Reasons why Grandus should be the next titan


Staff member
Council of Elders
I recently used Mrs. Doubtfire as an example in a lecture and the kids just looked at me blankly. When I tell you I crumbled into dust and blew away right then...


I'd absolutely love a Grandus. This might make me go back on my "not buying any more Titans" rule.

Actually, maybe make it a two-pack of him and Dag/Dug Base. Instead of going for height, go for width.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
O rly?


And that's not including the giant sword, even.
Or the rifle.

Or the double-barrelled blaster.

Or the two little guys with even more guns on them that live in his feet.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Bah, in MY day we didn't HAVE Grandus! No, really, we didn't, he hadn't been invented yet, and even after he was it would be YEARS before news of him started filtering to America...

Then again, I also got a G1 Thundercracker as my first Transformer back when it was totally new, and remember being disappointed when I saw the Arialbots because I hadn't realized they would be so tiny compared to the jet I had. I wound up skipping them.

Wasn't Grandus part of a larger set with Star Convoy or something? Why release only a partial set? Though it's been done before, I guess.

Eh, in the end you're only as old as you feel. And my fellow trilobites would agree with me if they ever bothered showing up. I haven't seen them in a while, I wonder what happened to them...

Where was I going with this...oh, yeah, we need a Beast Wars Trilobite for the next Titan that turns into the Axalon, he'll be called TriloByte with his minicon partner TeenyByte and...HEY! HEY YOU! GET OFF MY LAWN!!!


Continuity Nutcase
and one of the things I bought was the first volume of Beast Wars II on VHS, the first three episodes, subbed.
Ah, the old days of Ctenosaur Video. The progenitors of such fansubbing flubs as "Angromoa" (Angolmois), "Combat Drone" (Combatron), "MazinZarak" (Majin Zarak), and leaving "Manzai combi" untranslated.

Wasn't Grandus part of a larger set with Star Convoy or something? Why release only a partial set? Though it's been done before, I guess.
Yeah, Grandus has a combination of sorts with both Star Convoy and Sky Garry, so a new Grandus ought to be of comparable size to those two in order to maintain that mighty vehicle mode compatibility.

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Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Would that be "actively collecting" or "I've had these in my collection for a while?"

Sabreblade beat me to it, but Yes.

Considering the centerpiece of my collection is Gobots, most of which sport an early 1980s copyright...

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Since we had both Cybertron and Armada Prime remakes without Jetfires, Overloads, Wingsabers, or compatible Leos, I'd not be surprised if it was an unusual stand-alone.

What WAS the Grandus/Star Convoy/Sky Garry combo? "Great Big Convoy"...?

Meanwhile on our next episode of Grandus and Convoy: "Oh...there's Garry!"

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Ah, the old days of Ctenosaur Video. The progenitors of such fansubbing flubs as "Angromoa" (Angolmois), "Combat Drone" (Combatron), "MazinZarak" (Majin Zarak), and leaving "Manzai combi" untranslated.
I would have to check, but I'm... not sure that's what I had, because I don't recognize "Angromoa" at all.

Then again, was Angolmois even mentioned in the first three episodes?

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