Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm


Somehow still sane
They don't break per se but they got prone to missing the ratchet positions and getting misaligned despite sitting in a box for years


Staff member
Council of Elders
The ratchets don't break, but the plastic surrounding the springs does break. So instead of just compressing and extending, the springs are free to wobble from side to side. The teeth aren't forced to engage.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
The ratchets don't break, but the plastic surrounding the springs does break. So instead of just compressing and extending, the springs are free to wobble from side to side. The teeth aren't forced to engage.
Reminds me of MP-09's self-destructing shoulders.


Somehow still sane
TM2 Megs and Armada Starscream arreived. Missed the inferno preorder but hopefully the store has some extra stock.
Also RG Gaogaigar. Not looking forward to putting that together.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

On the one hand, big Mad Max truck that turns into a giant Viking robot with a big hammer. On the other hand, that price tag.


Somehow still sane
On one hand, I like that they're doing Deathy immediately after Star Saber. On the other hand, I'm not seeing anything that really makes me feel like this needed to be crowdfunded as opposed to a Commander class or something. I guess the breast animals eat up a lot of partscount but they could have released them separately like they've been doing recently. At least give beast mode articulated claws or even non-twig arms.

Eh t's not too pricey. Might back it anyway
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Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I kind of get the feeling there might have been some pushback at some level of management towards doing the relatively niche characters at such premium price points. Especially as Hasbro seems to be pulling back on the number of Leaders they do in a given year To begin with.
Victory Saber probably would have tied up AT LEAST two leader slots, if not a Commander AND Leader. And when Hasbro only makes two new leader molds in a given year…do they WANT characters with less mainstream appeal tying up those tooling slots?

Plus, by doing these guys as Haslabs, it also frees them from retail restrictions. I could see them TRYING to convert DoubleDealer into Deathsaurus. And I think a lot would have taken that. But with HasLab? NOW they can afford all new tooling and bonus tooling that wouldn’t have made the cut when dealing with retail price points.

With all the controversy over HasLab prices, I think he’s a fair value. Commanders are running $90 now, and then you add the Micromasters (Given size, probably close to Core size, so that’s $25 or so for that pair) and the accessories (including an impressive throne) probably add an easy $40 or so, just due to the size of the Throne. AND you get a stand (which would probably run $20 if sold as it’s own thing, AT LEAST).
I’ll be backing.


Somehow still sane
Yeah, I figure I'll drop some change on it and hang on to it. The exclusivity HasLab brings means they won't be making a new one anytime soon and if I end up not liking it, it'll probably only go up in value. Like stocks, only it's cooler since it's a robot death chicken from space. Or like a monkey jpeg except it actually exists.

I'd have preferred that Armada Prime they're teasing in Legacy to be the Haslab thing though. That seems more likely to be not done well on a retail budget.

Also: RIP MMC Deathchicken
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Somehow still sane
To be fair, that's mostly because IDW. And the mold was probably designed back then and shelved, given how they do business.

It reminds me of what Hasbro did with Combiner Wars through POTP, when they'd design Streetwise 80% accurate but with fake hood-chest detailing so they could retool it into Prowl. Except that halfassed Prowl is a $20 mass release deluxe and MMC's half-G1 Deathsaurus is way past $150. Then they decided to go further beyond and fudge the damn thing into Doubledealer, giving both Deathsauruses vestigial rolling shoulder wheels and resulting in a $150 toy that at best bares only a passing resemblance to a side character. All while designing a Rung that cost so much in R&D that it sunk their IDW line by their admission. RUNG.

That's why I didn't buy many of their toys in a nutshell. Generally made well but baffling design and business decisions, with a schizophrenic philosophy when it comes to accuracy.


Staff member
Council of Elders
It's crazy how this is the same company that's making the best combiners in the business now.


Somehow still sane
I appreciate the idea but in practice, their Bruticus may be the best argument for partsforming combiners. Clubfeet and a polio leg are terrible, and their Defensor is using the “technically not partsforming” school of combining popularized by that Jetfire with the string.

Though to be fair the legs part was because of the ill-advised decision to make Brawl twice Swindle’s mass because muh scale


Somehow still sane
Eh. It’s honestly not worth the hit to aesthetics at MP scale. The compromises would be less egregious at CHUG or Legends scale.

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