IDW's Having Problems Again-Layoffs and New Bosses


Well-known member
So, time for some good news and some bad news!

The "good" news is that IDW is getting a new logo! They're trying to rebrand. This shows they're putting in some effort! Good for them!

The bad news is, this is the new logo:

...And everyone and their mother seems to HATE it.
...Even the person who designed the new logo seems to be making fun of it.

My two cents?'s not great. It's a little over-designed. It's trying to be a little too clever. And it's not very "readable" just at a glance. it looks like it's "ID" not "IDW". It reminds me somewhat of the DC "page turn" logo from a few years back. Everyone hated that one, too.

I just have to much money did IDW spend on this new logo? Because marketing teams don't come cheap. IDW's been having problems for a while now and THIS is what they choose to spend their money on? A new logo isn't going to fix their problems.

On the bright least this got people talking about IDW again. Not in a good way, but, marketing! (Which they'll probably need after wasting all that money on a logo no one even likes...)


Wondering bot
I guess, the so called geniuses behind the new Logo will help them long term, my guess, unlikely and they should be focusing on making comics that people actually want to buy

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I mean, it's the marketing paradox: you need to make a product that people will actually WANT continually... but you have to convince them to buy it first.


Well-known member
Well, that probably wouldn't work, because then MORE people would be reading it as "In W". The problem is that the D is doubling as part of the W. If you make any of it a different color it just makes it even harder to parse than before, I would think.

To make the obvious joke: The Idea for this Design just doesn't Work!
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