Looking for information on to Combiner KO sets: Dinobots and Protectobots


New member

I've seen two sets of KO Combiners that I'm intrerstad in buying for the kids (they are 6 and 4 years old) but I don't want the stuff that will break on the first play - I know that you get what you pay for but I've got some KO's that are ok

For the 6 yr I want to but the Dinobots set: https://www.amazon.ca/HSEONEJIA-Dinosaur-Transforming-Deformation-Combination/dp/B0C5LQG26Y?th=1
On the plus side, they look like the Dinobots from the cartoon, their transformation was made more simple and they combine - the reviews are mix and I cant find any information on this set - every time I look I get the POTP Colored Dinobot set

If not that set I thought about this set: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006684662934.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.465338daO43bRn&mp=1 - the Beast set, 5 Dinobots like robots with nice designs. I've seen videos of this set but can't find a review, are they playble or mostly for display?

For the 4 yr I'm intrestead in this Protectobots KO (the red one): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/100...xSlQg9H9&utparam-url=scene:search|query_from:

I got him a KO G1 Ariealbots set and he loves them, I know that there are a lot of KO of Defensor and I can find a lot of information on other KO but not this one (with the Gold highlights and the red hood on First Aid)

I would appriciate and help or insight you have on those, are the worth buying?

Many thanks in advance



Staff member
Council of Elders
I personally don't know anything about the quality of these sets. I also know nothing about AliExpress. Their prices look fantastic, but something about it reminds me of TEMU which scares the crap out of me.


New member
I personally don't know anything about the quality of these sets. I also know nothing about AliExpress. Their prices look fantastic, but something about it reminds me of TEMU which scares the crap out of me.
I'm not from the US and Hasbro doesn't really sell Transformers in my country (very few in ToysRUs from the Cyberverse line). I bought a few things from Ali and Temu, they arived on time and were fine so the sites are not a problem for me - finding information on those specific items is, I thought that a product on Amazon would have more reviews - I considered on buying the more expensive Dinobots KO but the Grimlock one is out of stock and without him they won't combine, and the complete KO set is too expensive for what I need the toys for

Thanks for your input due
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NOT a New Member.

I've seen two sets of KO Combiners that I'm intrerstad in buying for the kids (they are 6 and 4 years old) but I don't want the stuff that will break on the first play - I know that you get what you pay for but I've got some KO's that are ok

For the 6 yr I want to but the Dinobots set: https://www.amazon.ca/HSEONEJIA-Dinosaur-Transforming-Deformation-Combination/dp/B0C5LQG26Y?th=1
On the plus side, they look like the Dinobots from the cartoon, their transformation was made more simple and they combine - the reviews are mix and I cant find any information on this set - every time I look I get the POTP Colored Dinobot set

If not that set I thought about this set: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006684662934.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.465338daO43bRn&mp=1 - the Beast set, 5 Dinobots like robots with nice designs. I've seen videos of this set but can't find a review, are they playble or mostly for display?

For the 4 yr I'm intrestead in this Protectobots KO (the red one): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006997407629.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.79.3736722bY7eijV&algo_pvid=b83ec601-74bc-43d5-aaba-e1f2781f9d7a&algo_exp_id=b83ec601-74bc-43d5-aaba-e1f2781f9d7a-39&pdp_npi=4@dis!ILS!25.89!25.89!!!6.90!6.90!@21038dfc17169309103898477e5e65!12000038992462260!sea!IL!2253327316!&curPageLogUid=rUn9xSlQg9H9&utparam-url=scene:search|query_from:

I got him a KO G1 Ariealbots set and he loves them, I know that there are a lot of KO of Defensor and I can find a lot of information on other KO but not this one (with the Gold highlights and the red hood on First Aid)

I would appriciate and help or insight you have on those, are the worth buying?

Many thanks in advance

Welcome to the boards! We have a dedicated Knock-off TF thread to discuss KOs. Feel free to visit it if you wish.

The Knock-Off Transformers Thread (Allspark)


Staff member
Council of Elders
Thank you for directing him to that Thread @PrimalxConvoy. I was about to jump in here and do that. @happyhuman , feel free to jump over there for further discussions on any of the K.O. figures you're looking for. We like to discuss all things K.O. over there. We'd love for you to hang out on the boards and chat. :)

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