Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm


Somehow still sane
Their Nova Prime had a rough development from what the release date and general half-bakedness of the mold tell us.

as for gamer edition... do the dynobots this time as a set of 5 voyagers, then remold them into legacy technobots
I can’t think of a bigger way to miss the point of Studio Series than:
1. Dinobots in designs they never had in-game
2. At an undersized scale
3. Making non-dinosaur Dinobots when t-rex Grimlock was half the advertising the game had
4. As means to make a bunch of less-popular dudes in another toyline
5. Dudes who don’t share robot-mode designs since the pre-beast Dinobots look roughly the same as post-beast
6. Who mostly don’t have the same altmodes because the Dinobots except for Swoop were all tank things
7. Technobots would be deluxes aside from Scattershot anyway

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
1. So,
2. scale isn't a thing i care about. price point is
3. who cares? not me
4. yep, hasbro loves using molds again
5. remolds bro remolds
6. if they didn't have those designs in the game how can you say they were all tanks? hmm?
7. the technobot remolds don't need to be any size.
I can't think of a bigger way to miss the point that this was just a thing I wanted... you didn't need to go off like I kicked your dog


Staff member
Council of Elders
I should have bought one to see if I get a tight one but I just couldn't get that invested in TLK.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I’ve got a Steelbane and a Skullitron. Both have terribly floppy balljoints. I think if I took some floor polish to them I could get them to at least function.

I’d be willing to bet if you had bought either Coffee. You’d have had your Titanium Megatron effect and get a QC issue free good version. :)

Honestly, i like the dragon knight bots, flaws notwithstanding.


Somehow still sane
Steelbane gets floppy just standing around and i have to periodically retighten the balljoints. Must be the particular plastic they used on a lot of him.

1. So,
2. scale isn't a thing i care about. price point is
3. who cares? not me
4. yep, hasbro loves using molds again
5. remolds bro remolds
6. if they didn't have those designs in the game how can you say they were all tanks? hmm?
7. the technobot remolds don't need to be any size.
I can't think of a bigger way to miss the point that this was just a thing I wanted... you didn't need to go off like I kicked your dog
1. yes, Dinobots being Dinobots is kind of important.
2. Hasbro does.
3. Hasbro does.
4. Hasbro hasn’t been as keen on mold reuse as prime wars in recent years to the point they’ll release the exact same toy multiple times and the remolds are less extensive as Prime Wars.
5. See 4.
6. The FOC Dinobots have implied altmodes in the one IDW comic book where they look exactly the same but with treads on them. Studio Series hasn’t referenced tie-in media yet but even if they did, it wouldn’t be technobots altmodes unless 4/5 of the team are made from Nosecone. Swoop from Strafe would actually work.
7. The Technobots are the same size as the other combiners. Again, Hasbro.

There’s a difference between “I want Hasbro to make Technobots ” and posting a half-baked idea. If you don’t like people to pick apart your brainfarts, I’d advise to not post them on a nerd discussion forum because inevitably, somebody will.
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Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I'm not saying you shouldn't. if i was saying that I would have said that. I just argued against your points lol its fine man, we want different things I hope you get yours too.


Somehow still sane
Like the look, love the sword but too bad it's that awkward sort-of-Legends scale that 3Ps really like making.
Image of Iron Factory EX-72 Chaos Blaze (13)__scaled_800.jpg

Also, opened up big Primal. Thing's hugging massive but haven't had much time to mess around with it aside from checking the electronics and general build. I guess painting the mouth head too since it was colored wrong.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I like that -that Fallen looks as much like a new take on the Maketoys one as it does as a reference to the original art


Somehow still sane
With the crown and all the purple bits, it looks like Universe 2.0 Galvatron finally got pissed off at how garbage he was and rage-evolved.
In truth, the only thing he is capable of evolving into is a pile of disembodied body parts. And a hook.
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