On Getting Out of Survival Mode: Musings, Plans, and Questions on 21st-Century North American Life


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Major tip I actually hadn't thought of, though it's more for the case when we -don't- survive:


Your loved ones or whomever cleans up after you is going to have to go through and cancel subscriptions, and deal with stuff in your digital accounts. Even more important if you have a cryptowallet.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I am still trying to figure out all my dad's stuff so it can be turned over to the probate court.

Please write things down.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
I've got the vast majority of them transcribed securely (save for a couple of accounts/drives that I'm planning to have a deadman-switch delete protocol for). My systems (including my employment) are a little too password-happy to have any other protocol in place.

Alas, long years away seem to have done away with any recollection of my ICQ password. Not sure if anyone was expecting me to use that protocol but it was a bit embarrassing to learn this as I go through the Web 1.0 detritus.... 🙃

No cryptocoinage, thankfully, but I cleaned out a telecom loyalty rewards program and got a fair number of assorted gift cards out of it.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Okay, so, we had ourselves a moving of abodes -- so that was a bit of a time. But everything is now more or less in order, and the new place looks something like a home.

Work/life balance, alas, is slipping somewhat.

There's been some disposal and divestment. More from my family than from myself, but I have helped with it, and feel lighter rather than sadder for it.

Today in particular was rather accomplished -- did some yard care for the first time in about 13 years, and didn't mind it.

I will admit that I've been reluctant to share much information about the new place -- I've been feeling the need to hide from a lot of things. And I get the sense that some conflicts are brewing in the distance that may be unavoidable.... but I still want to try. At least for now.

I'll likely be going over and reviewing the first few sections of the Hierarchy of Needs for a bit. It's been hard to get out of those layers, if only because every time I start a new project, someone close gets sick, or work demands increase, or something flares up. I suppose that, after all these years, I'm coming to terms with the fact that life will never be nailed down. That said, I do want to do away with the feeling of being buffeted by fate or going from crisis to crisis. So too have many in recent times, I would imagine. I've just been having those feelings for a lot longer.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Some board members may recognize Mairi "Miley" Watanabe from Mayhem's Bakery thread.
However, this earthquake preparedness video struck me as more appropriate for here.

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