(Potentially) Stolen Transformers (& the YouTubers that Review Them)


New member
It's kind of starting to feel like you popped into this thread to advertise your podcast. It's a discussion board, if you want to discuss something, discuss it. Otherwise it feels like you airdropped in to scold people and promote your work.
My work was linked to, and talked about here a long time before I "air dropped" in bud. I have no need or desire to advertise the podcast somewhere I don't think many folks even frequent much anymore. I came here to clarify my position, and direct people to resources, which includes my show, regarding the subject at hand.

And now I hope to depart. Is there a way to deactivate this account without deleting what I've stated here?

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
My work was linked to, and talked about here a long time before I "air dropped" in bud. I have no need or desire to advertise the podcast somewhere I don't think many folks even frequent much anymore. I came here to clarify my position, and direct people to resources, which includes my show, regarding the subject at hand.

Except when asked questions you've repeatedly chosen not to answer, instead opting to denigrate people and tell them you already talked about it in your podcast and they should go listen to it there.

And like I asked, do you have a different source for Vietnamese labor concerns that contradicts the information I provided? You did say you did research on the matter, correct?


NOT a New Member.
In the scope of Hasbro's business it's technically a loss, but it's well within the amount they expect and budget for.

Sometimes a whole shipping container ends up at the bottom of the Pacific. It happens. They know it happens. They budget for it. In comparison we're talking about a literal handful of toys smuggled out of the factory. This truly does not matter.
But, as stated before, it might affect our fellow TF reviewers, who don't review stolen TFs Why should they lose viewers/ad revenue to people who might be cheating the system? Not very sporting.

I myself have stopped uploading as many images of pre-ordered Japanese TFs as pictures of potentially stolen ones have already been uploaded (and I think I live fairly close to the distribution centres for toys and TFs in Japan).


NOT a New Member.
I'm suggesting folks educate themselves on the issue, and all it takes is a small amount of research, and a bit of concern. I'm not about to educate one person at a time regarding these things. I reffered you to my podcast because Ive broken down the issue there, bit by bit, over multiple segments the past 2 or 3 years. The Slag Podcast, and the reviewer Super Robot Ed also have videos featuring the subject. My personal time is better spent where it will produce fruit, not banishing the ignorance of one or two willfully complacent individuals.
There are also links at the first two posts of this thread, with (hopefully) info that touches upon these subjects.

However, as a friendly bit of info here, most of the posts you've replied to are rather old. Also, with the exception of a few posters here (who are easy enough to block, should you wish), most people at the Allspark are rather chill and friendly people. As a former member of other (more toxic) TF boards, I've never found the overall majority of posters here an issue.

However, welcome to the Allspark and feel free to upload your vids or info here whenever you wish!


NOT a New Member.
My work was linked to, and talked about here a long time before I "air dropped" in bud. I have no need or desire to advertise the podcast somewhere I don't think many folks even frequent much anymore. I came here to clarify my position, and direct people to resources, which includes my show, regarding the subject at hand.

And now I hope to depart. Is there a way to deactivate this account without deleting what I've stated here?
I thought you came because I mentioned I had posted your video/s at this thread?


New member
Except when asked questions you've repeatedly chosen not to answer, instead opting to denigrate people and tell them you already talked about it in your podcast and they should go listen to it there.

And like I asked, do you have a different source for Vietnamese labor concerns that contradicts the information I provided? You did say you did research on the matter, correct?
I don't need to contradict the information you provided because I neither looked at such information , or desire to converse with you further sir. I chose to not answer one question here. Just one. If you'd like to believe I've not done my research on the matter....okay. You're totally free to think that. I have many, many individuals who would love to go on debating me about PvP on YouTube, X, and Facebook as we speak. A few who even give me the impression that they're not simply full of excuses, while hearing only what they wish to hear. Because even IF you were correct (which you're not) it wouldn't somehow justify theft. Two wrongs don't somehow create a right.

But I digress, when a person speaks about something 1000 times, and reiterates the same thing again and again, they tend to not quibble, or desire to repeat themselves. Again, I've done an entire segment specifically addressing that particular common excuse PvP defenders enjoy tossing out to try and somehow justify the theft. I don't feel that you would listen even if I did spell each and every point, and resource out for you. You enjoy your complacency. Go on doing so. 👏 The truth is not denegration.
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Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I was being genuine with my question, actually.

