty, she didn't reveal her fiery form until you took her medallion. Check if its magical.

It could be the artefact sho spoke when she went on about finding and artefact and a lava flow."

'Looking' (hehe) 9n the general direction of the voices, Scarlet could only hope he was facing the right way.

Casino team



Ah thought that she was reaching for the necklace to activate something. Not that the necklace was holding her in."
Dart Noveau looked a little embarrassed. "You mean this?" Plainclothes held up the necklace from over near Red was.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"oh pony feathers!" Maple mumbled under her breath as she realized Scarlet couldn't see.


She was worried that Scarlet would hurt himself worse if left to stumble around on his own, so maple quickly came up with a plan to help him out... though she was worried she wouldn't be strong enough... in a flash Maple wriggles herself under Scarlet and uses her Magic to change shape into her Night Cap disguise... Lifting Scarlet (laying across her/his back)... so as not to cause the Stallion any more undo confusion until his sight came back, Maple left her voice alone for now.

"You just hold tight Mr. Spectrum, at least until you can walk around on your own." Maple added, relieved that she thought to change into Mr. Night Cap, with his super strong muscles and broad shoulders. For extra comfort maple cap fluffed up her wings so Scarlet had a soft place to rest his head.

"Don't kid yourself. If we're sharing a cell, I'm gonna be running the place." Static said with a smile and a playful nudge.

"So did I." Static sighed...a more contented sigh this time. "Thanks. I needed that. My minds been on too serious of things lately."

Darty seemed, at this juncture, fine, so Wanderlust reclaimed his burn salve from Symphony and set about treating everyone's singe wounds and angry burn marks. When Symphony suggests adding more water, he looks a little nauseous, and is quite relieved when Plainclothes finds the necklace. "That's the one. Put it back on her, would you?"

Casino team

The moment the necklace was placed around Chipotle Verde's neck, her body returned to normal and the heat rapidly subsided.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Well, I mean, I'd do my best. I don't know what you think it is I would do that would make things weird. But for one thing, I think she's made it pretty clear already that there aren't too many prisons that can hold her. For another thing...do they even make coed prisons?"

"Maple, wait, what are you--! Hey hey, i'm okay ypu know. Really... i can manahe... I'm just a bit singed. And sore. And tired. And blind...


Never tell Static about this. Ever! "

I guess there are worse fates.

This os gonna by a looooong day.

As he felt the heat in the...room? dropping, Scarlet assumed that somepony had put the necklace back on and it had in fact been connected somehow.

"S9mepony bind her hooves. We don't want Little Miss Modesty over there waking up and immediately flaming on again. I mean, i'd do it myself but, uh...." Scarlet waved a wing in front of his face with a self-deprecating chuckle. Then pulled out a length of rope and profferred it.

"Darty, you were right to grab the medallion in the first place though. It forced her hoof and made her reveal just how deeply COIN are entrenched here. As well as her own 'unique' status and powers. Better we subdue her now than later.

So, uh, could somepony tell me where we are now, please?"

Casino team

Flairvoyant looked to the worker who said, "You're in the tunnels under Fiesta Caldera. We've been searching off and on for a few months and only recently found anything of interest a few minutes ago."

"Oh, great timing! We just got down here a few minutes ago."

"I've...been to jail...once. Never to prison though. Remember how Ms. Iron said how I defended that Ocean Bay from a robber once? Well, I told her to get out of there while I took care of the guy. When the police arrived, she was gone. So they didn't see me saving Ms. Bay. All they saw was a back alley brawl. Of course, it was my word against his, and without any evidence, I was let go the next morning. But...still." Static shrugged. "At that point, all I had was my couch to sleep on in my apartment. So I guess it was nice to have a bed for a night."

Casino team

"Hmm." Flairvoyant briefly waved her horn in the air, then said, "That feels weirdly familiar. Alright everypony, let's see what this guy found." The group followed the worker down the tunnel for a while until they came to a large crack in the stone wall that he pointed to. Other workers were on alert when the STOMP team arrived but didn't try anything as Dart Noveau looked in their vague direction. Flairvoyant then paused. "Does anypony else hear that..?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static gave Night Cap a lopsided grin. "That wasn't by any chance the day Dazzling broke Silent Belle out, was it?" Static was teasing, but then it dawned on him that given Night Caps view of the world...it very well might be.

Scarlet pricked up his ears and all senses. Well, almost all senses.


"I...seriously doubt you were in as much danger of being arrested that day as you seem to think. I mean, it's not like you've done anything illegal!"



Misty cocks her head to the side and listens intently.


Casino team

Scarlet Spectrum could not decipher anything speaking but he could clearly tell something in the wall was making a plea. Moreover, it was directed. It was speaking to specific ponies.

And in that, Misty Monsoon was one of those ponies. The voice was calling out to her with a mix of friendly greeting and a cry for help.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
*long pause*

"Never mind. Probably better I didn't know. At least you're one of the good guys now."

[You sure about that?]

[I ain't askin'.]

Wanderlust is too busy daubing burn salve on various bits of Scarlet to pay too much attention to the new mystery. "What did you do, hug the mare?" He mutters.

"Hmm?" Misty puts and ear to the wall in the direction she feels called in. She taps a few times with a hoof. "Hello? Anyone in there?"

Not wanting to bump Scarlet's head into the wall Maple Cap doesn't move any closer, she'll wait for Misty to relay what she hears to the group.

"Something is definitely calling. To you," he nodded to Flair. "And to Misty by the sound of things."

Wincing a bit as Wanderlusts cold burn salve touching his singed skin.

"I...grappled her...

I...thought maybe i could--ow--get her to stop--ow--flaming.

'sigh' ow!

Jumping her...seemed like a good idea at the time..."


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