Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Wondering bot
I don't mind Summer, aside from when my Heyfever triggers, at times I just don't know if I should take the one a day med or not becasuse at times it just totally backfires on me and I end up going "AH, AH, AH CHOOO", a lot and it frustates me to no end and takes it out of me!

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
In case I haven't mentioned this lately: I hate summer.
I've always been of two minds about it.

On the one hand, there tends to be quite a lot to do and see -- night walks are easier, road trips more passable, and swimming and biking need much less changing gear.

On the other hand, I tend to catch fire well before I can enjoy much of the outdoors.


Somehow still sane


Nonstop Baaka
It's the humidity and constantly feeling sweaty that really gets me. Then when you go out, getting blasted with cold air then back to scorching temps when you step outside. Plus, with our house setup, there's only room that gets effective AC. In the winter, I can at least layer if I'm cold. There's a limit to how unclothed I can be in the summer without getting arrested or having my bare skin stick to surfaces.

Also, mosquitos. Those jerks really like me.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Summer would be fine without the humidity, or if the humidity at least had the decency to stay at a reasonable level. 83% is just uncalled for.


Nonstop Baaka
Currently 73°F, but the 93% humidity is stiffling. I prefer to not feel like I'm breathing water, thx. Also my eyeballs feel sweaty XD


Somehow still sane

Simple build but this was not in any way designed to be painted, making some parts stupidly tight. Still did it anyway since the plastic colors were kinda bland and I prefer game sprite sccuracy to the concept art accuracy.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
birthday sucked lol

i mean what do you expect my grandpa is dead so this is my first birthday where i'm not able to buy any presents for myself and also the car battery is dead so my mom (who arrived today) couldn't even take me out to eat

i just made veggie burgers for us because my mom is vegetarian lol


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

My birthday is the same day as my dad's, so my last birthday was pretty rough too. And I was in a car accident the day before, and the day only got worse from there. Accident wasn't my fault. I have the paperwork to say it wasn't my fault. But it sucked, and I still can't afford a new car.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Bill Finger, the real creative force behind Batman, died in poverty and obscurity and it wasn't until 2015 that DC Comics would start to credit him as being co-creator of Batman alongside Bob Cane (Finger died in 1971 btw)

Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster spent years struggling to survive despite creating Superman

Jack Kirby created a huge chunk of the core Marvel universe and spent most of his life trying to get compensation for the billions of dollars his mind produced.

Alan Moore has to deal with the fact that the rights to his most famous work are perpetually held from him based on a technicality he couldn't have foreseen

Steve Ditko lived in obscurity (admitted this was somewhat self-imposed since he didn't like to give interviews) despite co-creating Spider-Man and creating Dr Strange

Countless mangaka work themselves to death (or nearly to death) in life-destroying publishing conditions due to the lack of total ownership of their work.

And yet Ken ******* Penders actually won the rights to his comic book creations. His creations that were just a bunch of shitty OCs he created for the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics.

What the ****.

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