The state of overseas labor is actually a topic I'm fairly interested in, as well as the modern phenomena we're seeing in the states where the US economy is seemingly further and further divorced from what everyday people experience. I found your statement about Vietnamese workers to be a contradiction to what I understand about the situation. Certainly, if you find me in error, I'd be very happy to be corrected. As I said, you mentioned you've done your research, which is good. People should do research on things. I'd like to know what you've uncovered on the topic, specifically, as your statements don't seem to line up with my own research on the topic. I could very well be wrong, but I'd need something more than you being belligerent to change my mind. ;)

Regarding your attitude, you've called people ignorant, questioned their motives and generally acted dismissive in your time here, all while telling people to just go listen to your podcast rather than participate in a discussion on this discussion forum. That said, if you've spoken so much about this topic, it shouldn't be difficult for you to summarize or post links to the sources you've utilized to come to these conclusions. Given the severity you've expressed you feel about the situation, to the point of not only calling Hasbro about it, but encouraging others to do so as well, the more information you post, the more likely you are to convince people. The people talking who you feel aren't reachable aren't the only ones in this thread after all, we have many people on this forum, including "lurkers" (which might sound sinister, but is just old forum lingo for people who read but don't post).

If you're truly concerned about the issue, shouldn't you want to just not contain it to just your podcast, but to spread that information as far as possible to as many people as possible? Especially those who may not have the time or the appetite for podcasts? (They're not for everyone) In fact, you might attract more people to your podcast if you demonstrate an aptitude for discussion and sourcing your information, as it helps people realize you know what you're talking about and want to hear more from you.


New member
The people talking who you feel aren't reachable aren't the only ones in this thread after all, we have many people on this forum, including "lurkers" (which might sound sinister, but is just old forum lingo for people who read but don't post).

If you're truly concerned about the issue, shouldn't you want to just not contain it to just your podcast, but to spread that information as far as possible to as many people as possible? Especially those who may not have the time or the appetite for podcasts? (They're not for everyone) In fact, you might attract more people to your podcast if you demonstrate an aptitude for discussion and sourcing your information, as it helps people realize you know what you're talking about and want to hear more from you.
I dont want to discuss anything with you lol thats where youre mistaken. I didnt come here to learn your opinion, or generate a total summary of my research once more. I came to clear up some misconceptions since my work was being discussed, which I did at length, and to direct folks to my show and to other concerned creators who've spoken on the matter. I dont think I need to grow my brand by dancing to your tune (not that it would lol). Nor do I need advice from yourself on doing so. I think I've done just fine. If people have the time to try and create arguments here in defense of theft, they have 10 minutes to spare to listen to a segment.

I directed folks to my show. PrimalxConvoy directed folks to my show. You want me to link a dozen segments featuring the subject? Nah I'm good. If I posted those links you'd gripe that they aren't timestamped or something. If I sited my income sources for the average Vietnamese factory worker, you'd state that theyre not credible. Not that that point even matters to begin with, because it doesn't begin to justify what's occurring either way. It wouldn't matter what I did though. If folks are that interested they ain't hard to find. I will say that if the complacent were to listen to just ONE video on this subject, they should listen to Protomans video on it entitled "Hasbros Problem with Seedy Reviewers". It's on YouTube.

Have I called certain people ignorant of this subject matter? Absolutely. We believe what we wish to believe. You can think I'm not concerned or educated about this subject til Christ returns my friend. It makes zero difference to myself. You ARE most certainly wrong. On so many levels lol But thats all besides the point anyway. You don't want to hear more from me? I assure you, the feeling is quite mutual 😆

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Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I've literally asked you to post more, not less. I'm not being sarcastic when I say I want to see your sources. I want to read them and find out where the contradiction between our two knowledge bases is coming from. Again, I could very well be wrong, the internet is full of misinformation. Like, genuinely, why do you think the state of Vietnamese workers is that they're "paid more and treated better" than people here are suggesting? What did you read that lead you to that understanding? I doubt you just pulled it out of your butt, so something must have given you confidence to make that statement.

Also why do you think "posting sources" means linking to your show? I want the things that gave the information you used in those segments, not the segments themselves. The articles you read, people you've spoken to who are involved in the process. I doubt you'd be speaking confidently if this was just all opinion. You said you've done the research and I have no reason to disbelieve you. I try to take people at face value.

