[OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!


Staff member
Council of Elders
I just noticed.

throw me off



If the slang gets to be too much, just tell me. I'm getting it from the Cyberpunk tabletop/video games. If it helps any...



Sorry for the text color being close to yours, Caldwin. I hope it's distinct enough. My other colors from their art are blue and orange and the non-Alistair blues don't read well.

Not a problem. I chose mine from the default pallet so I wouldn't have to constantly cut and paste hex code. It's different enough it should be okay. If it gets confusing, I can type in bold or something.

Honestly, I'm getting more of a weird vibe from Kai being so close to the original Static, but that's a me thing.

IC, I'm not sure when/if Hazy will bring up her seapony heritage. It's not something she likes to talk about.

OOC, that is why I chose green for her speech (blue for seapony heritage and yellow for being Statics descendants).

Question for Shadewing. Just how bad off are the seas? Is it possible Hazy's Seapony father is still alive or are seaponies pretty much extinct?


Well-known member
From the creator:

in-universe scientists speculate that ocean vent ecosystems are still doing okay since they didn't really rely on sunlight anyway, and the deep oceans away from those vents will take centuries to freeze, but there's no real way to check because the ice sheet is at this point so thick

seaponies may still be alive down there but they're pretty solidly out of contact

and since things like whale carcasses and other marine fallout are an important part of ocean floor ecosystems, the deep oceans are also probably experiencing an ecological catastrophe that poses a risk to any intelligent marine life


So probably any that can't/don't live on land like Anchors are likely isolated; but since Hazy was born after Sunfall (as she likely not over 40), Her father is probably able to be on land some how. I do know that Hippogryphs, who can change between that and seapony form, have managed to get into Canterlot elite circles. Which further supports the idea that those that can shift, are probably okay at the very least.


Well-known member
Alistair grins softly. "Oh, thaaaat has alreaaady been consiiiiderrred. Afffter a seeet ammooount, it wiiill come outta yooour paaay, then your comrrrads' paaay if neeeeedeeed."


Well-known member
Oh this still isn't a permanent location, those are still next to impossible for us to find... Least in our credit/price range. But this place is about $100 cheaper then where we were and is near a place that should rehire me.


So, yeah, that was unexpected even for me. But when the subject came up, Hazy was telling me she had a vastly different viewpoint on the princesses than her Grandfather. I honestly didn't expect her to be so angry, but here we are.


Alphabetical by screen name.


Player: Caldwin
Character: Hazy Signal


Player: Copper Bezel
Character: Tipple Flux


Player: Coffee Horse
Character: Night Cap

Player: Danaume
Character: Kai-Ling


Player: GodSentinalOmega
Character: Scarlet Spectrum Jr

No Picture Found

Player: TerraSqueek
Character: Moonbeam Shine
Last edited:


Well-known member
"So which lock box? What number?" She was tempted to ask what was, but honestly figured it was none of her business. What was in the box was the Priest's business. Delivering it was hers. Except for..."Is there anything hazardous, explosive or fragile in this box we should be concerned about?"
I'd already answered what was in the Lockbox.


Ah! Thanks. Now that you mention it, I remember something like that in the rule book which is why I decided against chroming up.

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