Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


Well-known member
Well in this case, Netanyahu wouldn’t be doing anything different since he very much ALSO wants another Trump Presidency so he can finish exterminating the Palestinians.


too old for this
I'm sure this will just make the GOP love him that much more considering this is straight out of Reagan's playbook. He is still their conservative messiah, right?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Nope, trump is these days.

Not that it makes much of a difference. It's still reagans old playbook, and trump never read it anyway.


jumbled pile of person
"If you're not with us, you're against us" continues to be the rallying cry of tyrants the world over.


NOT a New Member.
Since Hamas militants killed around 1,200 people in Israel on 7 October 2023, extremist Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank are increasingly using violence to seize land and property which is forcing many Palestinians from their homes.

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“Settlements Above the Law” ,
a new film from the #BBCEye Investigations team, reveals how these settlers are establishing a new type of illegal settlement known as a “herding outpost”, giving them access to huge areas of land. These and other outposts don't have government approval and are illegal under Israeli law.

We have independently verified the location of 196 outposts established in the occupied West Bank, almost half of them built in the past five years alone.

For over six months, the BBC team have been following extremist settlers who have set up herding outposts. Some have been sanctioned by the UK and US governments for forcing Palestinians from their homes as part of a “campaign of violence and intimidation”. We show the human impact of their actions on the Palestinian communities living on the frontline of their outposts.

The letter from Eden Levi’s lawyer can be found here.


Active member
76 years is the founding of Israel, but Israel didn't gain Gaza or the West Bank until 1967. And they withdrew their soldiers and settlements from Gaza in 2005. So many pro-Palestinian folks are morons who don't know basic history of the conflict or region. Or she's saying Israel has no right to exist at all, which just higher on the tier of stupidity.

I wonder if she gets canceled for saying the genocide is only 336 days. It's supposedly been going on for decades. Anyway, that's another silly thing for her to say, the death rate has dropped dramatically as the war has gone on and the bloodthirsty genociders agreed to pauses in fighting to help facilitate hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children being vaccinated.

Most ineffective genocide ever.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
76 years is the founding of Israel, but Israel didn't gain Gaza or the West Bank until 1967. And they withdrew their soldiers and settlements from Gaza in 2005. So many pro-Palestinian folks are morons who don't know basic history of the conflict or region. Or she's saying Israel has no right to exist at all, which just higher on the tier of stupidity.
Bolded bit – so ridiculously, painfully true, in my experience. Either they regurgitate the conspiracy theory, propagandist version of history, or don’t have any grasp of history or geography (no, the modern state of Israel is not a “white colonial state”, it wasn’t founded by Britain, and Hitler and the Nazis weren’t zionists who helped plan the state’s formation).
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Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
It's dangerous to mix up nationality and ethnicity. Some Jews are Israeli, but the majority are not. It's things like that that foster xenophobic animosity.

Thylacine 2000

Well-known member
Half of all Jews are Israeli, and most of the remainder have friends or family there. The majority of Jewish children live in Israel. In 10 or so years, as diaspora populations continue to age and shrink, it will house an absolute global majority of us.

Liking black people only as long as they reject Barack Obama - that drone-striking Wall Street corporatist! - adds up to not liking basically any black people.

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