Iran. Nuff said.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The same thing applies to iran as it does russia. Go ahead and nuke someone, it ends in an international curb stomping and a brand spanking new country.


Well-known member
A country that regularly funds suicide bombers isn’t going to be particularly worried about the “after” if they can nuke Tel Aviv for Israel attacking them.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Anyone with any degree of sense knows that nobody wins a nuclear war. Unfortunately......
Yup, even small scale use has an escalation in response. Use even a tactical weapon on anyone other than yourself (and why would you even do that?) and then it looks like the capital wasteland all over.

However, given iran's international standing, economy and current civil unrest: this is an economic move. They'll be selling if not the material itself, complete weapons to other governments; Probably russia and north korea. Despite what their country looks like the from outside; even iran isn't stupid enough to sell nuclear weapons of any scale to terrorist organization, because 1.) those fanatics will ******* use them and no one wants that, and 2.) they'll be traced back to iran before the fallout settles and iran doesn't want THAT since it'll be justification for their enemies to say "you can't be trusted at all, and we need to do something about that. Right now."

Iran won't be using nukes, because they know the second they do: the iranian caliphate ceases to exist. Despite being a nation known to fund and harbour terrorists, they won't give or sell nukes to terrorists because the outcome is the same if longer and slower to happen. It's postering on the international stage (Haha! Look at what WE can do! We spit in your eye america!) and a move to supplement their national income. They'll be allowed this small amount of nuclear freedom for a while, then bribed by someone to knock it the **** off in exchange for the resumption of international aid.


Active member
Could've gone into one of several threads, but Iran backed militia carried out a drone strike that killed 3 US soldiers and wounded dozens.


Three American service members were killed and “many” were wounded in a drone strike in Jordan, President Joe Biden said in a statement Sunday. He attributed the attack to Iran-backed militia groups.

They were the first U.S. fatalities in months of strikes against American forces across the Middle East by Iranian-backed militias amid the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, increasing the risk of escalation. U.S. officials were still working to conclusively identify the precise group responsible for the attack, but have assessed that one of several Iranian-backed groups are responsible.

Biden said the United States “will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing.”

Given the frequency of attacks and the number of Iranian proxies that have been launching drones, mortars, etc over the months and the Iranian proxies the Houthis have attacked our military ships, I'd be less concerned with holding the exact militia accountable and focus on Iran.

Covert Agent Rodimal

Active member
We don't have to nuke it to turn the whole area into a slab of glass, it'll just take a bit longer doing it conventionally. We're still trying for peaceful solutions and to keep economic ties to certain areas for certain rich people's interests, but if they push it too much, we could just evac the civilians and flatten the country without putting any 'boots on the ground'.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
No, you can't just "evac the civilians". Moving that many people at ANY speed, never mind fast enough to outrun carpet bombers requires the cooperation of the local government. It also requires the cooperation of those same civilians, and having a bunch of armed men show up and start screaming instructions in a country that already makes use of religious secret police? Yeah, bad times all around.

FORCING that many people to move against their will and otherwise under threat of death? Yeah, that's a war crime. Don't get me wrong, there's probably tons of Iranians who would love the excuse to get out, but for the reason of "your house will cease to exist soon" usually isn't incentivizing.

And understand: irans actions are attempting to goad the US into over reacting, you know, to generate an excuse to further destabilize the middle east and make you guys look bad on the international stage. That's it, this functionally trying to get you guys to get pissed off and doing something stupid for tiktok clout.

The US is going to ask iran, very politely, not to do that again. Through the UN even, and probably even with some incentives to make it worth their while. And if they do it again, (directly attributable to iran of course, none of that proxy bullshit cause iran finances half the worlds terrorists already.) the US will open the toybox and MAKE iran stop killing US soldiers with precision strikes to military and ONLY military targets. But you also need to understand, countries do not have the level of self reflection needed to go "Yeah, we deserved that, that's on us." any strike for any reason is just another excuse for them. It makes next years problems with iran worse, doesn't matter who started it.

