(Potentially) Stolen Transformers (& the YouTubers that Review Them)


New member
So, are you actually going, or are you just gonna stick around being rude, condescending, and arrogant? I'm sure nothing I say would matter, because you've made it quite clear that you don't actually care what anyone says to you, I'm just curious. Because as much as you seem to think you're riding a moral high horse of some kind, you really just come across as a forum troll with too much time on his hands.

To put in my two cents on the actual subject: Yes, stealing is, objectively and legally, bad. There are cases where it might be justifiable, but comparing food or supplies necessary for survival to a plastic toy is absurd in any reasonable moral sense. But, it's not something I have any capacity to actually do anything about. If it bothers Hasbro that much, they could crack down on the factories about it, but they're clearly not doing it, so why should I get upset? About the only thing I can do is not watch the reviewers known to buy stolen product, but I don't watch video reviews much anyway, so there's no change for me anyway.
Its pretty amusing how you, whom I have yet to speak to at all here, just interject yourself with yet more fabricated narratives. Im rude to no one who is not rude to myself first. But, think what you'd like. You're entitled to your thoughts regarding my character. As long as people continually direct remarks towards myself, I have a tendency to respond...as much as it sometimes goes against my better judgment. In short, if they keep my name out their mouths, you'll hear no more from myself. And your greatest wishes will be granted. But as I stated previously, people here were talking about my work long before I chose to enter the discussion.

You actually do have a capacity to do something about it. You just have to believe in yourself, and the cause, a bit. I've mentioned here 3 things (that you must've missed when you were busy going over all my responses looking for tidbits... in a shallow attempt to portray me in a certain way) that we can each do to act.
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New member
This thread is getting way too focused on individuals instead of the topic. Any more and I think it will best to lock this thread for a while.
Delete it for all I care friend. The folks that are concerned will cease sitting on their thumbs, and the complacent will remain in their complacency. Nothing I could've have ever stated here would've led those horses to water. I'm quite convinced of that.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
You actually do have a capacity to do something about it. You just have to believe in yourself, and the cause, a bit. I've mentioned here 3 things (that you must've missed when you were busy going over all my responses looking for tidbits... in a shallow attempt to portray me in a certain way) that we can each do to act.
- Call Hasbro continually as I have.
- Stop supporting content creators featuring stolen goods.
- Sign our Change.org petition.
I'm going to assume these are the three things you're referring to. But none of these are effective at actually accomplishing anything.

Calling Hasbro continually has no effect. They clearly already know about the thefts. It's been happening for decades (remember SPQQKY?). Constantly calling and harassing the customer service line about it is wasting your time and theirs.

I already don't watch those content creators, as stated before. But putting myself out of the equation for the sake of argument, one or two viewers is a drop in the ocean. Short of getting everyone everywhere to stop watching them, it accomplishes little towards actually solving anything. You can pat yourself on the back for it, if you want, but it doesn't really matter.

Online petitions, especially ones that have less than three hundred signatures over several years, are about as useful as using a marker to change the course of a hurricane. If anything, it shows just how little momentum you have on this.

I have read over the entire thread. Other people have been responding to you. You've repeatedly stated your deliberate intent to ignore them at every turn. I have not portrayed you as anything you haven't already said.

In any event, I've said my piece, so I'm out of this thread unless there's an actual interesting debate to be had.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Seriously this entire thread has just become TransformersTalkRAW going on and on about how they're right and they're ignoring everyone else because we are all clearly wrong and how they're done with this thread and yet they keep on coming back

Also I feel I need to point out something
Me. I "give a shit". I think I've established that. Nearly 500 folks in our FB group "give a shit". Over 250 people who signed our petition "give a shit".
~750 people is virtually nothing in the grand scheme of things, hell that's barely even anything in the grand scheme of the Transformers fandom.

Now if your FB group had thousands of members and your petition had tens of thousands of people who've signed it, you'd have a point here.

But not less than 1000 people.

But of course the fact that you non-ironically use terms like 'woke' and are acting like my parents (who I wasn't even raised by but I can't fault some random person for not knowing that) somehow failed to instill values in me (buddy, I have plenty of values instilled in me, they're values that you'd probably call 'woke' but I won't go further than that considering this isn't the politics board) means that as far as I'm concerned, you're a complete lost cause and not worth continuing to respond to.


New member
I'm going to assume these are the three things you're referring to. But none of these are effective at actually accomplishing anything.

Calling Hasbro continually has no effect. They clearly already know about the thefts. It's been happening for decades (remember SPQQKY?). Constantly calling and harassing the customer service line about it is wasting your time and theirs.

I already don't watch those content creators, as stated before. But putting myself out of the equation for the sake of argument, one or two viewers is a drop in the ocean. Short of getting everyone everywhere to stop watching them, it accomplishes little towards actually solving anything. You can pat yourself on the back for it, if you want, but it doesn't really matter.

Online petitions, especially ones that have less than three hundred signatures over several years, are about as useful as using a marker to change the course of a hurricane. If anything, it shows just how little momentum you have on this.

I have read over the entire thread. Other people have been responding to you. You've repeatedly stated your deliberate intent to ignore them at every turn. I have not portrayed you as anything you haven't already said.

That would be the first correct assumption Ive seen you make. How can you possibly begin to know that calling and voicing your complaint will have no effect? You don't and you can't. You assume too much. Way too much. Enough of us speak up, I think even they will listen. They have before. Enough just have to break apart from the mentality you have on the issue. I've avoided forums for many years prior to my words here recently. Now I recall why.

I don't need to know how Hasbro deals with customers from you. I was writing to Hasbro in early 92, as a 9 year old, pleading with them to bring the TFs back to retail. They took the time to respond. They've been speaking to myself directly for over 30 years now.

The petition has not been around "several" years. It's been around 2 years. Idk how two equals several. And I started out with no sounding board or supporters for it. The truth is that it IS gaining momentum. As I've stated before, even the largest of snowballs start out small before they travel downhill.

You can say something doesn't matter, you can say I'm fighting a lost battle, and you can run your mouth about my character all day long. Because in the end, even if my efforts are fruitless...I had a spine and acted in accordance with what I felt is right. And each of us only has the ability to address the wrongs in front of us. Nothing more.

Edit: I have not chosen to ignore even one person here. I just chose to not answer a single question for stated reasons. Idk where you're coming up with that narrative ,but again, imagination is a fun thing. I enjoy it also.
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New member
Seriously this entire thread has just become TransformersTalkRAW going on and on about how they're right and they're ignoring everyone else because we are all clearly wrong and how they're done with this thread and yet they keep on coming back

Also I feel I need to point something

~750 people is virtually nothing in the grand scheme of things, hell that's barely even anything in the grand scheme of the Transformers fandom.

Now if your FB group had thousands of members and your petition had tens of thousands of people who've signed it, you'd have a point here.

But not less than 1000 people.
Wouldn't matter if it were 1 person who signed. Wouldn't matter if it were only myself who cared. Because your bs contextual quotation of my words were in response to your nonsense regarding "no one giving a ****". Which is clearly not the case. So in the case of your rationale, and all you've brought to the discourse, you ARE clearly wrong 😆

You guys are going to quickly find out that mob mentality/narrative doesn't scare me away. Very quickly.

Edit: Nice edit there. Can't quote that noise but I can respond to it. I didn't use the word "woke" til you yourself used the term "alt-right" , and disrespected myself. I only returned to you what you offered. But since I'm "acting like" your parents....perhaps they were onto something when they were trying to convey those values to you? Ya think? Also, how am I ignoring people when I've answered everyone who's addressed myself? OH, you meant I'm just not agreeing. Gotcha.
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