Also I think your inferring things from my posts that I'm not saying. When I say something like "If you're truly concerned about the issue" I'm not implying your not concerned, I'm saying your behavior isn't conducive to your concern, and suggested other ways you could act that would be. Like, you said you call Hasbro about this subject and encourage others to do the same; that's not actually a small ask! Most people don't even call their own government representatives, believe it or not, and they're in charge of life and death stuff! Clearly you do care about this issue otherwise you wouldn't be calling up a toy company to complain about it. I'm not insinuating you're not concerned, I'm pointing out how your other behavior is counter-intuitive towards yours views and goals here, which is ending the practice of stolen toy reviews. (I'm assuming, based on your posts).


NOT a New Member.
I would appreciate it if we could share more links and evidence about this topic, from either perspective though.


Staff member
Council of Elders
But, as stated before, it might affect our fellow TF reviewers, who don't review stolen TFs Why should they lose viewers/ad revenue to people who might be cheating the system? Not very sporting.

I myself have stopped uploading as many images of pre-ordered Japanese TFs as pictures of potentially stolen ones have already been uploaded (and I think I live fairly close to the distribution centres for toys and TFs in Japan).

First of all, don't let it stop you from posting pictures. Whatever happens with video reviews, I want pictorial reviews to stick around. You might take a picture of an angle no one else thought of. And if someone requests another angle or a comparison with another toy, you can arrange that faster than someone can upload another video.

Secondly, this has certainly been a disruption for professional video reviewers who don't get to be first anymore. But I'm not convinced this hobby ever needed those professional reviewers. As a consumer, I want a review from someone who actually bought the thing, not someone who got a sample from their sponsor. It's going to change how they feel about it, no matter how objective they try to be.

There's another thing that can cut both ways. You've previously raised the issue of these stolen toy reviewers possibly making a good toy look bad because they're dealing with a factory reject with QC issues. I don't know if that's happened, but we have absolutely seen the opposite, where sponsored reviewers got a handpicked good sample of a toy that turned out to be a disaster, where someone reviewing a random factory sample would have given us a more authentic look at what the toy turned out to be.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
As one of said lurkers on thread:

I am a greymuzzle, admittedly, but I prefer to read over watching videos. I'm a fast reader. If the only source of something is a video, I usually won't spend time on it unless it's something I -really- want the details on and I'm willing to invest that time, because it takes additional time out I could be using for other things, and as a working adult I don't always have the time to do everything I want in a single day as-is. Same reason I almost never watch video reviews(though I might pop one up and freeze-frame it if I need a specific angle of a specific figure and can't find a image first). I honestly should be doing something else instead of writing this reply, but I thought I may as well provide a perspective from some of us older readers, in regards to the apparent ongoing argument over "Just watch the video" vs "This is a discussion forum so where's the discussion?"

This also applies more than just here also - just dropping a video and saying "watch this" for a debate or argument (and with no further elaboration) 95% of the time ends up in me just writing it off and going on to something else, and I doubt I'm alone.

You do you, but consider this a +1 for "at least a transcript would be useful." Though considering I already don't watch video reviews, maybe I'm just not the target audience anyways.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Just to toss my $0.02 in, I agree with Dekafox about videos, both as reviews and as "further reading on my point." I rarely if ever watch them. At most, if I see that there is a video review of a figure I'm curious about, I jump around to a few interesting points in the video with the sound off to see images of the figure, which is all I really wanted most of the time.

As for the legality of how the figures were obtained, for me, it's pretty obvious that the figures were, in all likelihood, stolen. I would agree that the people that steel them are doing something illegal and immoral. But, so am I every time I drive 60 mph in a 55 mph zone. It's pretty low-level stuff, which makes it hard for me to care much about. Is buying goods you "know" are stolen so that you can be the first to get a review up wrong? Yeah, I would say it is, but I also don't think it's on a level that I think requires any concern or action on my part. Not every hill needs someone to die on it.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm in the "don't watch videos unless I'm really interested" camp. So the whole "Its all in my videos" might as well be telling me you don't actually have an argument, if you cant even sum up or porvide bullet points.


New member
As one of said lurkers on thread:

I am a greymuzzle, admittedly, but I prefer to read over watching videos. I'm a fast reader. If the only source of something is a video, I usually won't spend time on it unless it's something I -really- want the details on and I'm willing to invest that time, because it takes additional time out I could be using for other things, and as a working adult I don't always have the time to do everything I want in a single day as-is. Same reason I almost never watch video reviews(though I might pop one up and freeze-frame it if I need a specific angle of a specific figure and can't find a image first). I honestly should be doing something else instead of writing this reply, but I thought I may as well provide a perspective from some of us older readers, in regards to the apparent ongoing argument over "Just watch the video" vs "This is a discussion forum so where's the discussion?"

