[IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)


Pittied fools.
"Of course I'd be okay with that?" Monday replied in confusion. "I'd have done it myself if I could edit that part of my code."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Kage grinned at EB. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Now, once you get the suit on, wait for me to stand behind you, then start mouthing along to this little speech.

Throw in a few theatrical gestures too.” He then handed EB a piece of paper with the ‘Lucidas speech’ on it that (he hoped) would make the system transfer Mondays control away from the higher ups.

Moving to stand behind EB, Kage thought back to their interactions with the pompous head of YPNR, trying to fix in his mind how the man talks. His tone, his inflection. Then Kage took a deep breath, spread his arms and started talking.

Presence Roll for faking Lucidas voice.

Good god! A nat 20!

“I, High Intellectual Lucidas, do hereby permanently transfer all authority regarding the program Monday March from myself, Chief Apothacery Jezejandra and Correspondant 251, to Chief Librarian Elizilah. Effective immediately.

This order cannot be countermanded.”
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Nonstop Baaka
After cringing at the (possibly imagined) sweaty smell of the suit, EB put it on. How was he supposed to mouth along to a speech he didn't know, and with Kage behind him? What the heck were "theatrical gestures"? He winced and stiffly tried to do what was asked.

Presence roll:
1d20 + 9: 5, + 9, TOTAL: 14


Pittied fools.
After Kage and EB concluded, Elizilah paused and then announced, "Monday, I command that...whether you continue to assist YPNR or not, you are free to go where you want and live your life as you see fit."

Monday warily took a step, then took another. With a mixture of shock and relief on her face, she said, "Oh wow, that worked. It actually worked! Kinda expected it to backfire.


Thank you everyone. I never expected anyone other than Elizilah to do anything for me."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
With a barely controlled ‘Yes!’ Kage fist pumped…

And then immediately tried to pretend nothing had happened.

“Nice job EB. You don’t have to keep the suit on now.”

Moving over to Monday, Kage let a small smile flick across his face.

”It’s what we do. Plus, everybody is deserving of freedom.“
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Well-known member
Patch excitedly brought her hands together, palms raised, in front of her lips as she was overcome with emotion... and then was nearly overcome with the fatigue from her injuries, but managed to regain her balance before falling over.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“You should talk with Friday. I think you two would work well together.” Then Ekage looked over at the three bound figures and sighed.

”Not to derail the moment. But how are we going to convince the vast majority of YPNR that their ‘great leader’ is an egomaniacal zealot and their Chief Apothecary is a narcissistic, amoral psycho?”

Then he looked directly at 251.

”What will you do? Will you admit your part in this and perhaps choose a better path. Or go down with those you served.”


Pittied fools.
Elizilah announced, "There will be difficulty--and it'll take time--but I think the population has enough respect for me that I should be able to convince them. My more immediate priority is making sure the people are reassured since we just had a nationwide blackout but that'll come in time."

Correspondent 251 responded, "What I did was in service to YPNR and that I have no qualms over. My regret is not knowing how poorly Monday was being treated and the subsequent concern that other things may have slipped my notice. What's done is done. I trust Elizilah's judgement so I'll just see what the future brings."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Kage shook his head at 251s words.

“One step forward. Two steps back. It’s better than nothing I guess.

Maybe you should try to rediscover your name. Being a number simply for efficiencies sake is…kinda sad.”

Moving over to Elizilah and Monday, Kage said.

”It sounds like this place will be in better hands going forward. With Monday free to choose and your more intelligent outlook, the future looks brighter.Though I will say you have a lot to learn about what those three have been masterminding.” Then he looked up and noticed the capsule still floating in the air. “During our confrontation, when Jezejandra tried to escape, she chose to take that with her. I wonder why?”

Anyway. What now?”


Pittied fools.
Elizilah replied, "With everything that's happened, the least we can do is return you home."

No sooner she said that, Night Cap disappeared in a puff of sparkles and his armor clattered to the ground. Though, his hat disappeared with him. Within Dee's mind, Cher commented, "So the quest is truly at an end. If fate wills it, he may return to us if there's another crisis. But for now, may he safely return to his world."

