Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Under construction.

And when they're not, the steps are often uselessly vague and involve tools most people don't already have. For someone who already routinely builds software for fun and has all the necessary tools to do it, cool. But every project is going to be somebody's first, and when the instructions say shit like "Now configure the file with your own settings", nobody who's doing it for the first time is even going to know what settings they need let alone how to do it.
skill issue tbh.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
that's the point i am making i think 'installing programs' is a pretty easy place to start out with learning basic tech literacy

also me: hmm this evening i will install protontricks just to get it done with

protontricks github: hey yeah uhh regular protontricks is kinda borked with steam, u gotta install the beta version sorry, here are the instructions. literally just add the flathub-beta repository if u haven't and like yeah there u go, u can get it. even give u a free command-line code to install it right there from the CLI lol

me: ok

also protontricks github: also u are going to need python 3.6 or newer, winetricks, steam, and YAD or zenity for the GUI

me: ok well i am good for the version of python i got installed...and yeah i got winetricks installed cuz i had to install it yesterday because i was having an issue where my friggin save file in civilization iv would crash on load and i had to install a couple DLLs to fix the issue...i got steam...idk what the **** YAD or zenity are but i mean uhh i assume i have at least one of them cuz i'm getting a GUI interface with protontricks

also me: uhhhhhhhh damb. i don t got any games installed right now that need any protontricks. literally all i got installed that use proton are sonic mania and tropico 4 and both of those games run perfectly out of the box lol. damb.

(i love proton so much)

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
maybe we wouldn't have this problems if schools stopped giving kids fuckin chromebooks and started actually teaching them shit again

schools: yeah todays kids are entirely raised with technology, we don't need to have computer class anymore

today's kids: (grow up using tablets and smartphones that deliberately obfuscate the OS from the end user as much as possible resulting in a lot of gen z and gen alpha being unable to understand basic concepts like 'file systems')


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Man I wish things went differently and we were all running Geos 11 on IBM computers today.


maybe we wouldn't have this problems if schools stopped giving kids fuckin chromebooks and started actually teaching them shit again

schools: yeah todays kids are entirely raised with technology, we don't need to have computer class anymore

today's kids: (grow up using tablets and smartphones that deliberately obfuscate the OS from the end user as much as possible resulting in a lot of gen z and gen alpha being unable to understand basic concepts like 'file systems')
And I'm sure this is what you were getting at, but just to confirm and complete the thought...the day comes when the people making the phones retire and the work force is full of people who know how to use tech, but absolutely no idea how to make it.

Damn, I hope I'm dead before then.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
That's going to hit consumer tech before anything else, and it won't be the end of the world. We just might have to go through a period of reverse engineering our own stuff. Fortunately a lot of important stuff still runs on ancient embedded systems, and that'll be the easiest stuff to relearn because it's so much simpler than today's bloated nonsense.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
And I'm sure this is what you were getting at, but just to confirm and complete the thought...the day comes when the people making the phones retire and the work force is full of people who know how to use tech, but absolutely no idea how to make it.

Damn, I hope I'm dead before then.
That's already happened if you count all the COBOL systems out there.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
A lot of people still do use DOS. If you have a machine that only needs to run one program ever, it still makes sense to use DOS and give that program maximum access to the hardware.


Nonstop Baaka
Yeah, some of the programs that my work uses are DOS based. The problem is less making the program, but more the cost of implementing it to everyone and having to train everyone on it. Don't even get me started on new stuff corporate implemented when they don't really understand the down sides.
I love it when I get calls from people who "just want it to work". You have NO idea the kind of shit that goes on behind the scenes just to keep things semi-functional.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's not outdated if nothing newer actually does the job any better. Sometimes upgrading the software just can't make any difference to how a machine functions, so why bother?

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
It's not that newer programs can't do the job better. It's that the new ones are incompatible in any reasonable way, shape, or form, so converting to the new systems would mean inputting every scrap of data manually. Which is a huge investment in time and manpower, which in corporate speak means money.

Not to mention cases where the old equipment still works, but the manufacturer stops supporting or updating the old software because they want to sell you the new equipment instead, but the higher-ups won't fork over the money for it, so you've got one machine that's hilariously outdated but has to be maintained anyway because it's cheaper that way. We're having trouble with some of the machines at my job because they're so antiquated that the parts are simply no longer made, but hey, we can keep patching it together with bale wire and duct tape, so why upgrade, right?

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