This also applies more than just here also - just dropping a video and saying "watch this" for a debate or argument (and with no further elaboration) 95% of the time ends up in me just writing it off and going on to something else, and I doubt I'm alone.

You do you, but consider this a +1 for "at least a transcript would be useful." Though considering I already don't watch video reviews, maybe I'm just not the target audience anyways.
If you would even consider buying into the excuse that "Since poor people exist, them stealing may be okay", you are most certainly not the target audience. If theres even a slight chance of that.

As I stated before, it wouldn't matter what I did here for the obstinate and complacent. I've summarized my position, and that's as far as I'm willing to go with certain people here for multiple reasons.

Multiple content creators obviously see that there is enough clear evidence of illegal activities occurring in our hobby. I don't think that they or myself are dumb people, who make stands based on thin information. We've each done our own research and diligence. To lay out every resource and bit of information I have on a 1 to 1 level, amongst those likely to not listen no matter what, would not only require a massive amount of time, but is simply an exercise in futility to me. Ive already presented the information. A few have. If youre that interested accept my refferals. But quite frankly I don't particularly like many of you people that much to even entertain such a thing as laying all that out here lol
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New member
Yeah, I'm in the "don't watch videos unless I'm really interested" camp. So the whole "Its all in my videos" might as well be telling me you don't actually have an argument, if you cant even sum up or porvide bullet points.
In my response to the staff member here, that you apparently have trouble finding, I actually did sum up my position. So , yeah. I mean, that there is one of the precise reasons I wont even waste the time doing all that. Many anons just see what they wish to. Pretend-land must be fun.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
If you would even consider buying into the excuse that "Since poor people exist, them stealing may be okay", you are most certainly not the target audience. If theres even a slight chance of that.

As I stated before, it wouldn't matter what I did here for the obstinate and complacent. I've summarized my position, and that's as far as I'm willing to go with certain people here for multiple reasons.

Multiple content creators obviously see that there is enough clear evidence of illegal activities occurring in our hobby. I don't think that they or myself are dumb people, who make stands based on thin information. We've each done our own research and diligence. To do lay out every resource and bit of information I have on a 1 to 1 level, amongst those likely to not listen no matter what, is simply an exercise in futility to me. And quite frankly I don't particularly like you people that much to even entertain such a thing lol
Then why are you even here other than to insist that you're right and everyone else who disagrees is wrong and you don't like them and aren't going to bother even giving out sources for your claims?

Deadass (and mods if this is going too far, feel free to remove this part) but you're acting like an asshole to everyone here pretty much.

I would agree that the people that steel them are doing something illegal and immoral. But, so am I every time I drive 60 mph in a 55 mph zone.
I'm calling the cops right now, hope you enjoy jail.


New member
Then why are you even here other than to insist that you're right and everyone else who disagrees is wrong and you don't like them and aren't going to bother even giving out sources for your claims?

Deadass (and mods if this is going too far, feel free to remove this part) but you're acting like an asshole to everyone here pretty much.

I'm calling the cops right now, hope you enjoy jail.
No. I've just repeatedly stated clearly what I will, and will not do. It's not my fault you can't accept that.

A couple people here have accused me of things that just aren't accurate. One being that I have not summarized my points and position.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
If you would even consider buying into the excuse that "Since poor people exist, them stealing may be okay", you are most certainly not the target audience. If theres even a slight chance of that.

As I stated before, it wouldn't matter what I did here for the obstinate and complacent. I've summarized my position, and that's as far as I'm willing to go with certain people here for multiple reasons.

Multiple content creators obviously see that there is enough clear evidence of illegal activities occurring in our hobby. I don't think that they or myself are dumb people, who make stands based on thin information. We've each done our own research and diligence. To do lay out every resource and bit of information I have on a 1 to 1 level, amongst those likely to not listen no matter what, would not only require a massive amount of time, but is simply an exercise in futility to me. Ive already presented the information. A few have. If youre that interested accept my refferals. But quite frankly I don't particularly like you people that much to even entertain such a thing as laying all that out here lol
If I may ask, where did I even state that first sentence in my previous post? My comment on target audience was predicated on the point that I don't watch youtube reviewers, so I have little familiarity with these people you're talking about, for the most part. I'm guessing PvP is Prime vs Prime? Them I've only heard of because people tend to share pictures or that they got ahold of X figure. I don't appreciate assumptions being made or words being put in my mouth for simply weighing in on a single point in this thread.

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