And with that, the journey was at an end and everyone had earned a well deserved rest.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Night Cap hits the floor. Someday he really ought to install a net next to his bed, but unfortunately yesterday was not that day.

It is very tempting to just lie there for a while but he feels a bit of a side headache coming on. He MUST have overslept a few minutes past his usual morning coffee time, and is already paying the price.

He picks himself up, which feels oddly easier today.

Now begins the usual morning questionnaire. Who is he today?

He feels himself over. He can't feel his wings. His armor is nowhere to be felt. THAT'S why he felt lighter getting up.

The room stops spinning and he gets a good look at it. Everything appears smaller today. His couch is nowhere to be seen. ... Oh. ... It feels like months since he's seen the place but the memory is returning. This is Equestria. This is his apartment. It is small, but not cramped. The furniture is a normal size. There's a wide open space where a coffee table once stood.

It's going to be one of those days. Today he is not Night Cap the hero who achieved knighthood and mastered flight. He is Night Cap the hero who shuffles paper in a museum. Sometimes he serves on a team of treasure hunters who do surprisingly little treasure hunting. Somehow his office still isn't ready yet. He has friends there. They are the friends he sees the most, yet they're the friends who have seen the least.

For many moons now he's had other friends. Very bizarre creatures, but friendly. But where are they now? Their world has changed. Viknadia is saved. But do they know? If it's all real, somewhere out there they're living in the future they earned. And they know how hard he tried. But if it's just a dream, what happens when he wakes up? Was Viknadia saved or not? Does their world have a future or not? Are they living in that future, or are they gone like his armor? And his couch.

He wishes he'd gotten to see them celebrate, just in case.

Oh well. It's time to go to work again. Day work. With his day friends. Maybe they'll get another field assignment. Those are always fun. Then tonight he'll make some new friends and do it all over again. Whether they'll remember him or not. But first... coffee. He reaches for the aching spot on the side of his head and gives it a good rub. That pain's not going anywhere until he drowns it. For now, he rubs.

Something falls to the floor.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Epilogue: Destron

Scene opens within a brightly lit stone room, a Brilliant blue sky can be seen outside an open archway leading to a balcony. Voices -Celebratory echo up from the unseen courtyard below... Familiar voices, cheering, Praising the goddesses -but not just the Goddesses, also there are Cheers for the Princess at long last returned. Once thought lost to an impossible quest - is now home. The land saved, her quest complete... More voices echo up, Voices of friends made along the way - it has been several weeks now, but finally all whom were invited have arrived. More names are added to the celebration, Her companions -her friends -her loves... all raised to stations within the nation befitting Lords and Ladies of Viknadia.

As the voices drift within the lavender scented room, one in particular stirs the Princess out from under her many Ruffled blankets and soft feather filling pillows.

"Hero of the realm indeed... Blessed by the Goddesses, they say... still can't get out of bed before noon. My word were there always this many steps up this tower..."

The scene ends as the top sheets flap back in a hurried frenzy. Pressing upward on her elbows a warm smile finds itself on Dee's lips... "I love you too Mom."

*Many moon later*

"Oh my... my apologies children, that story took longer to tell than I thought and the tour will be over shortly." A small horse says to a gathered mass of slightly smaller horses beneath a portrait of a large bipedal creature with a massive sword.
"Ahhhh but Miss Maple!!" one small horse moans - to which several others echo in kind "...BUT MISS MAPLE!!"
"now now, I know I promised you all a story of Great adventure... and while that one is over for now, remember you can always come back to hear more. I realize I got a little off track and rambley..." Maple shakes her mane of curly shocking red hair "...I've always felt a connection with this particular story."

In a flash of green energy the gathered Children for a moment see Maple dressed in armor that matches (as best can be done on a horse body) that of the woman in the painting behind her.... before the energy fades leaving gasps and open jaws hanging in the air.

"Small portions of this adventure and others can be purchased in book form at the gift shop if you're desperate to learn more... 50% off if you tell them Maple sent you." She adds with a wink to the teacher chaperoning her class. "...wait...is today? that's right it is... books are already half price today..." As the foals rush off to get their free books from the giftshop, Maple turns and takes one last look at the painting... remembering that one weird arena dream she had where she met Destron ...
Again she turns and follows the class out of the Mr. Night Cap Adventure Wing of the Keep ... yes yes, she knew that wasn't it's official name, but it still felt weird to call it 2nd Hall H....

