Marvel Cinematic Universe - General Thread


Well-known member
This isn't really "MCU" related, but it is Marvel related....and it doesn't really deserve it's own thread, so in here it goes!

It's kind of a cute commercial for Coke.


Well-known member
Very cool but, dang, juggernaut shouldn't be building sized.
Everything just came to life the size it already was. The Juggernaut on her shirt was really big for the cityscape on the comic in front of her. There is no hero in the entire clip that is their correct size. Look at Colossus twice as tall as DareDevil. DareDevil was on a comic cover and Colossus was a statue.


Well-known member
I don't know how many people have already seen this from SDCC, but I thought this was pretty neat.

And a different version:


too old for this
Since no one else has mentioned it, I suppose I will.

Marvel has announced their Dr. Doom. And it is Robert Downey jr. Kang is out and Doom is in.

Marvel has done so well with their casting. People I hadn't even considered have nailed their roles out of the park and become the defining version of that character. I'm sure RDJ will do well. He is an amazing actor. But, he's not what I was hoping for. I'm sure this is going to be some multiverse or elseworlds kind of thing and that's fine, I'm sure I'll enjoy the movies and the role, but it wasn't what I was looking for.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I am still hoping that this is a trick. Like they know that they can't have him running around set without being found out within an hour. So announce that he will be back to play a different character. Wham, Ironman returns to theaters.


Well-known member
I am not so silly as to think no one has thought of this, but I hadn't seen it or thought about it and maybe you hadn't either. I was reconsidering Endgame in light of Loki as I drove home from the post office. Endgame set up the time travel rules for the MCU and Loki built on top of them, but I hadn't taken the implications back to the source.

How time travel works was obvious to Banner mathematically before they ever even did it. They established branch realities in two contexts. 1) You can't change the past because if you go backward and change something you create a branched reality and none of the changes affect your present. This was why they couldn't just prevent the snap from happening in the first place. 2) The Ancient One was concerned about the branch reality without a time stone and Banner reassured her that they would come back afterward and make it like it never happened. That was all that needed to be addressed in Endgame and it was roughly tidy (I'm not going to talk about Old Steve).

We learned more about this in Loki that can decontextualize it all. Presumably Steve really was successful in putting all the stones back where they belonged, allaying the Ancient One's concern. Actually we don't know that for sure, but it is possible. If he got there just in time and got everything settled properly where nothing of any consequence changed then probably no branched reality was created. But she actually didn't need to be concerned, at least for the sake of reality. If they hadn't taken the stones back at ALL, the TVU would've shown up pretty soon and pruned the branch. I hadn't thought about that before. Steve didn't even need to go. All of those realities would have been just like the one where Loki appeared in the desert. Pruned and forgotten.

But the other thing that is tickling my brain is that Endgame came from a present-centric angle that the TVU doesn't have. They are outside time and pruning branch realities all the time all over the timeline. I don't think there is really even a way to get your head around that exactly that they put in a day's work fixing something in the 19th century and tomorrow there'll be something to do in the 22nd. All this to say: When they went and got the time stones from another time and did a new snap and Thanos came through from the past and had that whole battle, they probably created a branch reality anyway. From the TVU's perspective, why would that have been any different? And this time, maybe just this one time ever, the TVU was sent to prune the original reality instead of the branch. I wonder if they could tell.
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Continuity Nutcase
I am not so silly as to think no one has thought of this, but I hadn't seen it or thought about it and maybe you hadn't either. I was reconsidering Endgame in light of Loki as I drove home from the post office. Endgame set up the time travel rules for the MCU and Loki built on top of them, but I hadn't taken the implications back to the source.

How time travel works was obvious to Banner mathematically before they ever even did it. They established branch realities in two contexts. 1) You can't change the past because if you go backward and change something you create a branched reality and none of the changes affect your present. This was why they couldn't just prevent the snap from happening in the first place. 2) The Ancient One was concerned about the brand reality without a time stone and Banner reassured her that they would come back afterward and make it like it never happened. That was all that needed to be addressed in Endgame and it was roughly tidy (I'm not going to talk about Old Steve).

We learned more about this in Loki that can decontextualize it all. Presumably Steve really was successful in putting all the stones back where they belonged, allaying the Ancient One's concern. Actually we don't know that for sure, but it is possible. If he got there just in time and got everything settled properly where nothing of any consequence changed then probably no branched reality was created. But she actually didn't need to be concerned, at least for the sake of reality. If they hadn't taken the stones back at ALL, the TVU would've shown up pretty soon and pruned the branch. I hadn't thought about that before. Steve didn't even need to go. All of those realities would have been just like the one where Loki appeared in the desert. Pruned and forgotten.

But the other thing that is tickling my brain is that Endgame came from a present-centric angle that the TVU doesn't have. They are outside time and pruning branch realities all the time all over the timeline. I don't think there is really even a way to get your head around that exactly that they put in a day's work fixing something in the 19th century and tomorrow there'll be something to do in the 22nd. All this to say: When they went and got the time stones from another time and did a new snap and Thanos came through from the past and had that whole battle, they probably created a branch reality anyway. From the TVU's perspective, why would that have been any different? And this time, maybe just this one time ever, the TVU was sent to prune the original reality instead of the branch. I wonder if they could tell.

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