The second you engage in wholesale, and indiscriminate destruction is the second BEFORE another middle eastern war starts. No one wants that shit. Everything that happens in the next few days over this is specifically and intently designed to NOT trap the US and its allies into another 20 year long desert war. To not give folks like hamas and hezbolla and the houthis an excuse of "The US is too busy with its own problems to help you". To NOT disrupt international trade and waste time, money and material in another pointless war over an event that should rightly be treated as a child throwing a temper tantrum.

Edit: I realize that last statement is REALLY dismissive and disrespectful, given how many were hurt and killed. But all of this is literally just iran acting out FOR ATTENTION. They more time on the international stage, that's all. Engaging in an ACTUAL war with US, or even just the US's allies will end with iran looking like the flintstones.


jumbled pile of person
But you also need to understand, countries do not have the level of self reflection needed to go "Yeah, we deserved that, that's on us."
I would take this further and say that people do not have this ability. Everyone thinks they're in the right, all the time. If someone's causing problems and your plan isn't to permanently remove their ability to cause problems, you're wasting your time.

Covert Agent Rodimal

Active member
No, you can't just "evac the civilians". Moving that many people at ANY speed, never mind fast enough to outrun carpet bombers requires the cooperation of the local government. It also requires the cooperation of those same civilians, and having a bunch of armed men show up and start screaming instructions in a country that already makes use of religious secret police? Yeah, bad times all around.

FORCING that many people to move against their will and otherwise under threat of death? Yeah, that's a war crime. Don't get me wrong, there's probably tons of Iranians who would love the excuse to get out, but for the reason of "your house will cease to exist soon" usually isn't incentivizing.

And understand: irans actions are attempting to goad the US into over reacting, you know, to generate an excuse to further destabilize the middle east and make you guys look bad on the international stage. That's it, this functionally trying to get you guys to get pissed off and doing something stupid for tiktok clout.

The US is going to ask iran, very politely, not to do that again. Through the UN even, and probably even with some incentives to make it worth their while. And if they do it again, (directly attributable to iran of course, none of that proxy bullshit cause iran finances half the worlds terrorists already.) the US will open the toybox and MAKE iran stop killing US soldiers with precision strikes to military and ONLY military targets. But you also need to understand, countries do not have the level of self reflection needed to go "Yeah, we deserved that, that's on us." any strike for any reason is just another excuse for them. It makes next years problems with iran worse, doesn't matter who started it.

The second you engage in wholesale, and indiscriminate destruction is the second BEFORE another middle eastern war starts. No one wants that shit. Everything that happens in the next few days over this is specifically and intently designed to NOT trap the US and its allies into another 20 year long desert war. To not give folks like hamas and hezbolla and the houthis an excuse of "The US is too busy with its own problems to help you". To NOT disrupt international trade and waste time, money and material in another pointless war over an event that should rightly be treated as a child throwing a temper tantrum.

Edit: I realize that last statement is REALLY dismissive and disrespectful, given how many were hurt and killed. But all of this is literally just iran acting out FOR ATTENTION. They more time on the international stage, that's all. Engaging in an ACTUAL war with US, or even just the US's allies will end with iran looking like the flintstones.
That's actually a good statement on the realities of the situation. I was just pointing out that if the situation ever got to the point of no return, the US wouldn't have to resort to nukes and could still accomplish the same thing.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
If it got to that point: then there's no reason not to use nukes.

It would be the ultimate display of "**** you". No massive deployment, no weeks of mobilization, no begging allies to form coalitions or any of that shit: 5 minutes and an unstoppable mushroom cloud. Hell, the US could probably send a jet, broadcast the position of the missile, televise the whole ******* thing for everything iran would be able to do to stop it.

Hell, at that point, it wouldn't even a missile, the US would probably send "buf" so all of tehran could watch it glide out of the sunset and imitate it for just a few minutes.

Thylacine 2000

Well-known member

If he's dead, it puts an even bigger question mark around who could possibly replace the 85-year-old supreme leader.


wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yeah, global ran a piece about this tonight during the international news.

I would say "and nothing of value was lost" but that chopper had value despite who it carried.


too old for this
Apparently the chopper went down in a remote area, but they say it wasn't a bad crash overall. A lot of international help is coming to find it. Who knows, they may find everyone alive still.

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