The End



The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Epilogue: Kage

Kage sat in a comfortable chair in the OPD library, reading the same book he had one all his strange adventures had begun. As he closed the final chapter, he thought upon how much the authors concept of the Fundamental Interconnectedness of All Things(tm) applied to the last 6 months or so…

…during his team in Viknadia, after all the revelries and meetings with Destron’s royal parents, plus his various tests of materials and metals the could provide better insulation to his Knight armour, without necessarily increasing the weight of the armour. Kage had found time to gift Destron something he’d had Oracle w=fine tuning for a while.

A specially designed set of custom armour, designed to not only evoke Blue, White and Steel of the Viknadian Maple Dragon, but also highlight Destron’s innate power and beauty. While it was (technically) designed to be worn with an armourweave undersuit, this armour was set up in a similar way to Destron’s original, more revealing armour. Breast armour, Gauntlets, Faulds, Boots, a flowing Crimson fur-lined cape and an angular helmet in the form of a roaring dragon head with Viknadian Maple emblem emblazoned on the forehead. It also came a scabbard for her sword. The same scabbard he had seen her eyeing at the Besseltrade shop several months back.

He also made one request of Destron. Or, more specifically, asked her to ask Cher. He wanted to know if there was anything the Viknadian Goddess could do about the bad luck curse afflicted Harue. Though he suspected even the divine might not be able to fully negate that level of insane bad luck. Maybe she could lessen it so it wasn’t so…potentially… fatal.. he was making this request as he had exhausted all other ideas he had had, and he still had yet to find the illusion reporter girl after her departure from OPD Medical.

Kage also proposed the opening up of communications and (maybe) trade between Viknadia and the OPD. Though he did say the he would be doing so under another name…

This idea for the armour has been bubbling away in my head since Destron found that Batgirl armour picture. Yes, it is very much sexy armour, but it works for ROG Destron.

…fussing with his collar and tie for the unmpeenth time, Kage turned to the main screen.

“Are you sure I look ok? Oracle, I feel ridiculous.” The blue-Hurd representation of Oracle did a cred itable job of looking mildly irritated. Scowl and folded arms too.

“Sir, if you want this new look and identity to work, you must look the part of a professional businessman. Confident, self-assured, and wearing a suit!

And yes, you look fine Sir. The mask and contacts lok very convincing”

Kage sighed a walking to the Impossible.

“Good luck, Sir.”

“Please stop calling me Sir. You know you really don’t have too.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Getting into the car, Kage headed off to the bank to begin setting up a new endeavour. Or at least, Kevin Saldivar was. On the drive, Kage continued to practice his ‘Saldivar’ voice. Which was still a challenge, since he had to both use a Muricano accent, and also speak differently. Once at the bank, ‘Saldivar’ stepped out. Dressed in a crisp black suit, starched white shirt/black tie, shiny shoes, sunglasses and a briefcase, he was every inch the man Kage never tried to be. What completed the look had taken some trial and error. It was a high tech mask that subtly altered Kages complexion and features, while also giving him close-cropped black hair and a neatly trimmed moustache. This and green contacts fully hid who he was. Striding forward confidently, ‘Saldivar’ approached the main desk.

“Good morning, I am Mr. Kevin Saldivar. My assistant set up an appointment for to discuss certain reallocations of my assets. You see, I have an idea…”

To be fair, it was technically Harues idea. As the brief talk of what else Kage could do in the world besides the Omega Knight had sparked big things.

Things such as buying the Ion Con, rebuilding it and setting the groundwork.

For SalTech Industries…

My Saldivar look is kinda based on pre-RDJ comic Tony Stark. Plus, the mask is pure Mission Impossible.

