Mass Effect

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I was assuming Destroy because the other two endings leave the Reapers intact, which greatly complicates future stories.


Slightly Off
If they are the old Bioware they'll make it work with all the endings

They aren't Bethesda and I doubt the Mass Effect verse will experience a Dragonbreak.

The problem is the endings are all extremely mutually exclusive. While Control and Destroy could work in the same universe, Synthesis is a world full of Husks (sorry, techno-Organics) and that'd be kind of hard to fit into the context of the other two endings.

I expect one of the three to be established as the canonical ending, since the series demonstrated "player choice" was ultimately superfluous anyway. (Let the Council die, there's still a Council. Pick Anderson to be the Human member of the Council, Udina's still the member in 3. etc)

Covert Agent Rodimal

Active member
I prefer synthesis when I'm playing because I can't kill Edi or the Geth, but the cannon ending should be destroy and just say that the intelligence lied about it killing all AIs to try to get you to make what it thinks is the right choice (Control or Synthesis).


Active member
Assumed, based on the Indoctrination Theory (Which persists despite the Devs insisting no, that wasn't what was going on at all).

"And no, I’m not a believer in the “indoctrination theory“. I think that would be better than the ending we got, but I don’t think it it was ever intended by the writers. This theory involves an incredible level of subtle symbolism, which goes against just how ham-fisted the rest of the story is. To wit: If these writers thought Shepard was indoctrinated in the last stage of the game, we would know it."

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Just stopping by to make sure you play more Mass Effect.

And I'm still waiting for BioWare to update the LE with ME3MP.


Not at the moment. I may go for a Male-Shep play through some time next year so I can romance Tali. But at the moment, I'm playing Ocarina of Time.


To be honest, I forgot it was a thing. But I did go on a picnic with my parents and my brother. It didn't really have anything to do with N7 day...but...*shrugs*

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
That's appalling. Next you're going to tell me that you gave away all your Mass Effect merch.

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