Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I've actually found not caring to be pretty effective. I'm late for class, I have a test for a class I haven't attended for the entire semeste, I'm completely naked in a very public place...when I get to the place of "hug it, I don't care anymore," usually the dream ends right there. And if it doesn't...well...I no longer care.

I never get the test one. For me it's always a group project/presentation that is not ready and all I can do is hope it just doesn't happen for some reason.

I believe this dream is a corruption of a memory of one class where there was a dreaded semester project that got dropped. The teacher hadn't formally assigned it yet but we knew it was coming, and it was this looming thing on the schedule, and we were running out of time to do it before the end of the year, but no one wanted to say anything in case the teacher had forgotten all about it, and then it just quietly didn't happen. That tension didn't get a proper release and I think it's still rattling around in my head.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Guys my computer might have been fine all along. I think my house has a voltage problem.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
So something interesting has been happening. You know that stress dream where you're trying to get to a class you forgot about all semester but you can't get there for some reason (can't remember where it is, what it is, can't find your locker or your schedule, etc.).

Well, lately I've been having that dream and, like usual, I'll try to find it. But after a while I'll just go like "hug it. I'm done here." I just stop trying/caring.

Lol this dream just got me again. First day back from a vacation, trying to get through a day having not done it for a while. But it came up with a new twist to keep me from immediately seeing through it and walking away. I did find my schedule the first place I looked and got there with plenty of time...

But it turned out that the class itself had relocated during the break. Nobody had bothered to tell us or distribute updated schedules. And there was no note on the door, and the people currently using that room didn't know anything. So my classmates slowly gathered outside the door. None of them got updated schedules either. So we decided to stay put and wait for someone to figure it out and come find us. We weren't going to wander around knocking on doors. We weren't the ones who screwed up. Not my problem.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual



Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
they were totally behind glass i couldn't even hear them squeak but i at least got to watch them swim around and play and that was really fun

i bought two otter plushes at the gift shop


Somehow still sane
Ate a Korean microwave cheeseburger today.

It was alright i guess but the White Castle ones were infinitely better

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