OPD Omega Knight
…swooping away from the top of the OPDPD, the Omega Knight felt a small smile flick across his face. It seemed like some in the OPDPD were in fact willing to work with him. Though he and the Commisioner had both agreed that such a link should be kept ‘in the shadows’. At least for now. Though having Officer Tungsten work as a liaison had been good idea. Best not to mention to the Commish that they’d been doing that anyway…

…coming back to the present, Kage wondered about how (at least for him), running after Patch, lead to helping her chase a ‘ghost’, only to run into the Easter Bunny, a sexy demon-possessed warrior woman, a tentacled traveller, a crazy man, another crazy man. Not to mention many many others. Had eventually lead to them saving multiple nations, and becoming friends and heroes together. Which is why he had (slightly redesigned his lounge to include a display stand and wall mounting for some…mementos.

Destron’s original, much spikier sword. An ironwood staff he had painstakingly made from a branch he had (very) carefully taken from the tree Beathra had ‘become’ when he vanished up in YPNR.

(Speaking of, though Kage had never gotten to properly talk to the strange Chemist man about who he was and how familiar he seemed. Kage had at least explained past events with PoeT/Beathra and suggested that he seek out Howard Phillips.)

Night Caps lost suit of armour and cape that he’d left when he vanished. Though Kage had considered setting it on Night Caps preferred sofa (and never using said sofa again), he’d ultimately decided that maybe that was a little Too eccentric. And finally, the picture Gunny Summers had drawn of Patch looking suitably heroic.

“It’s a funny old world,” he murmured as he put the back back on the shelf and stretched. There was still work to do of course. His nightly patrols, his search for Harue, the building of SalTech. However, right now, all that could wait. Kage headed off in search of Patch and the answer to a simple question.

“Would you like to go out for a drink sometime?”

This question doesn’t need an answer at all. I just thought it’d be fun to have ask her out at the end. Either on a date or just simply as friends since, you know, he doesn’t really know how to do that.


Nonstop Baaka
“…that therapist you recommended works wonders, and they even believe me!
...yes. I was able to review everything in a private room at the library… I think I was afraid to find out, because I didn’t have anything else to keep me going, but after that piano incident, I had to know before anything else happened… Yes. It answered all my questions ...I’m alright, I actually haven’t had anything too bad happen to me since then, but who knows when it’ll start acting up again… No, don’t you go offering me a job again. I can’t work for you... You know why, because I’d just end up falling for you, handsome. Heh. I can hear you blushing from here.”
“Hey. Kage? Thank you for looking into that for me, and not reviewing it yourself or asking what was in it. It… it means everything.”
“...nah. Don’t you know, men don’t cry?”
“...yeah. You, too.”
Haru hung up the public payphone and rubbed his face on his brightly colored sleeve. Dark circles hung under his bloodshot eyes. He took a deep breath in, and on the exhale, opened the phone booth door.

Sometime later...

From the Microtheater entry on 2/3/22:
"What is there is no Happy Ending?" Haru stared at the notebook... "There is no clear answer, and the reader is left to make their own conclusion."
I was debating various endings for Haru/e, from the super dramatic/tragic to happy/comedic, and ended here, with a horribly ambiguous ending that answers only one thing: Haru/e knows what happened to Tien now. But who is that at the end? Is it Kage? A new paramour? Is Tien somehow still alive? Who knows?
...ahem. Sorry. I intend to delve into the other endings in the Micropiece Theater at a later time.
I had a written version of the graveyard scene, but I had to draw it instead. I'm still working on EB's epilogue.


Well-known member
“Thanks for the ride! Hope to see you again soon!” Patch waved to the mysterious cab driver as the vehicle pulled away. She watched it recede into the distance, headed back towards the settlements of Besseltrade, leaving small clouds of dust kicked up from the dirt road. Setting down the suitcase she’d packed, she gave a wave of her hand, conjuring up an illusion of floating numbers arranged in a circular shape with two shafts pointing at specific spaces along the circle, approximating an antique timepiece.

“Ah, I’m half an hour early for the rendezvous.” She waved her hand again to dispel the illusion, then grinned. “Just as planned.”

The area she’d chosen for the transport to YPNR was the very edge of civilization. The Burban’s dirt roads ran alongside thickets marking the start of the dense forest beyond. It was the perfect place for a quiet afternoon stroll. And for her, a place to let her mind wander as much as her body.

Deciding to return to YPNR had been an oddly straightforward decision for her. Odd, because it really hadn’t been that long ago that she had hated the mere thought of the place. Odder still, she felt like a lifetime had passed since that time. Well, really, it had. This was her second chance at life, and all the fear and anger and other emotions that she had been haunted by for so long now seemed as if they belonged to an entirely different person’s past. To be sure, that wasn’t true. Those emotions remained a part of her. What she had left behind was the fatalistic vision for her future, the mistaken belief that there was nothing to look forward to but nightmares and darkness.

For once in her life, she could have hope for the future. And because of that, she could make the decision to return to YPNR.

As a mage, she knew there were those who would never be able to trust her. It was too soon for them to forget YPNR’s old ways, even if they weren’t following those anymore. Just as well, Patch probably wouldn’t be placing much trust in them herself. But Chief Librarian Elizilah was a different sort.

“If you’ve found a librarian, you’ve found a friend.” Patch smiled as she remembered Friday’s words.

Elizilah was doing her best to find a new source of power to keep YPNR aloft in the skies, now that the old source of energy was deemed to be an unacceptable option. If she couldn’t come up with something, then she would need to make plans for landing the structure somewhere on the surface. Patch was prepared to offer some of her own magical energy while on the trip, if that would give Elizilah some extra time to work with.

But that wasn’t the reason she was going. The main reason was for study. The small amount of mathematical magic she’d been able to utilize in the quest to defeat YPNR’s former leaders had left her wanting to know more. She had wielded the magic of darkness for so long because she believed she had an affinity for it, but using this new form of magic let her know she had an affinity for it. It came to her so naturally. It was so wonderful, so orderly, so… very appealing to the same side of her that liked to sort and arrange books in the library back in the Old Publishing District. She had to know more, to study and practice more of this math.

But there was perhaps another reason for her to be there. Her presence among the people of YPNR would show them what magic users were like, up close and personal. It might shake loose the prejudices that the former leaders had instilled in them. Maybe. She was cautiously optimistic. And then there were the children, the young magic users like her. Patch was hopeful they could be returned to their homes eventually. But in the meantime, they needed someone to be an example for them, to show them what they could become someday…

She stopped in her tracks, realizing she’d come across a small stream at the end of the path she’d been following. Not wanting to bother with crossing, she sat down for a moment, cleared her thoughts, and took in the sights and sounds of nature. She noted the speed at which water flowed in the stream. She watched how the rays of sunlight peeking through the treetops refracted off of the water’s surface. She gazed at the spiraling leaves on the plants growing on the banks of the stream. She saw the shadows and the light, and the balance between both. There was math, and there was magic, all around her. Everywhere she looked, the world was full of wonder.

Patch's epilogue theme music:


Nonstop Baaka
The next month passed in a blur. Though EB was crushed that Cappy disappeared so suddenly, his friends reassured him that Cappy must have finally returned home. Craving some form of resolution, EB carved a small, crude pawny out of wood and tied a thank you note around its neck. In a small forest clearing in a peaceful area, EB found a hollow at the base of a tree. Even if his thanks would never reach Night Cap, he hoped that somehow the pawny knew he would be missed.
He invited Sue to a quiet little park and a picnic basket that he packed. They spent nearly the whole day awkwardly catching up, crying, and on one occasion, snapping at each other. While the sun started to set, and they decided they should be on their way, they sat in silence for awhile before EB spoke up.
“So, if you’re interested, I was thinking…”

The next weekend EB took off, to spend time with Iro and talk things through with him as well. Though Iro was having some difficulties fitting in at school, they both agreed he should at least finish high school first. Thus, EB remained in Kage’s employment, though he declined the riskier jobs. He spent more time with Iro and Bea, taking lessons from both of them to improve his own education.

Some Years Later...
Iro, being entirely too smart for his own good, skipped grades and graduated high school a few years early.
EB had already discussed his plans with everyone else well before that point.
He came back to his room, all packed and tidied up. This place had been the closest thing to a permanent home he had ever had. Even though Kage would likely keep the room for him, it still felt odd seeing it without his belongings in it.
At the mansion doorway, he couldn’t help but give his friend and former boss a good, long, teary hug. It had been the same when the rest of their companions had gone their own ways. Even though he was technology impaired, EB promised to stay in touch and visit as much as he could.

“Stop apologizing already, Big Bro. You’ve given up a lot for me, I want to help you now.” Iro, now a scraggly but short teenager, sighed. He turned his attention back to the renovation on the main building on what was previously known as Holiday Island. Iro pointed at a spot on a blueprint with some contractors around him. “Ok, since this part is becoming the museum’s gift shop, we should...”
EB sighed, silently lamenting how cute Iro used to be, though he couldn’t be more proud at Iro’s growth.
Ever since EB’s solo visit to Holiday Island, he had occasionally met up with Old Nick and his old friends. They had talked about reclaiming the island for themselves. They had slowly tamed the overgrowth and demolished buildings that were too far gone. Funds came from a loan from Kage, and the Islanders’ own wages. Building a refuge and housing for its former residents was well and good, but it wasn’t sustainable. The residents would need income. So, they had decided to turn the main building into a museum and conservation area, maintained by the Island’s residents. The museum chronicled the history of the Island itself, good and bad. It was meant to educate the public on the reality behind the former attraction. Undoubtedly, it would raise hackles and come under scrutiny. They had no idea if this would even work in the long run, but decided to try anyway.

Iro hadn’t yet decided what he wanted to do in the future, so for the meantime he was helping plan out the final touches on the grounds. The young man at times had trouble keeping up with his own thoughts and was prone to distraction, but had good ideas for interactive displays and eye-catching exhibits. For instance, one of the areas outside was sectioned off and connected to an old trailer. Once they opened, the public would be able to view glimpses of elusive Rhinogrades and their less elusive eccentric caretaker. The information on the creatures was so extensive, a new book on it would be available for purchase at the museum, with more likely on the way.

EB walked the grounds over to where his old pen had been. A new daycare center stood in its place. Once they were open, EB would help tend to little kids of both the staff and visitors during the day a few times a week. On other days or after the museum closed, he would check on the gardens and animals. During downtime, he would whittle figures to sell at the museum. Days off would be reserved for visiting the mainland, or hosting friends at the Island. Although he half expected for some Big Event to come knocking and interrupt his life again, and he occasionally helped Omega back on the mainland, otherwise the years had been relatively quiet. Just as he was thinking this, one of the contractors came stomping up to him.
“Who’s in charge here? It can’t be that... kid!” A short older man with ‘Jym” embroidered on his suit huffed. Jym looked EB up and down.
Having spend today doing dirty jobs, EB’s work jumpsuit was covered in sweat and dirt.
“And it’s clearly not you, either.” A vein on Jym’s head threatened to pop.
EB smiled at the man.
“Nah, not me. We don’t have one person in charge, it’s more like a council.” EB neglected to mention that he was part of the council. “Though, there is one person here who beats everyone else when it comes to authority.”
“Good. Get them here.”
EB nodded and released a walkie-talkie from his belt. Minutes later, a refurbished golf cart came to a screeching halt, leaving a cloud of dust behind it.
“Sir, this is the head of security.” EB spoke as a well polished boot stomped on the ground and a shadow arose from within the dust.
A pair of sharp eyes regarded Jym coldly from beneath her hat. Even though she was short and lean, Jym found that his throat was dry and he was sweating.
The Head of Security leaned one hand on her rifle, a casual threat. EB slid closer to Jym, to whisper in his ear. “She’s also one of ‘that kid’s’ guardians. She’s super protective of him, so I wouldn’t mess with her, or her slime.” On cue, Bob the slime slipped from his open jar and roared to life, covering half of Bea’s face and undulating upwards like slimy green flames.
EB beamed at her. “By the way, she’s also my wife.”

I wanted EB’s story to end with him establishing his own life on the Island, and inviting all his friends and the kidnapped kids to visit or even work there as staff if they wanted to. TMM isn’t sure what Iro would end up doing, so I picture him helping out on the island for awhile before going off on his own adventures. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the name of the old Rhinograde scientist.
I wanted to be a bit realistic with the logistics of the Island, but still give him a happy ending. Poor guy deserves it, after everything I put him through. XD

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